Visit Europe

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Sharing europeans spots to visit, pieces of art with the place where to find them in Europe. One life is not enough to taste the whole European beauty.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Innsbruck - Autriche 🇦🇹

Ici se trouve le tombeau de l'empereur Maximilien 1er, qu'il fit construire de son vivant ; il est entouré d'une haie d'honneur de vingt-huit (il en était prévu quarante) statues de bronze de plus de deux mètres de haut, appelées par les habitants d'Innsbruck Les bonshommes noirs, représentant les ancêtres des Habsbourg au sens large puisqu'on peut y voir Clovis, Charlemagne et Godefroy de Bouillon.


Innsbruck - Austria 🇦🇹

Here is the tomb of Emperor Maximilian I, which he built during his lifetime; it is surrounded by a guard of honor of twenty-eight (it was planned for forty) bronze statues over two meters high, called by the inhabitants of Innsbruck the black men, representing the ancestors of the Habsburgs in the sense big because you can see Clovis, Charlemagne and Godefroy de Bouillon.

Bonsoir/bonjour à tous et merci d'avoir rejoint ce canal.
A l'origine, cet espace était un espace perso qui me permettait de faire une liste des endroits que je voulais voir en Europe. J'ai fini par le mettre en forme et le publier.
Dans une logique europeaniste, j'ai rédigé en anglais jusqu'à présent afin de le rendre accessible aux européens.
Force est de constater que pour l'instant je ne m'adresse qu'à des francophones, alors je vais maintenant poursuivre les publications en français, que je continuerai de sous titrer en anglais.

Encore merci à tous et bienvenue.

Lviv - Ukraine 🇺🇦

Named in honour of Leo, the eldest son of Daniel, King of Ruthenia, it was the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia from 1272 to 1349, when it was conquered by King Casimir III the Great of Poland. From 1434, it was the regional capital of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the Kingdom of Poland. In 1772, after the First Partition of Poland, the city became the capital of the Habsburg Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. In 1918, for a short time, it was the capital of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. Between the wars, the city was the centre of the Lwów Voivodeship in the Second Polish Republic.
Then WWII, Soviet Union and actual Ukraine.

Tartu - Estonia 🇪🇪

👨🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓 You can do Erasmus over there 👀

Salt Mine, Wieliczka - Poland 🇵🇱

Near Krakow, stunning salt mine with unbelievable sculptures and rooms. Looks like a "lord of the ring" place. A must visit.

Den gamle by, Aarhus - Denmark 🇩🇰

Den Gamle By, or The Old Town in English, is an open-air town museum. In 1914, the museum opened as the world's first open-air museum of its kind, concentrating on town culture rather than village culture. Today the museum consists of 75 historical buildings collected from 20 townships in all parts of the country. The town itself is the main attraction but most buildings are open for visitors; rooms are either decorated in the original historical style or organized into larger exhibits of which there are 5 regular with varying themes.

7 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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