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PLEASE READ OUR COMMUNITY RULES they are simple and it covers both text and voice chats:

1. Be good to others
2. Don’t do anything illegal

We ask members for the following:

a. Have a profile image (Avatar)
b. Have an @username
c. No spamming
d. No advertising
e. No referral links
f. Don't ask users to private message you
g. No URL's or phone numbers in names
h. No loans or lending platforms
i. No HYIP or MLM's links of any kind
j. No Pump group links, of any kind
k. We will ban passive spammers, passive spammers are those who forward posts from pump groups.
l. Links must be on topic to the group
m. No buying/selling bitcoin or altcoins OTC
n. No impersonation of any members, admins or groups.
o. Please be respectful to other members



❗️Be good to others!
You have every right to be critical & cautious of anyone in crypto (and you should be) but don’t be an asshole, this includes being racist regardless of skin color, black, white, purple. If skin color matters to you then you’re probably racist.

❗️Don’t do anything illegal
❗️5 types of illegal activities
1. Pump & Dump groups
2. Giving investment advice
3. Scamming
4. Selling
5. Insider groups

❗️Pump & Dump groups are illegal, they’re not only illegal they hurt newcomers, the SEC offers huge rewards for capturing people who run Pump & Dump groups. If we catch you, we will turn your details over to the SEC. Do not scam our communities or we will come after you.

❗️Giving investment advice. In the legal & financial world, words matter, DO NOT GIVE FINANCIAL ADVICE. You can talk about what you have invested in or sold, the second you tell someone what TO do OR claim what WILL happen, you become liable.
"I think price may hit [insert figure] today"
✅ is OK

"Price will definitely hit [insert figure] today"
❌ is Liable

❗️Scamming. Unfortunately scammers are abundant, we make considerable efforts to educate our community of the dangers including:

We even offer community run anti-spam bots for free to help other communities combat scammers in @SetupGuide. We ban over 1 million spam & scam messages and over 200,000 malicious members each year. We ask the community to take time to read the information we have provided for their benefit.

❗️Selling: Commonly referred to as OTC (Over the counter) is illegal in many countries without appropriate licensing, as we are a global community its impossible for us to determine who is and who isn’t breaking the law so we have adopted a blanket approach making it a bannable offence offering OTC within the communities. One of the major reasons we have taken this approach is the susceptibility for new users to get scammed by malicious parties. For those who arent breaking the law we recommend for transactions.

❗️Insider Groups. For new comers the thought of having “Insider information” is attractive, for old members many have seen traders lose their life savings off rumored “Insider information". A common scam we have seen over years is “Paid Insider Groups”. We remind members trading off “Insider Information” is illegal and there are serious penalties for those caught. We do not offer or associate to any “Insider Groups” or "Insider Information" any member or groups caught breaking our rules will be banned from our communities.

❗️If you see a member breaking our community rules please alert us in @Resolutions & supply proof (A screen shot is not enough evidence as it can be forged) and we will attend to the offense as soon as possible, please take into consideration our administrators donate their time looking after these communities.

❗️Lack of instant action does not constitute complicity or acceptance of the offence, we are clear about our community rules and publicly display evidence with examples of us enforcing those who break our rules.

Disclaimer: nothing said by the adminstrators should be contrued as financial advise, do your own research.

2 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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