𝐄terlyst : SOON!

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Postlar filtri

msh pagi tp udh agak gerah

met pagi sayang

mari kita diping

plis knp selalu ketiduran setelah magrib

ak ketiduran lagi😅

https://t.me/nivery/467 tega km mas hwiks hwiks

https://t.me/nivery/466 halal untuk diserbu👺

https://t.me/nivery/463 waw ak di mention😱 itu tandanya km debut besok

nah dah, mau yg nive donk seng

ak lg verifin org dulu


Letterlief. (SOON) dan repost
[Attention to all our cherished mutuals: kindly share this message across your channels.]

Presently, @Letterlief is seeking like-minded individuals who can support and mutually benefit each other. We are specifically open to opportunities related to profile-needs services. Please utilize the main account solely for reciprocal subscriptions. If you find this opportunity intriguing, simply click the ‘start’ button on @LeliefBot. We eagerly await the opportunity to connect with you all.

curhat aj gengs, tengs udh mendengarkan

andai bisa nuker onglen

skrg ak bingung mau apain vouchernya, soalnya outlet buat nuker pda jauh bjir😭

trs ak bisa jwab satu soal, dpt hadiahnya voucher 200k

trs ada gamesnya tebak gambar, yg di plesetin itu

waktu sabtu kmrn ak kan ke acara nikahan yh

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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