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Prosecutors said in a statement that since the cause couldn’t be pinpointed, they had no lead to follow in terms of who might be responsible.

Who is responsible? CEO, people behind governments who approved such shit and other! What happened? NOTHING!

It's time to implement theriocide!

They said there had never been any suspicion of a deliberate act. The aquarium first opened in 2003. There are no plans to rebuild it.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
What happened until now? Nothing!

They can still kill, they can still redo the same and all people still give a shit to such story, because it's not about children in Gaza or humans! When 2 injuries are more important than 1500-3000 animals ... Just A SHAME!

One thing is sure.

This story for us WILL NOT END HERE and soon we will launch a project about that.

CEO should get sentenced and do dimission. People in the government who approved that should get sentenced and do dimission ... Governments should start to ban all zoos worldwide!

What happened instead? Exactly like with Norway. Jens Stoltenberg got not sentence after Utøya massacre. Police? Just a sorry months later ... This is not acceptable at all!

Police, Jens and co. are criminals exactly like Breivik ...

Statsministeren beklager at Behring Breivik ikke ble pågrepet tidligere

The Prime Minister regrets that Behring Breivik was not arrested earlier

Det er viktig for oss å lære og forbedre rutiner. Målet er ikke å fordele skyld eller peke ut syndebukker. Vi skal være rustet til å håndtere kriser på best mulig måte, og dette arbeidet er allerede i gang, sa Stoltenberg.

It is important for us to learn and improve routines. The aim is not to apportion blame or point out scapegoats. We must be equipped to handle crises in the best possible way, and this work is already underway, said Stoltenberg.

Yes, sure like Germany learned NOTHING FROM BREIVIK!

Well, let we do a rape, at the end i need to learn to "not do a rape" ... WTF!

Breivik by doing a massacre and killing at least 78 people

Police, Jens and all people behind the government for IGNORING TERRORISM AND WARNING SIGNALS!, providing bad rescue, etc.

It's time to sentence all criminals properly! starting from CEOs, people working for government, politicians, etc.

Jeffrey Dahmer .... seems nothing better too ...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

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