English Stories

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan

سيتم عرض قصتين في الاسبوع ليتسنى لكم فهم كل قصة وترجمتها في وقت كافي
قناة روايات يمنية📚🇾🇪
ارشيف القناة📗🗂
قناة سلي على قلبك للنكت🤣🤪
قناة قصص باللغة الانجليزية📖✏️

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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قناة سام ميوزك الرسمية على برنامج التلجرام✨🎸🎺🎷




كل هذا ع الرابط التالي👆

✨👇قنوات معتمدة من التلجرام👇✨

إتصفح الاعلان وسوف تجد كل ماتريد👇

k📚روايات وقصص مميزة @storykaligi
kروايات يمنية @rewayatyamania
kارشيف روايات يمنية @archiveRY
kمستندات روايات @storykaligi_1
kبجنان صنعاني @bejnansanani
k صـنـعــانـيـات💄🚫 @san3a
kصنعاء القديمة @oldsana
kاجمل الاغاني @sanaa25
kصنعانيات @sananyat6
kللعآشقين @liveyou1

kالأصدقآء @zjgivguchjjeopp1086
kالبيت الصنعاني @housesanaani
kهمسات @hamasat_el7ob_22
kصوت القلب @cardiacsounds
kالفن اليمني @Naghamyemen
kعاشق الكبرياء @wwwhithem
kسلي على قلبك @nokat23
kطبية @Pharmacist1992
kنكت فقرات مقاطع العاب @nukat11

kخواطر انجليزيه @LikeMohammed
kمعلومة @Ma3lomah_wa_Kossa
kصنعاء فديت روحش @okdsanaa
kهمس القصيد @htt_hms_algsed
kالشهيد صدام @eeekkkhalhgag
kأحاسيس يمانيه @YEMAN100
kيمانيون ونفتخر @DewYemen
kشهقه حزن @QueenAmy_33
kاناقه روح @Elegance_spirit
kقلب طفلة @childhoods2a
kﻋالم المرأﮬ̌ @Life_women
kقسوه سندريلا @Noorcon
kأدمنت حبك @HBRHMH
kكبرياء رجل @samoo52
kل وتيني @sosooa_s14
kكلام ذهب @bsjejejjeb
kمشاعر حزينة @Msaerr
kمجروحه @majroha0
kصديقات @m170242
kمشاعر راقيه @almlkx
kفضفضة الم @xcvb0
kســراب @Syria_a9
kغامضه @raano82
kالشوق @guixelcy
kعشقي @Alkimer
kخواطر @kwaar
kإيفلند @iifle
kروايات @liitbcom
kنكت يمنية @ga195a2
kهلوسهة يمانية @ksbJJzBxA
kمملكة ألتصاميم @NAJIMHEP

kنبض الحروف @msheir_namah
kلبنان @CedarofLebanonNajw
kبوح محبين @Loveforevertop
kحب دون لقاء @dkvkkvkdkrg
kمنوعات عامة @Aseer_love_5
kشموخي @KhrbshatYamane
kمعشوقتي صنعاء @lovly019
kاوراق اسمين @hemsa6667
kدعاء اليوم @Alameri000
kفن يمني @Fan_Yamani
kملكه الحب @mostmA1
kنكت وفقرات @nokat21
kمشاعر حب @sgfjkhgk
kوجع الذكريات @aliy2ai
kخربشات ﭑبيه @abih_5
kبعثره عاشق @TR55Q
kالحبر والقلم @roq222
kلوتيني @L_WatEeNi
kغزل تايم @love77e
kمجانين @aihagah
kلفقيدي @oo_ee1
kتحطم @anazalia
kالجوكر @gokar00
kنقشات @ngosh
kهواجيس راقيه @dshff
kللكبار فقط @bn_obadi3
kوجع قلبي @slmmahm
kيمنيه @Yemeni_Varieties
kكلام في الحب @kalamalhob
kنغم صنعاني @yemen_naqm
kحرب الكلمات @tyrant1ecosan
kمن اعماق قلبي @omkklobww0
kاحساس طفلة @Beautifull_girl

