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(adj.) Like or suggesting a statue, as in massive or majestic dignity, grace, or beauty. @aPorslinshy @Mauverk @Mnemonicy

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👀 Shèaron G. Cakra³ @Jennierth (@Jennierth) read the message

The Precious Statue.jpg
Kim Jennie.jpg
ㅤ𝕾he stood like a statue. Perfect skin layered on a perfect body makes men turn their heads to look at her. She was stone. Spent hours, doing make-up, styling hair and picking clothes.

ㅤ𝕾he stood like a statue. Drop dead gorgeous. Men wanted her. She was courted by them. Money lavished upon her. She felt she deserved it all. Scorned her fellow women, ridiculed her peers, too good to be in their company.

ㅤ𝕾he stood like a statue. Beautiful as marble. But utterly, totally, completely empty inside.

ㅤ𝕾he walks, she laughs, a lingering eye. She runs, she cries, a marvelous sight. She seems so scared, yet pays no heed. From dusk till dawn, she needs no leave. For once she ran, a futile try; She stays, she bears, the sparkling eyes. For she can't walk, her feet's are chained; Yet she smiles on pouring rains. Every once, she laughs to her hearts content; For that was the rule whenever a person was sent. Even if tried, she feels nothing; For she only sees, and means nothing. Yet she stays to serve her role; Finding happiness for others' soul. I watch her everyday, on my way to work; Seeing her resolve, I question my worth. For she sees and bears, what others couldn't. While I complain for what I shouldn't. Once a girl came, crossing the street; And then approached, me so still. Then asked, ''Does that statue smile or cry?'', "Look my dear, what's in her eye."

𝕿his is the story of a statue. It was found covered in ivy and so old that it could no longer be traced to a creator or considered a form of expression or art. It was taken into a home where the light shone through large windows and the cold winds were kept away. The human was rarely home, but the statue was content to always be there for them. Winter came and the windows were covered and the fire was often out.

𝕯ust collected and the human lay ill in another room. The statue could do nothing but keep standing. A visitor came one day. They looked at the statue for a long time, then asked to buy it: to take it home and exhibit it proudly. The statue was sold and scheduled to be moved. But no one ever came. Furniture moved and was taken away. The statue was put into a corner and left to wonder. Was it beautiful? Was it chipped somewhere? What shapes did it take?

𝕴ts human sat in a chair across the room without looking at the statue. So there it sat: sold but not taken, loving but not loved, unsure of itself, made of stone. It told itself that one day spring would come, or at least a mirror would be placed so that it could see its own true form.
So there it waits, loving, hoping, wondering, standing: just as a statue is meant to be.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ★★★

𝕯ue to @Telegram’s new privacy policy. I declared this channel is only for roleplayer purposes. This channel has nothing to do or be connected with Kim Jennie private life and YG Entertainment.

( 𝐈𝐈 ). 𝐁𝐘𝐒 / 𝐁𝐘𝐈
𝕿his channel is contains Capslock, also Spam, Harshword, and Broken English without using CW or TW. Please contact my assistant to stop being a partner subs for subs if you're a feel uncomfortable.

( 𝐈𝐈𝐈 ). 𝐃𝐒𝐈 / 𝐃𝐍𝐈
𝕯o not interact if you are admin upsubs, fake main account, side account, non character, plagiarize, often delete account, grammar police, rprl area, racist, like to spread hate and other negative things.

𝕯on't copy everything on this channel like profile, my name, etc. I would really appreciate if you don't do that, unless if permission and want to use it as an inspiration, but don’t copy exactly what is here. And, if you see any channel that has something in common with this channel, please contact me. Thank you.


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