
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Disintar - TON metaverse

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Telegram'da ko‘rish

⭐️Disintar Indexer продолжает творить свою блокчейн-магию⭐️

На этот новый год мы подготовили для вас персональные открытки для подведения итогов🎄

Через наш @disintar_bot теперь можно узнать о своих результататах и (не завидуя!) сравнить их со средним результатом по сообществу🔒

Статистика учитывает все продажи и покупки, не только Дисинтаровские!

Чтобы узнать себя чуть лучше, нужно привязать свой тг к профилю на Disintar и отправить в бот команду /new_year

а если привязывать не хочется, то можно ввести /new_year (так и за соседом можно подсмотреть)

Делитесь своей статистикой в коментах, будем ждать!
Чудесного наступающего нового года❤️
Ваша команда Disintar🛍

528 13 10 31 33

The potential of projects on the TON network is personally impressive to us. But to make cool projects, the programmers (including us) need the "CLI" thing.

The CLI (Commandline interface) is the interface that everyone will be comfortable developing projects on. Without it, we (and no self-respecting project:)) won't be able to move forward.

That's why we've been focusing on developing the first version of the CLI and will be ready to post it tomorrow for a discussion on GitHub.

TON's scalability

We expect an unreal number of new features from the crypto world, some of which we don't even know about yet. But we believe that blockchain TON will be able to implement them. WHY?

*careful, you're about to read the words "blockchain," "multichain," "workchain," "homo and heterogeneous "*

TON is a multichain, that is, a system that allows blockchains with different functions to interconnect (such blockchains within a multichain are called a workchains)

Potentially, this makes it possible to add a virtually limitless set of functions to the system, which will only appear in the crypto-world after a while.

There are multichains with similar blockchains (these are homogeneous multichains), and there are multichains with fundamentally different workchains (heterogeneous multichains).

As far as we know, the TON multichain is the only example of a mixed system, that is, it will be capable of combining any blockchain into one system and setting up a "tight link" between them. Ideally, it will be able to deliver messages from one blockchain to another almost instantaneously. That is, completely different projects and functions will be able to converge in one system.

What are we doing?
The NFT Marketplace on the TON network. It has a technical advantage (it's on the TON network) and an external advantage (everything you buy goes into your NFT-room - its prototype can be seen at our website.

What's the advantage of doing a marketplace on TON?
The Open Network - one of the blockchains (like Bitcoin or Ethereum), only more modern and sophisticated. The essence of a blockchain is to provide data transmission over a chain of blocks. Blockchains compete in security, scalability, and decentralization (separation of powers).

For starters, the easiest (haha) way to explain the coolness of TON is to speak about its scalability.

We wanted to keep this channel in Russian, but yesterday a cool Colombian guy interested in the project wrote to us, and we realized that we were originally oriented to the international community for a reason. We decided to keep the channel in English and duplicate the Russian translation of the posts in the first comment of each post.

Welcome to Disintar.io!

Disintar.io - the marketplace and home for your NFTs. We provide an opportunity to publish your work on TON without technical knowledge. The main feature is a wallet for NFTs in a form of a room where you can interact with and show your NFTs.

We believe in TON technologies and strive to participate in the development of The Open Network, created by the Durov brothers, through the creation of a real metaverse on it.

Be the first to know about the project and limited campaigns. Subscribe to our Telegram channel and stay tuned for website updates on disintar.io

All NFT content will be stored within the contract whenever possible. After TON storage implementation all heavy content will be stored inside it.

10 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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