hقصص انجليزية مفيدة @engstory23
hمطيرفة @RoRoAhmedMohmed
hالشهيد الصالح @alshedalsaleh
hحب @Hob_fey_mhab_areeh
hمدلازة صنعانية @sana_a2020
hهمسات مشاعر @hmsat1995
hمكتبه الالكترونيه @maktbaaa
hكبريا الصنعاني @Hfyd0Hfyyd
hحب صنعاني @lovesanania
hدموع حب @DAMmooa01
hهلوسات يمانية @Wiz_gilr
hشوق المشاعر @Ffahad55
hحديث الذات @ellerimde
hسماء اليمن @yemen_30
hلمة صنعانية @Raid2025
hهمسة خجل @Wwoovv
hمشاعر @Hamssssssss
hعالم التقنيات @altgnyat
hلحضات جميلة @afff_a
hمقيل وسمره @m_s_ye
hمجروحه @Shee_Nnn
hكل جميل @httpsgrd
hسامضي @semoo01
hبحه حزن @b7t7zan
hأروين @AROINFOG
hمالا نهايه @mo_oim
hوناسه @amec2018
hنبضات @So_delw5
hانحطام @nabd211
hلانهاية @lanihaia
hانساك @D124H
hقيتاره @getarh
hيمانيه @pglmy
hالامل @gggup
hفقد @saarga
hفتاه @sjkjf
hكئيب @llO00O0
hالأسود @BLACK_5l
hتطبيقات @apk_upd
hبعثره مشاعر @bxjck
hالدنيا عتب @shqama
hوماذا بعد @Eradah_7
hنبض قلب @PHTHLIA
hكبريائي @pride22234
hعطر الحروف @aterhrof
hمشاعر مبعثره @haraz5
hهدار وداويه @K_l_Kh33
hممردغين تايم @taaaiim
hخاطره شعر @katratkatrat
hلأقلامنا حكايا @our_pens
hحالات @alhmmadikhlad
hحب صنعانية @ilove3you
hمشعات صنعانية @sanaill
hالاصلاتي @Soosoo_2020
hخربشات قلم @Scribble20
hفقرات زوجية @xx_yamah
hخواطر اختي @My_sister_H
hاهات عاشق @groans3lover
hأنـ هي ـا @alhut_alieadhra
hمتفائلون @AsoomaMalooka
hعاشق @tiwhbdjjduhkdhhhjrj
hلنبضي حكاية @heearttbeeatt
hنصائح زوجية @yemen_1000
hأسعار الصرف @yemenexchange
hرحآب القرآن @instepsofQuraani


k👇أجمل الأغاني في التلجرام😍
kأجمل الشيلات كل جديد✨👇😻

وقت_نشر 11م #الحذف 8ص
للاشتراك ⇦ @STAR_TWASULBOT

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 158 🦋

Keeping the Doctor Away

Once there were two sisters named Annie and Jenny. One day they were cycling. Suddenly, Annie lost her balance and fell down and started crying. Jenny helped her in getting up and took her home

At home, their mother bandaged her and asked their father to take Annie to a doctor for a tetanus injection.

On hearing the name of injection, Annie immediately went to the kitchen and took out an apple from the refrigerator.

Just then Jenny came into the kitchen and asked Annie whether she was scared of injection. At this Annie replied, "Yes, I am afraid of injection. That's why I am eating this apple. Didn't our teacher say that an apple away keeps the doctor away?"

The end 😍👆🏻

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 157 🦋

The Princess and the Golden Ball

Part 3

Eventually the princess had had enough of the little frog and stood to go to bed. She bid her father goodnight and made to leave, but the frog reminded the princess of her promise to stay with him and be his friend. The king agreed that the princess must take the little frog to bed with her so that he might sleep on her pillow.

‘I will not do it!’ exclaimed the princess. But the king insisted his daughter keep her promise.

Although she did not want to, the princess knew that she must do as her father instructed. She placed her hand on the table and the little frog jumped into her palm. Then she went up to her bedroom.

Once away from the king, the princess was very mean to the little frog. She threw him onto her bed and told him that he was an ugly creature, and that he was very impudent to assume he could sleep on the pillow of a princess.

She got ready for bed and pulled the covers up close around her, ignoring the little frog who was sitting on the edge of her pillow.

‘Why do you hate me so?’ asked the frog. I did as you asked and rescued your golden ball from the bottom of the lake. All I asked in return was for you to keep your promise to be my friend.’

The frog lowered his head and tears escaped from his sad, wide eyes as he began to cry. ‘I have been living by the lake for many years and all I wanted was to have your company. It is not a good life to be all alone with nobody to talk to.’

