⨳ ˚ 𝅄꒰ᘐ My melody~ sound very strains with the meaning of another implied in the message that I want to convey to all princes and also princesses who are on the
@telegram platform that we are in the middle of class holding a PROMO which will surely make you tempted and want to buy it. Are you curious about the promo items? Check in full below later. Previously you need to know that this promotional event is only valid on [18.06.23 — 30.06.23] what are you waiting for, send the format that is already available on our bot ꒰ ✿ ꒱
KURᘏMI.ZIP {.. ⌕> #Rembulan : IDR 2.000 { Icons Single }
KURᘏMI.ZIP {.. ⌕> #Niscala : IDR 3.000 { Icons Couple }
KURᘏMI.ZIP {.. ⌕> #Mentari : IDR 500p { 9 Slide, only mb ready }
KURᘏMI.ZIP {.. ⌕> Upsubs MA & REG : IDR 3.000 { only 100s }
KURᘏMI.ZIP {.. ⌕> Jasa lain diskon 30%, hanya JASA!
FORMAT PROMO! ⨳ ˚ 𝅄꒰ᘐ Hello Kitty! That's the item that debuted on the promo this time, before you send the format, make sure that the format has a special promo format written so that you get the promo price, if you use the wrong format then your order will not be counted as a promo. Don't forget to see the regulations {
pretty message } and join
@VESTIAH first so you don't miss other interesting events such as giveaways, discounts and so on! ꒰ ✿ ꒱