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European Australian Movement dan repost
NSW EAM members hiked 13 kilometres in the heat, conquering steep elevations and finishing with a swim in a natural waterhole.
Join your local active club.
Tribe and Train.

Southern Sons Active Club dan repost
You wanna know what makes the Jews afraid? A fit White father with 10 kids who attends his local active club. A White mother carrying the next generation in her belly. A White youth rejecting modern poison and working to better himself so he too can one day carry the torch of his ancestors.

Not some loner that ends his bloodline for his own fucking ego.

European Australian Movement dan repost
Todd Sampson and Channel 10 have caved to jewish supremacy lobbies and twitter antifa accounts and have refused to air the interview they conducted with me for tonight's airing of Mirror Mirror - Love and Hate.

This is all the footage that we were able to record over 4 hours of interviews. It seems that even in that 4 hours they were not able to manipulate even a couple sound bites in order to push their anti-White agenda and demonise our rational Worldview.

Enjoy the 25 or so minutes of Mirror Mirror - Love and Hate, that you were not allowed to see. Please share with friends and family.

National Socialist Network dan repost
Activists from the National Socialist Network recently achieved a great victory in shutting down a government backed and funded Drag Queen Child Grooming Event, in Moonee Ponds Victoria, successfully preventing White children from being exposed to degenerate sexual behaviour.

The satanic grooming event - which was marketed directly to children via social media by hideous communist "youth workers" and local government councillors, featured "Drag Performances" by a confirmed jewish tranny, aptly named "Belial B'zarr", which directly translates to "Demon Flesh" or "Devil Flesh" in Hebrew. Literally a devil in flesh form.

As pointed out by Thomas Sewell, we are in a spiritual battle and God makes our enemies very clear to us.

State Security already had a heavy presence of Victoria Police Political Terror and Anal Sex Enforcers on site, who were quick to attempt to disrupt the activists from interrupting the child grooming event, and rushed to protect the jewish demon tranny, who was promptly rushed off stage, with the "performance" cancelled due to the activist's presence.

These activists are the tip of the spear that represent a growing movement amongst White Australians that vehemently oppose the attempts at sexualisation and grooming of children by the satanic jewish government.

National Socialist Network is proud to present the following footage of our victory against evil.

National Socialist Network dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
National Socialist Network's disruption and successful shutdown of Australian government imposed child grooming "Drag Queen" event aimed at children, held in Moonee Ponds, Victoria on Friday September 30th 2022.

Anti White traitors occupy all levels and facets of governments. Local councils are rife with these traitor parasites who are well versed in university taught Marxist theory, which calls for the complete destruction of the Nation's heritage, traditions and culture.
They will never stop pushing, their battle is one of inches, and this is just another of their attempts to destroy more of your heritage and your nation.
We say there is no political solution because these institutions are completely overrun and corrupted with jews, anti-Whites, and traitors. No success can be had in trying to change or infiltrate these institutions.
Our solution is instead metapolitical and is found in the building of our own institutions of power. White Power.

National Socialist Network dan repost
As the jewish system continues to subject unsuspecting sports fans to anti-White indigenous "smoking ceremonies" and homosexual agendas, they can hardly be surprised when they are met with White men Roman Saluting at their nonsensical propaganda.

People at the game had no problem with these antics from the crowd, there was no street level opposition. The condemnation; like the ceremonies themselves, was completely artificial. Just more babble from the teleprompter and calls for NSW’s state terror apparatus to be loosed on unsuspecting fans.

Then in a public admission of how fearful the ZOG system really is, they are calling for the ban of all "Nazi Gestures", in addition to their recent New South Wales Swastika ban.

Dominic Perrottet, whom retarded conservatives tout to be "the most conservative Premier since WW2" is leading the charge in calling for White Australians to be banned from raising their arms. Banning ancient Aryan symbols isn't enough for these greedy jews, they want you unable to raise your arm as well. This is what we mean when we say there is no political solution. Both sides of jewish politics want White Australians replaced, and completely unable to object in any capacity to our racial replacement.

National Socialist Network stands with every proud White Aryan man that recognises and rejects anti-White doctrine.

With all respect to the Roman Salute throwing baller, the final solution to being force-fed globohomo, communist propaganda is to turn off the TV and stop attending sportsball games.

Instead get active. Defend your race, stand tall, ignore jews and their traitor puppets.

Keep hailing the sun!

European Australian Movement dan repost

White Australians just shut down the first ever Drag Queen child grooming event in Aus.

Content to come.

European Australian Movement dan repost
New South Wales EAM members continue routine training and meetings despite dealing with Sydney traffic, people having to go watch the sports ball, and attending grandma's ingrown-toenail-removal-surgery-recovery-luncheon.

Reminder not to forget cardio 😈

Crow Eater dan repost
Still Active Still Earchin

Adelaide for the white man!

The only race with the ability, drive and means to care for animals and nature is the White race.

European Australian Movement dan repost
Rain or shine the Queensland boys continue to conquer mountains. After the climb, the lads participated in a training session at the beach.
Tribe and Train.

We've been training hard in Sydney 💪🏻

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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