The princess was very moved by the frog’s tears and her heart began to soften. Although she was a princess, and she had everything a young woman might want, she was an only child with no brothers or sisters to play with. The princess had grown up alone in the palace and she often wished that she was able to share her time with others. Often she would hear the young children playing on the other side of the palace walls and she was envious of their laughter and games.

The princess and the frog talked into the night and soon the princess forgot altogether that he was a frog and thought of him in a kind way. She shared stories her father had told her as a baby, and the frog enjoyed listening very much.

Towards dawn both the frog and the princess were very tired. The princess realised that she was happy to have a friend to talk to, and she regretted being so mean to the little frog. Just as they were both about to fall asleep, the princess leaned forwards and kissed the frog on the lips.

Instantly there was a blinding flash of silver light. The princess closed her eyes in shock. When she opened them a handsome prince stood before her and the little frog had vanished altogether.

‘You have set me free with your kindness, princess,’ said the handsome prince. ‘You kept your promise and you befriended me even though I was just a frog.’

The very next morning the prince asked the king for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The king agreed at once and the young couple were wed in the palace grounds next to the lake, beneath the shadows of the Nakla trees.

👓From that day forwards the princess was a changed person. She knew how important it was to keep a promise, and she treated her people with kindness and respect no matter how rich or how poor they were.👓

The end 😍👆🏻


@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 157 🦋

The Princess and the Golden Ball

Part 2

The golden ball went so high up into the air that it really did begin to look like a sun, and the reflections dazzled the princess who had to close her eyes. The ball landed some way away and began to roll towards the lake in the shadows of the giant Nakla trees.

The princess let out a cry and ran towards the golden ball with her arms outstretched. But she was too late. The ball rolled into the lake and sank beneath the surface out of sight. The princess collapsed onto the ground and began to cry. She cried to hard that her tears fell into the lake making a sound like raindrops. Little ripples stretched across the surface of the lake and still the princess cried and cried.

Then a small voice came out of nowhere. ‘Why are you crying, princess?’ The princess looked all around but she could not see a single person near the lake. Again the small voice asked, ‘why are you crying, my princess?’

When she looked down she saw a small frog sitting on the edge of the lake with wide eyes and little webbed feet.

‘I have lost my golden ball and now I will never get it back.’

‘Where have you lost it, princess?’ said the little frog. ‘I can help you find it if it will stop your tears.’

The princess wiped her tears away. Perhaps this little frog can help me, she thought.

‘It is at the bottom of the lake where I cannot reach.’

The little frog looked at the princess and smiled. ‘I can fetch it for you, princess. I will dive to the bottom of the lake and I will bring back your golden ball for you.’

The princess was delighted by the news and also smiled, but before the frog jumped into the water he wanted the princess to make him a promise.

‘I will promise you anything if you will bring me back my golden ball,’ said the princess.

‘I want you to take me with you back to the palace and be my friend. If you promise to do this then I will dive to the bottom of the lake and find your golden ball.’

The princess agreed right away and so the little frog jumped into the lake and swam all the way to the bottom where he took the golden ball in his mouth. The ball was very heavy and the little frog struggled to get back to the surface. Eventually he appeared on the edge of the lake and dropped the ball onto the grass at the princesses’ feet.

The princess took the ball and held it to her chest and laughed with glee. Then she ran towards the palace, leaving the frog behind.

‘Wait for me,’ cried the little frog. ‘You promised to take me with you!’

But the princess ignored the frog, forgetting all about her promise. All she could think about was how happy she was that she had her golden ball. And she knew it would be dinner time at the palace and she was hungry. The princess only ever thought about herself and the poor frog was left alone on the edge of the lake.

Later that evening the princess and the king were sitting down to dinner in the palace. The princess did not spare a thought for the frog, or for the promise she had made him.

Then there was a knock at the palace door. A moment later the frog hopped into the dining hall and jumped up on to the table next to the princess. The princess was horrified and cried out, ‘go away you disgusting frog!’ But the king silenced his daughter and asked the frog what he was doing inside the palace. The frog told the kind all about the promise the princess had made to him. The king was very angry with his daughter and commanded her to keep her promise to the frog.

‘We must always do as we promise, daughter.’

‘But he is just a frog and I am a princess,’ she said, almost in tears once again.

‘That does not matter. You must do as you said you would do.’

The king made the princess serve the frog a small plate of food which the little frog hungrily gobbled down.

