Amalek International V5.0

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Truth Jagannath

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The Great Jewish Mask: Part 6 – Who Was The Mysterious Author? (History Reviewed)

“I did some real digging into this amazing little book. Who really wrote this book? I disagree with Metapedia and give the reasons why the author can’t be Arnold Leese.

What, if anything can we verify regarding the complex statements in this book?
I discovered another possible proof that this author was right. It concerns the Jewish claim of Solomon’s Stables.

I also revisit my previous discoveries regarding King Solomon’s Temple and The Letter of Aristeas.

What of the strange words used like: shofer, contumely, claque and mummers?

I discuss my Boer Pagan pal’s discovery of “shofar” instead of “shofer”. This makes much more sense with regard to the text.

I track the book back to a defunct publication: The American Gentile.

But that’s not the end… After I did this video I did more digging and was astounded by what I found. So there’s much more to come!!

As my Boer Pagan pal says: “The Great Jewish Mask”, the gift that keeps on giving!!”

THE GREAT JEWISH MASQUE (PDF) | Anonymous (1936)

THE GREAT JEWISH MASQUE | Video/Audiobook Read By Jan Lamprecht (History Reviewed)

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THE GREAT JEWISH MASQUE | Video/Audiobook Read By Jan Lamprecht (History Reviewed)

"The Great Jewish Mask is about a fascinating book published in 1936 which predicted the rise of the Jews and that they would get Israel. The writer had a very deep knowledge of the archaeological history of the Jews and he explained how and when they began their campaign of propaganda and lying throughout history. He calls this “The Mask” and he says that the Jews “assumed the Mask” in 400 BC.

The story is tells is utterly riveting and fascinating and he gives you the scientific clues to this. In the latter parts of the series (yet to be done), I’ll show you that he was right and that science has since proven him to be completely correct.

Christians won’t like this series because it bites into Christian views on the origins of the Bible. So this series is more suitable for non-Christians. But Christians may find this a very valuable tool to pass on to NON-CHRISTIANS because it WILL have a BIG APPEAL to them.”

THE GREAT JEWISH MASQUE (PDF) | Anonymous (1936)

The Great Jewish Mask: Part 6 – Who Was The Mysterious Author? (History Reviewed)

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The Great Jewish Masque (Anon - 1953).pdf
THE GREAT JEWISH MASQUE | Anonymous (1936)

Description from History Reviewed:

"The Great Jewish Mask is about a fascinating book published in 1936 which predicted the rise of the Jews and that they would get Israel. The writer had a very deep knowledge of the archaeological history of the Jews and he explained how and when they began their campaign of propaganda and lying throughout history. He calls this “The Mask” and he says that the Jews “assumed the Mask” in 400 BC.

The story is tells is utterly riveting and fascinating and he gives you the scientific clues to this. In the latter parts of the series (yet to be done), I’ll show you that he was right and that science has since proven him to be completely correct.

Christians won’t like this series because it bites into Christian views on the origins of the Bible. So this series is more suitable for non-Christians. But Christians may find this a very valuable tool to pass on to NON-CHRISTIANS because it WILL have a BIG APPEAL to them.”

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Who on earth could it be? 🤔

Amalek International V4 and Amalek Chat both shoahed by Telegram 2023-05-31 🪦

…And REBORN 😎 Which part of “Truth Jagannath” do they not understand?

It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.

- Adolf Hitler 1945

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YOU CAN’T STOP PROGRESS 300 (@iHypocrite:d' rel='nofollow'>I,Hypocrite)

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Understanding The African Mind (Prof. Eugene Valberg | AmRen 2008)

Prof. Eugene Valberg’s lecture at the 2008 American Renaissance Conference on African languages and the African mind

In this lecture, Dr. Valberg describes his experiences with African people in relation to their native languages over his many years living in Africa. He believes that Africans have no psychological inclination for broadened concepts of precision, time or abstraction, nor any self consciousness or ability to understand and undertake obligation

