Aesthetic Song

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

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🍁 first channel :

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Postlar filtri

Aqilah 🌷 dan repost
Open Swap Promote 💯

🐣:say hi/salam
🐣:send link
🐣:promote back

Open: only friday
Close:12:00 am
Delete:12:00 am (sabtu)


I will check at all channel i promote

Promote at ڤندوسا حينا

h e a ř t h u ř t 🥀💔 dan repost
h e a ř t h u ř t 🥀💔
h e y y l o !!

°° sakit hati kau semua kau nak luah
°° tekan je link , lepas tu tekan join 😊

°° berminat nak jadi admin @sakiitthattii !? do pm @neenwiinn

okay thankyou 😊

24 june 2020

h e a ř t h u ř t 🥀💔 dan repost
pencarian admin channel h e a ř t h u ř t 🥀💔

°° @sakiitthattii

°° umur tak kesah
°° lelaki / perempuan
°° always on telegram

jangan lupa support sekali ‼️❤️

do pm @neenwiinn

h e a ř t h u ř t 🥀💔 dan repost
only friday swap promote ‼️❤️

close - 15:00 p.m.

°° bagi salam
°° terus bagi link
°° promote back
°° say done

simple je kan ⁉️ do
pm @neenwiinn

Deleted Account dan repost
Admin Needed 🥀

– boleh buat 2 quotes sehari .
– matured in writting .
– 13years and above .
– boy and girl accept .

🐣; tak pandai admin lain boleh tolong
ajarkan . admin semua sporting .

berminat ? do pm @ttengku

w a n i e dan repost
hi berminat nak jadi admin for
@sentapsendirii / @diaryhatikuu

— takde peraturan beria just nak yang boleh buat quotes je .

kindly pm if berminat ;
@nrrwaniee ❤️

w a n i e dan repost

🦋 salam / hai
🦋 hantar link
🦋 promote back ( i will check )
🦋 thank you / done

start ; 9 am
close ; 10 pm
delete link ; 1 am

Pm @nrrwaniee ❤️

w a n i e dan repost
•hey welcome to Story of Life !😻✨
•it's all about life ❤️

owner : @nrrwaniee
since : 11 / 8 / 2020

•thankyouu for joining this channel 🥺💗

w a n i e dan repost
— semua tentang kita aku luahkannya disini .

` disebalik senyuman pasti ada kesedihan

since : 30 / 08 / 2020

anything pm : @nrrwaniee

nana dan repost
Nak bergaya ? Nak cantik / handsome ? Meh singgah channel shop ni‼️😍 macam macam ada , siap boleh request lagi korang nak apa 🥰. Meh singgah dulu kalau korang tak percaya ☺️.

Trusted seller☑️
Harga berpatutan☑️
Kualiti terbaik☑️
Lelaki / perempuan boleh join☑️

nana dan repost
- friday only -

➪salam / hi
➪terus send link
➪promote back
➪done / thankyou❤️

pm ; @ftenfrznaa

open • 06:00 am
close • 03:00 pm
delete link • 09:00 pm

Noma’lum dan repost
🎀 road to 100 subs 🥰 dekat ch ni banyak barang yang Rm10 ke bawah tau 😍 kalau nak subs laa . btw ch ni ada open dropship 🥰 kalau nak pm @evamelie


Deleted Account dan repost
Admin Needed 🥀

– boleh buat 2 quotes sehari .
– matured in writting .
– 13years and above .
– boy and girl accept .

🐣; tak pandai admin lain boleh tolong
ajarkan . admin semua sporting .

berminat ? do pm @ttengku

𝖍 𝖆 𝖙 𝖎 𝖗 𝖆 𝖇 𝖆 𝖐 dan repost
meh lah follow .

𝖍 𝖆 𝖙 𝖎 𝖗 𝖆 𝖇 𝖆 𝖐 dan repost
hy creator ! ada yang nak join asp by @hrhatirabak tak ?

¤ 200+ subs
¤ quotes channel ONLY
¤ pm ; @forasp_bot

more information ; @aspbyhrhatirabak
powered by ; @hrhatirabak

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


Kanal statistikasi