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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Just a shitty teen with a great taste in music ?.
welcome to the other side of me.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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I really hate it when someone I know becomes friends with someone I know, automatically I hate them both.

4:00am , Your voice 💘

????? ♡ dan repost
Do I show you that I am someone who does not suffer?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

هل جربت مرارة شعور أن يكون لديك العديد من الأصدقاء ولا أحد منهم بالفعل صديقك؟

ثم قال "لا تزال السجائر في عقلي ترقص رقص العاهرات وانا افكر بغطاء نومك اللعين كيف له ان يلتف على جسدك الملائكي في امان وانا ارتعش بردا قرب النافذة ؟".

No, Fuck you, I was good enough and more than enough, But you made me believe I wasn't.

Guess I'll always be alone ✨

mine ♡ dan repost
And the queen lived happily ever after in her own damn castle with her own money and took care of her fucking self

"يحدث أحياناً أن تقرأ شيئاً يشبهك كثيراً ، حد الألم ، أن تكون الكلمات بمثابة ذاكرة إضافية تندمج مع ذاكرتك ، لتُنجِبَ لك الماضي كأنه واقع يمر أمام عينيك من جديد"

تجاوزت أصعب اللحظات بمفردي، بينما أنت كنت تصدق أنني بخير"

????? ♡ dan repost
أنت لا تعرفني، أنت تعرف فقط ما سمحت لك بأن تعرفه.

Go ahead and break my heart again.

I'm not forcing any one to stay with me, if you want to stay you're welcome, if you wanna go away, no matter who you are just give me a hint and I'll be the first one to leave.

tell me how is it feel sitting up there , feelin' so high but too far away to hold me, you know I'm the one who put you up there , name in the sky, does it ever get lonely? thinking you could live without me?
Halsey - Without Me
"Without Me" available now: https://halsey.lnk.to/WithoutMeYD listen on Spotify: https://halsey.lnk.to/WithoutMeYD/spotify listen on Apple Music: https://hal...

everyone is scared, everyone is pussy, fuck it I'll do it myself.

mine ♡ dan repost
And when I think about the way you touch my body, I don't know how long I can wait .

I'm mine before I'm anyone else's 💖.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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