Hello There!

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

@KimUmmji && @Checiil for your contact person.♡

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Cowo, kiw.

mksd??? mang gt ya gua mah cwo slalu slh lis 😏

Soon ASAP. Checil nya masih sibuk, gausah temenin. 😏

hy sender klw kmu mwu share daget ke pc @kangmhina let's? 😍

Jangan request yang terlalu 'out of topic' dari yang sudah aku sebutkan diatas, ya? Kalau semisal request kalian kepanjangan, bisa hubungi contact yang ada di description channel ya! 😁

Also untuk tutorial editan Checil, belum bisa aku jamin ya. Karena bagaimana pun juga itu kan Business nya Checil, Right? but maybe Checil will make the tutorials after she have done with her work. (◍•ᴗ•◍)

📝 Because we are still confused about the tutorial and the shapes, you can drop them on the board with the detail! we'll do what we can. Thanks in advance, have a great day!

👤 shape ribbon and wings please? 🥺 color palette too!

👤 tutor yang kyk di channel nya kak checil aja kak 😍

👤 how to make psd?

👤 animated border? :b

👤 layout gemes wdyt kak? 😍

👤 Animated ava kak! sama shape yang lucu pokoknya! 🥺❤️

👤 shape wings banyakin plis? inspo juga! 🥺

👤 sesuai effort kalian aja, jgn terlalu wah tapi nanti dijual nya kemurahan, kasian kalian. btw semangat Alice my bby😁

👤 Shape buat diaryy? Sekalian biasanya nyari insp dimana yaa?

👤 mksutnya share tutor u daget mulu

👥 10 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Haai, mau nanya juga dong. Kalian lebih sering ngedit animated dimana nih?
  •   Alight Motion!
  •   Cute Cut!
48 ta ovoz

❦︎ Bidding my warmest greetings for everyone whose read this text.♡ Hello Everyone! I am Alice and also my partner, Checil! here we'll make a tutorial to make certains edits, especially gifs and themed icons. Not only tutorials at all but, we'll also share shapes that can help you to edit!

We'll be operating as soon as possible. You can contact @KimUmmji cause Checil is still busy for a while. If you want to ask or anything, it's will be free to contact Alice. ♡

as soon as possible. ♡

12 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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