A Myth Of The 20th Century: Racism

The American [Race] Dilemma in World Perspective (Prof. Philippe Rushton)

The Most 'Racist' Video You Will Ever See (American Renaissance)

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Straight As A Flute (Human Remains S1E4 - 2000)

More Than Happy (Human Remains S1E6 - 2000)

Slither In (Human Remains S1E2 - 2000)

All Over My Glasses (Human Remains S1E3 - 2000)

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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"Four Horsemen is a 2012 British documentary film directed by Ross Ashcroft. The film criticises the system of fractional reserve banking, debt-based economy and political lobbying by banks, which it regards as a serious threat to Western civilisation. It criticises the War on Terror, which it maintains is not fought to eliminate al-Qaeda and other militant organizations, but to create larger debt to the banks. As an alternative, the film promotes a return to classical economics and the gold standard. Among those interviewed are Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist at the World Bank; Noam Chomsky, linguistics professor; John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man; ecological economist and steady-state theorist Herman Daly, formerly at the World Bank; and Max Keiser, TV host and former trader.”

The Collapse Of Complex Societies (Dr. Joseph Tainter)

Accelerated Crash Course (Chris Martenson)

The Hidden Secrets Of Money (Mike Maloney |

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The Collapse Of Complex Societies (Dr. Joseph Tainter)

Dr. Tainter's presentation at the 2010 International Conference on Sustainability: Energy, Economy, and Environment organized by Local Future

“The collapse of complex societies of the past can inform the present on the risks of collapse. Dr. Joseph Tainter, author of the book The Collapse of Complex societies, and featured in Leonardo Dicaprio's film The Eleventh Hour, details the factors that led to the collapse of past civilizations including the Roman Empire”

Quest For The Lost Civilization (Graham Hancock)

Conspiracy? Our Subverted History (Asha Logos)

A Future For Our People (Hendrik Palmgren)

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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THE NEW MODEL: COMMUNITARIANISM (@BookofOurs' rel='nofollow'>Book Of Ours)

(((Who))) Created Communitarianism?

The Ultimate World Order (The Jewish Utopia)

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(((Who))) Created Communitarianism? (@ptlmedianowii8141' rel='nofollow'>PTL Media Now)

The Ultimate World Order (The Jewish Utopia)

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A Rabbi Explains Why Jews Suck Blood From Baby Penises

Throw The Jew Down The Well

American Circumcision

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This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring. Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised

Genesis 17 : 10-13

The Jews’ greatest golem — the United Slaves States — has a far higher circumcision rate than anywhere else in the European diaspora. Since the Jews were emancipated they have done what they always do; work to benefit themselves at the Goyim's expense

During the 20th century they pushed to normalise circumcision and the US rate went from 30% in 1900 to 80% today. The reason they did this is for the purposes of Jewish Crypsis (hiding from the goyim)

The reason they have practiced circumcision for millennia is Trauma Bonding:

1. Cut (and suck) the little Shlomo’s penis

2. Tell him everyone hates him for absolutely no reason, but also that he is ‘Chosen by God’

3. Reinforce with fantastical Holocaust victim horror stories

This is the way to keep the Psychopathic Narcissism at Arab baby murder & "destroy the Goyim who don't submit" levels

Circumcision causes permanent behavioural changes in children and hence adults. Rates of cortisol spike and remain elevated. The places with the highest circumcision rates are also generally the most chaotic and violent

Banning circumcision is an effective way to get the parasite to leave voluntarily. Look how they kvetch about bans in Germany, in Iceland, and Sweden:

This means, if the proposal becomes reality, that it will be completely impossible to live as a Jew or a Muslim in Sweden” - (((Aron Verständig)))

Oy Vey, Oy Gevalt - so away to Israel with Jew👋

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(((WEF))) Protégé (((Linda Yaccarino))) and the (((ADL))) will now define what is Free Speech for the Goyim

ChatGPT thinks Elon Musk is Jewish

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Uploaded to BitChute at 18:40 UTC on May 11th, 2023

@HeebWatch 🔎

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