The princess was angry at her father and even angrier at the frog. She thought it wrong that a frog should be inside the palace, eating at her table with the king. But the king paid no attention to his daughter’s foul mood.

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 157 🦋

The Princess and the Golden Ball

Part 1

Once there was a beautiful princess who lived with her father in a huge palace. Although the princess was very beautiful she was also very selfish and conceited. The princess always got her own way and the king was often disappointed with his daughter. He was worried that she would grow into a selfish woman and that she would not be a good example to his people.

One day the princess was playing in the gardens of the palace. She was playing with her favourite possession in the whole world, a golden ball. The princess loved the golden ball because it was so shiny and she could see her reflection upon its surface. She also loved the ball because it was so valuable.

The princess threw the ball high into the air where the sun made it sparkle against the blue sky. Higher and higher she threw the golden ball. So high that she imagined the golden ball was a second sun; a sun belonging to her and her alone.

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 156 🦋

Think Before You Speak

Part 2

The young boy was so surprised to see everything.

He acclaimed at his father, 'Dad, the train is moving and the things are moving backwards.'

His father smiled and nodded his head.

As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed, 'Dad the trees are green in colour and run backward very fast.' His father said, 'Yes dear' and smiled.

Just like a kid, he was watching everything with great enthusiasm and happiness loaded with tons of surprises.

A fruit seller passed selling apples and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, 'I want to eat apples.' His father bought him apples. He said, 'Oh apple looks so sweet than it tastes' I love this colour.'

The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boy's father 'Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving very differently?'

A friend from the group made fun of him and shouted, 'His son is mad I think.'

The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to the friend-group.

'My son was born blind. Only a few days before he was operated and got the vision. He is seeing various things in his life for the first time.'

The young friends became very quiet and apologized to his father and son.

👓Think Before You Speak.👓

The end 😍👆🏻


@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 156 🦋

Think Before You Speak

Part 1

It was a sunny day, but the climate was enjoyable. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train to arrive. Among the crowd, there was a group of friends, youngsters who were on board for vacation.

It was a busy station with juice shop, mobile restaurants, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shop, restaurants, etc. The announcement regarding the arrival of the train was made and everyone prepared to get into the train to their appropriate places.

The group of friends made loud noise to welcome the train as it entered the station. They ran to get their reserved seats before anyone could get into the train.

The empty seats were filled and the train whistled to move. An old man with a young boy aged around 15 years came running to catch the train. They entered the train and the train started to move. They had their seats just adjacent to the friends' group.

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 155 🦋

A Wise Deer and A Cowardly Tiger

Part 2

The tiger heard these words. He was disturbed. He said to himself, “Whose is that strange voice from the cave? A dangerous animal is staying inside to capture me. I shall run away to escape death."

So saying, the tiger began to run away from there as fast as possible.

A jackal saw the running tiger. “Why are you running in great fear?" the jackal asked. The tiger said, “My friend, a powerful and fierce animal has come to stay in my cave. The young ones are crying for a tiger to eat. The mother is promising to capture a tiger for them. So, I am running away in great fear."

The cunning jackal was now sure. The tiger was a coward. It said to the tiger. “Do not be afraid. No animal is fiercer or stronger than a tiger. Let us go together to find out."

But the tiger said, “I do not want to take a chance. You may run away. I will be left alone to die. So, I will not come with you."

The jackal said, “Trust me. Let us know our tails together. Then I will not be able to leave you."

The tiger agreed unwillingly to this proposal. The jackal tied their tails in a knot. Now they walked towards the cave together.

The deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming together. She again raised her voice. She shouted towards her children standing inside the cave, “My dear children, I had requested her friend, the clever jackal, to capture a tiger for us. Now look the jackal has captured a tiger for us. He has tied the tiger’s tail to his tail. This is to prevent the tiger from escaping. You will soon have the tiger for our dinner."

The tiger heard this. He was shocked. He was sure now. The jackal cheated him. So, the tiger decided to escape from the terrible animal standing inside his cave. He started running. He forgot about the jackal. He dragged the jackal over rocks and thorns. In the mad escape the jackal was caught between two rocks. The tiger pulled with all his might. His tail got cut. The jackal was killed in this incident. The tail-less tiger ran away to another part of the forest.

The deer and her young ones left the tiger’s cave. They joined their herd safely.

