
Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Xitoycha

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Kanal geosi va tili
Butun dunyo, Xitoycha
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咕咕咕 开始🐲吧 dan repost
无语 典型的广东人思维 没事别点开

呜呜呜,555 星了(?)


〄FW dan repost

……怎么感觉 Win11 这么拉跨……

我完全懂你们的感觉了,Rune 在 Windows 上的扫描性能比 Linux 慢了将近一倍

厘米碎碎念 dan repost
Figma Editors Should Pay by the Second Instead of by the Month = 0.0000058dollars/second

A fairer way for Figma to charge editors would be based on how much they actually use the platform, rather than a flat $15 monthly fee. Prorating costs by the second would mean casual editors only pay for the time they actively spend, making it more reasonable—especially for quick tasks like copying a design between team files. No one should have to pay a full month's fee for a one-off edit or scramble to remove editor rights to avoid unnecessary charges.

A pay-by-the-second model would also make it easier for organisations to add more editors without worrying about the cost. Teams could collaborate more freely without micromanaging permissions, giving occasional contributors easy access without breaking the budget. This flexible system would encourage teams to use Figma more widely, integrate it into more workflows, and get clearer value for their spending. In the end, it’s a simple idea: pay for what you use, nothing more, nothing less.

Just an idea.

啊,Reveal 高光真好看,真好看啊

我们已经修复了 FLAC 无法 Seek 的问题,下次发版的时候会带上,Cheers

Rune 开始进入 Alpha 的平台稳定期了,现在主要解决几个问题:
* Windows 平台封面墙页面内存抖动
* OGG / FLAC 解码问题
* 疯狂切歌程序可能会炸
* CJK 的 Fallback Font 问题

逃避好久的事情了,得搞了得搞了 _(:3 」∠ )_



ˊ_>ˋ 出于性能考量,我有点想让 Reveal Highlight 默认关闭,只有用户显式操作之后才打开……我找时间线发一个测试版本看看社区反映再决定默认值怎么设置吧……

ˊ_>ˋ唉,又好看,功能又丰富,要是 bug 少点就更好了

Windows 11 上不是一般的好看

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.