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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

This channel is created for English learners who are eager to improve their English writing skills, reading as well as listening.
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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Listening task


4. Activities and Itinerary:
- Describe some of the activities and experiences you have planned for the trip.
- Mention any sightseeing tours, cultural experiences, or outdoor adventures you'd like to do together.
- Invite your friend to share their ideas and preferences for the itinerary.

5. Closing:
- Express your enthusiasm about the trip and how much fun it would be to explore the destination together.
- Reiterate your invitation and let them know you're looking forward to their response.
- End the letter with a warm closing and sign off with your name.


Multilevel writing test imtihonida tushgan letter topshiriq!

You have decided to go on a holiday to a foreign country for 2 weeks, and you want one of your friends to go with you.

Write a letter to your friend asking him to accompany you. In your letter,

– explain where and when you want to go

– give details of the travel, dates and costs involved

– describe some of the things you want to do

How to write the letter?

1. Bu informal letter!
2. Introduction; Destination and dates; travel details; activities + travel itinerary; closing da nima yozasiz yaxshilab o'qib fikrlang.

Shunda ham tushunmagan bo'lsangiz, go'dakni ovqanlantirib, to'sib yoki pampers taqib avaylashadiku, shunday darajaga tushib qolibsizlarda!


CEFR band 7 level olish uchun lug'atni yod oling, grammatika haqida ham "hint" beryapman, amal qiling.:

- Adventure of a lifetime - esda qolarli sarguzasht
- Captivating destination - jalb qiluvchi manzil
- Exotic locale - ekzotik joy
- Enthralling experiences - ajoyib kechinma
- Immersive cultural exploration - mahalliy muhitga yaqin qiladigan o'rganish
- Embark on a journey - safarga chiqmoq
- Unforgettable memories - unutilmas xotiralar
- Breathtaking landscapes - ajoyib manzara
- Rich cultural heritage - boy madaniy meros
- Sample delicious local cuisine - mahalliy lazzatli taomlar namunasi
- Explore ancient landmarks - tarixiy qadamjoylarni ko'rish
- Optimal time frame - maqbul vaqt
- Budget-friendly options - cho'ntakbop va do'stona imkoniyat
- Sufficient flexibility - qulaylik
- Tailored itinerary - rejalashtirilgan safar

- Catch up with someone - anchadan beri ko'rmagan do'st bilan vaqt o'tkazmoq
- Soak in the beauty - ajoyib gozallik, manzara, muhitga g'arq bo'lmoq
- Create unforgettable memories - unutilmas xotiralarni muhrlamoq
- Brainstorm exciting activities - zavqli faolita bilan shug'ullanishni yangi usuli haqida o'ylamoq
- Secure reasonably priced flights - hamyonbob sayohat qilish variantiga ega bo'lmoq
- Estimate the total cost - umumiy hisobni chamalamoq, baholamoq
- Figure out a financial plan - moliyaviy reja tuzmoq
- Embark on a journey - sayohatga chiqmoq
- Make memories that last a lifetime - esda qoladigan xotira qilmoq
- Await a response eagerly - javobni sabrsizlik bilan kutmoq
- Personalized travel experience - shaxsiy istak uchun tashkil qilingan sayohat

Grammar structures:
- Present perfect tense: "I've been planning", "I've heard so many wonderful things", "I've tentatively planned"
- Conditional sentences: "I would be delighted if you would join me", "If you're able to join me"
- Complex sentences: "From exploring ancient landmarks to sampling delicious local cuisine, there's no shortage of adventures awaiting us in [Destination]."
- Modal verbs for politeness: "I would be absolutely delighted if you would join me."
- Future tense for plans: "I've tentatively planned for us to depart on [Departure Date] and return on [Return Date]."
- Comparative structures: "There's no shortage of adventures awaiting us", "Sufficient flexibility to accommodate any changes"

1. Introduction:
- Start with a friendly greeting to your friend.
- Mention that you have an exciting plan in mind and that you'd love for them to be a part of it.

2. Destination and Dates:
- Explain where you want to go for the holiday and when.
- Provide specific dates for the trip, including the departure and return dates.
- Briefly describe the destination and why you chose it.

3. Travel Details and Costs:
- Outline the travel arrangements, including transportation (flight details if applicable) and accommodation.
- Mention any estimated costs involved, such as flight tickets, accommodation expenses, and daily budget for activities and meals.
- Offer to share the expenses or discuss how you'll handle the costs together.

Listening audios

Javoblarini COMMENT bo'limida yozing.

Listening 1

Questions 8-13
For each question, choose the correct answer.