👓Presence of mind and intelligence can save from dangerous situations.👓

The end 😍👆🏻


@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 155 🦋

A Wise Deer and A Cowardly Tiger

Part 1

There was a dense forest on the sides of a mountain. Many kinds of animals lived in the forest. A deer was eating grass and leaves with her two young ones. The young ones wandered happily here and there. The deer followed her fawns. The young ones entered a cave. The deer was frightened. It was a tiger’s cave. There were bones of dead animals all over the cave. Fortunately, the tiger was not inside the cave at the time.

The deer was trying to lead her young ones out of the cave. AT that time she heard a loud roar. She saw the tiger at a distance. The tiger was coming towards the cave. It was dangerous to go out of the cave now. She thought of a plan. The tiger had come closer to the cave. The deer raised her voice and shouted, “My deer young children do not weep. I shall capture a tiger for you to eat. You can have a good dinner."

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 154 🦋

The Thirsty Crow

One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any. She felt very weak, almost giving up hope.

Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her. She flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could see some water inside the jug!

The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out. She found that the jug was too heavy.

The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw some pebbles. She suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink. Her plan had worked!

If you try hard enough, you may soon find an answer to your problem.

The end 😍👆🏻

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 153 🦋

The Monkey and the Dolphin

Part 2

The monkey replied, "Yes, I do. In fact, the king of the island is my best friend. Do you know that I am actually a prince?"

Knowing that no one lived on the island, the dolphin said, "Well, well, so you are a prince! Now you can be a king!" The monkey asked, "How can I be a king?"

As the dolphin started swimming away, he answered, "That is easy. As you are the only creature on this island, you will naturally be the king!"

👓 Those who lie and boast may end up in trouble.👓

The end 😍👆🏻


@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 153 🦋

The Monkey and the Dolphin


One day long ago, some sailors set out to sea in their sailing ship. One of them brought his pet monkey along for the long journey.

When they were far out at sea, a terrible storm overturned their ship. Everyone fell into the sea, and the monkey was sure that he would drown.

Suddenly a dolphin appeared and picked him up.

They soon reached the island and the monkey came down from the dolphin's back. The dolphin asked the monkey, "Do you know this place?"

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 152 🦋

The Crow and The Necklace

Part 2

"Every time my wife lays eggs in our nest, a wicked snake living at the foot of the tree eats them up," explained the crow.

"We want to get rid of him and save our children. Please tell us what we can do."

The jackal thought for some time. "I know what you should do," said the jackal and he told the plan to the crows.

It was a habit of the queen to come with her maids for a bath to the river. When they did so, they removed all their clothes and jewels and placed them on the river bank. On the following day the queen and her maids as usual entered the river.

"You know what to do right?" asked the crow to his wife. "Yes," she answered.

Both of them flew over the pile of clothes and jewels. The female crow swiftly picked up a precious pearl necklace in her beak. At the same time the male crow began to caw loudly to gain the attention of the queen and her maids.

"Oh, those crows have taken my pearl necklace." cried the queen. "Guards!" she cried. "Get that necklace back from those pesky crows." Her guards chased the crows shouting loudly.

The crows flew straight to the banyan tree with the guards close behind. Hearing all the noise, the snake came out of his hole at the foot of the tree. Immediately, the female crow dropped the necklace right where the snake was.

"Look out! There is a huge snake near the necklace," alerted one guard.

Before the snake could realise what was happening, the guards attacked him with sharp spears and killed him. The guards then picked up the necklace and took it back to their queen.

The crows thanked their friend the jackal for helping them get rid of their enemy. They lived happily with their children.

The end 😍👆🏻


@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 152 🦋

The Crow and The Necklace

Part 1

Once a crow and his wife built their nest atop a huge banyan tree beside a river. They were very happy there. But when the female crow laid her eggs, they were in for an unpleasant shock. A huge snake who lived in a hole at the bottom of the tree came up and ate all their beautiful eggs.

The crows were helpless with anger and pain. "You can't let this wicked snake eat our children anymore," cried the female crow bitterly. "You have to find a way to save them from him,' she said.

"Let us go to our friend the jackal. He is very clever. He will surely be able to help us with a solution," said the male crow.

They both flew to the cave in the forest where their friend the jackal lived.

The jackal saw them coming. "Hello my friends. Why do you look so sad and worried? Can I help you in any way?"he asked.

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 151 🦋

The Power of Silence

Part 2

He forgot the watch missing and was happy receiving the kids at home. It was only the next day when he was about to take bath, he remembered that the watch was missing. He saw the watch last when he was arranging things in the barn. He was shocked and very upset.