8 You will hear a boy telling his friend about a snowboarding trip.
What problem did the boy have on the trip?
A He damaged some equipment.
B He injured himself.
C He became ill.
9 You will hear two friends talking about the new library at their school.
The girl thinks that
A the staff are helpful.
B there should be more books.
C it’s a good place to do homework.
10 You will hear two friends talking about a new clothes shop.
They agree the shop would be better if
A the assistants were more friendly.
B there was more choice of clothes.
C it was in the town centre.
11 You will hear two friends talking about a new classmate.
The boy thinks the new classmate.
A is very clever.
B likes playing sport.
C talks too much.
12 You will hear a girl talking about her big brother going away to college.
How does she feel about it?
A pleased there’s less noise
B surprised than she’s so sad
C upset he’s gone so far away
13 You will hear two friends talking about playing tennis.
The boy wants the girl to
A practise with him regularly.
B recommend a tennis coach.
C teach him some new techniques.

Listening 2

Questions 20-25

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear an interview with a young woman called Lin, who makes online videos about environmental issues.

20 How did Lin learn how to start putting videos online?
A She did a short course.
B She used information online.
C She asked someone she knew.
21 Why did Lin choose to focus on the environment?
A A teacher recommended this topic.
B There were so few online videos about it.
C She’s been interested in it for a long time.
22 How did Lin feel when her online videos first became successful?
A surprised it happened so quickly
B anxious about being seen by so many people
C certain that she would get even more followers
23 Lin says that to become successful, people should put videos online
A every day.
B once a week.
C once a month.
24 Lin’s latest video is about
A climate change.
B public transport.
C recycling.
25 Why does Lin think it’s important for her to try new things?
A to stop herself becoming bored
B to learn more about the subject
C to create discussion about the topic

Good luck! I would be glad if you share the link of the channel with your friends. Spread light. 👀


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🐰Yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah, hurry.
🐰Thank you! 2-9-T-H-D-0-3...
😼It's registered to... Tundratown Limo Service! A limo took Otterton! And the limo's in Tundratown! It's in Tundratown!
😼Way to hustle, bud. I love ya! I owe ya!
🐰Hurry! We gotta beat the rush hour and... lt's night? Closed! Great.
😼And I will betcha you don't have a warrant to get in, hmm? Darn it. It's a bummer.
🐰You wasted the day on purpose!
😼Madam, I have a fake badge. I would never impede your pretend investigation.
🐰It's not a "pretend investigation". Look, see? See him? This otter is missing.
😼Well, then they should've gotten a real cop to find him.
🐰What is your problem? Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad, miserable life?
😼It does, 100%. Now, since you're sans warrant, I guess we're... done?
🐰Fine. We are done. Here's your pen.
😼Hey! First off, you throw like a bunny. Second, you're a very sore loser. See you later, Officer Fluff! So sad this is over.


Letter Gap filling task answers:


1. apologize
2. sorry
3. missed
4. I had a sudden work commitment
5. I should have
6. actions
7. arrange
8. oversight
9. sincerely


Barchangizga omad

Letter task.

Read the instruction before doing the task.

Good luck!!


P.S. Javoblarini soat 22:00 gacha tashlashni unutmang. Kechga qolgan javoblar ko'chirilgan deb baholanadi va hisobga olinmaydi.

Reading answers

Solar eclipse

1 eclipse
2 solar
4 moon
5 celestial
6 corona


Write your ideas in the comments below.


Rebel Moon review

Rebel Moon: Part 1 is an engaging science fiction film that follows the journey of humanity against the backdrop of a distant moon. Set in a futuristic world, the movie explores themes of rebellion, courage, and the resilience of the human spirit.

The plot centers around a group of rebels fighting against a tyrannical regime that seeks to control their moon. Led by a charismatic leader, the rebels embark on a daring mission to overthrow their oppressors and reclaim their freedom. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, testing their resolve and determination.

One of the film's strengths is its dynamic characters. Each member of the rebel group brings a unique perspective and skillset to the table, making for an eclectic and engaging cast. From the fearless leader to the tech-savvy hacker, every character adds depth and complexity to the story.

The action sequences in Rebel Moon: Part 1 are well-executed and adrenaline-pumping. From intense firefights to thrilling space battles, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The special effects are also top-notch, immersing audiences in the futuristic world of the moon rebels.

However, despite its strengths, Rebel Moon: Part 1 does have some drawbacks. The pacing can be uneven at times, with certain scenes feeling rushed while others drag on. Additionally, the plot may feel somewhat predictable to seasoned science fiction fans, lacking some originality in its storytelling.

Overall, Rebel Moon: Part 1 is a solid science fiction film that delivers on action and entertainment. While it may not break new ground in terms of its plot, its engaging characters and thrilling set pieces make it a worthwhile watch for fans of the genre.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
A film in English


Movie recommendation

"Rebel moon"



Reading task
Part 1



20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.