His grandchildren asked him why he was so dull and asked him what troubled him.

Joe said, 'Dear children, I lost the most precious watch I have ever had and I ever got in my life. It was gifted by your grandma and I lost it while cleaning the home! I feel like I'm missing my heart.'

Joe was on tears and the children promised him that they would search the watch for him.

One granddaughter asked 'grand pa, do you remember when you saw the watch last before it was missing?'

Joe told, 'I guess when I was cleaning the barn!'

The children decided to search for the watch in the barn. The barn was full of waste materials, books, scraps, broken furniture, etc.

The children searched for more than 2 hours with help of Joe and a servant, but could not find it. Joe was completely shattered and asked the children to stop searching as they could not find anything.

The kids were also too sad, and consoled the grandfather.

One grandson again moved to the barn, and Joe asked why he was going there again. The little boy requested others not to follow him and remain silent.

While the others were little surprised, they still followed what he said. The little boy went to the barn and sat there in silence.

The other children reached him and asked him what he was doing and the little boy asked them not to make noise.

He sat there for about 15 minutes and then rushed to his grandfather. Yes, he got the watch and happily gave it to Joe.

He was surprised and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied, 'I sat there without making a noise and the barn was so silent. After a few minutes, I heard the 'tick tick' sound and found the watch.

Joe hugged him and thanked the little boy.

👓This is the power of silence. If we stay calm, we can find the solution very easily!👓

The end 😍👆🏻


@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 151 🦋

The Power of Silence

Part 1

Joe was an old man aged 75 years. He lived very happily and formed a beautiful family. His children grew up and moved to different cities in pursue of good career and future. He lived in a small village carrying the memories of his deceased wife. Joe had 4 grand children and they used to visit him during their holidays.

And it was the vacation time and Joe was eagerly waiting for the arrival of his grand children. He was preparing his home for the kids, cleaning the home, mowing the garden, rearranging the household items, buying the favourite foods, dresses for the children, etc. In the busy arrangements, he lost his favourite watch. old-watch

The watch was gifted by his dead wife when their first child was born. Joe treasured the watch and it became his sole companion after his wife's death.

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 150 🦋

The Clever Boy

Part 2

The boy answered, “I saw the tracks of a donkey and the right and left tracks were different from this I understood that the donkey that passed there was limping. And the grass on the right side of the road was eaten but the grass on the left was not. From that I understood that his left eye was blind. There were wheat seeds scattered on the ground and I understood that he must have been carrying a load of wheat.

The judge understood the boy’s cleverness and told the man to forgive the boy.

👓This story teaches us that we should not be quick to judge the people.👓

The end 😍👆🏻


@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 150 🦋

The Clever Boy

Part 1

A man with his donkey carrying two sacks of wheat was on his way to the market.

After a little while he was tired and they rested under a tree.

When he woke up from his nap he could not see the donkey and started searching for the donkey everywhere.

On the way he met a boy, he asked the boy, “Have you seen my donkey?” The boy asked, “Is the donkey’s left eye blind, his right foot lame and is he carrying a load of wheat?”

The man was happy and said, “Yes, exactly! Where have you seen it?”

The boy answered “I haven’t seen it.” This made the man very angry and he took the boy to the village chief for punishment.

The judge asked, “Dear boy, if you had not seen at the donkey, how could you describe it?”

@engstory23 📖🖊

🥀 English Stories 📚

🦋 Story no. 149 🦋

Sage and Thief

Part 2

Sage said to him, “Why are you running?? Why are you afraid?? You left your bag behind. Take these, these are yours. Come with me I will give you some more.”

Sage asked thief to come with him and sent thief with all things he had in his hut.

Years later Sam was going on pilgrimage and saw a man lying helplessly on the cold icy path. Seeing this Sam took out his own blanket and gave it to him.

Man looked up at Sam and started to tell him about the story of Sage and that thief.

Man continued and said, “Do you know about Sage Pavahari baba?? I am that thief.

From the day Sage touched me, a transformation happened into my life. I stopped being a thief and have been repenting and atoning for the sins I did in past.”

Sam share this story to tell us about true power of True Hindu Sage and Positive affect they have on people around them.

👓Being in Good Company and Having Opportunity to meet someone with Spiritual Enlightenment can give right direction to our life.👓

The end 😍👆🏻


@engstory23 📖🖊

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