Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

🎓International Management Institute in Central Asia
📄IELTS 5.5+ or equivalent;
For more information:
☎️ 78 888 00 30

Official website: 🌐

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

🤩Certificates have arrived from the UK!

Dear students, we have received the hard copies of your OFQUAL accredited certificates from London!

IMICA congratulates
you on this achievement and wishes you more achievements and progress.

To take your certificate, contact us!


🤩Sertifikatlar Buyuk Britaniyadan yetib keldi!

Hurmatli talabalar, OFQUAL tomonidan tasdiqlangan sertifikatlaringiz Londondan yetib keldi!

IMICA sizni ushbu yutuq bilan tabriklaydi va sizga bundan katta yutuqlar va marralarni tilab qoladi.

Sertifikatni olish uchun biz bilan bog'laning!

Ofqual Accredited Certificates have arrived!

☺️We are glad to announce that certificates of students who have successfully graduated from Ofqual Accredited Programs in IMICA are ready!

Dear students, please check your email, because the e-version of your certificates has been sent to you.📩

As soon as the hard copies of your certificates are dispatched from the UK, we will inform you!

IMICA congratulates you and wishes you success and prosperity in all aspects of your life!💫


Ofqual akkreditatsiyasidan o'tgan sertifikatlar keldi!

☺️Biz mamnunlik ila IMICA-da Ofqual akkreditatsiyasidan o'tgan dasturni muvaffaqiyatli tugatgan talabalarning sertifikatlari tayyorligini e'lon qilamiz!

Hurmatli talabalar, iltimos, elektron pochtangizni tekshiring, chunki sertifikatlaringizning elektron versiyasi sizga yuborilgan.📩

Angliyadan sertifikatlarning qog'oz nusxasi pochta orqali kelishi bilanoq, biz sizni xabardor etamiz!

IMICA sizni tabriklaydi va hayotingizning barcha sohalarida muvaffaqiyat va farovonlik tilab qoladi! 💫

4 tips to write a motivational letter

Before writing your letter, take the time to find out about the company or university;

2. Adapt your letter of motivation to the company and university for which you are applying;

3. Your aim is to make them want to invite you for an interview, not put them off... Only mention your strong points.

4. Clearly explain to the recruiter why they should choose you rather than someone else.

If you have liked the tips, put 👍 reaction here👇

✅Motivatsion xat yozish uchun 4 ta maslahat

Xat yozishdan oldin kompaniya yoki universitet haqida ko'proq ma'lumot bilishga vaqt ajrating;

2. Motivatsiya xatingizni ariza topshirayotgan kompaniya va universitetga moslang;

3. Maqsadingiz ularni sizni intervyuga taklif qilish istagini uyg'otishdir, ularni kechiktirish emas.

4. Nima uchun boshqalarni emas, balki sizni tanlashi kerakligini aniq tushuntiring.

Maslahatlar sizga yoqgan bo'lsa, 👍 reaksiyasini qoldiring👇

‼️Assignments are approaching!

It means that it's time to remind you about our Free Service for Plagiarism Check.

✅Do not forget to check your work before submitting it and keep your assignments free from plagiarism.


‼️Assignment'lar yaqinlashmoqda!

Bu esa plagiat tekshiruvi uchun bizning bepul xizmatimizni sizga eslatish vaqti kelganini anglatadi.

✅Ishlaringizni topshirishdan oldin tekshirishni unutmang va assignment'laringizni plagiatdan toza saqlang.

🌙IMICA congratulates you on holy month of RAMADAN!

May you be showered with peace, joy and prosperity. Happy Ramadan!


🌙IMICA sizni muqaddas Ramazon oyi bilan tabriklaydi!

Sizlarga tinchlik, quvonch va farovonlik tilaymiz. Ramazon muborak bo'lsin!

Telegram | Instagram | Facebook

😊Dear students and subscribers, we created a special RAMADAN calendar for you.

Congratulate you with upcoming RAMADAN KAREEM 2022!🌙


😊Aziz talabalar va kuzatuvchilar, siz uchun maxsus RAMAZON taqvimini yaratdik.

Sizni kirib kelayotgan RAMAZON 2022 bilan muborakbod etamiz!🌙

❗️Do you know the top 3 universities of the world?

Let us tell you!

🔻1. Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT)

is perhaps best known for its programs in engineering and the physical sciences.

Admission is extremely competitive, and undergraduate students are often able to pursue their own original research.

🔻2. University of Oxford

The University of Oxford is a highly selective institution, with an acceptance rate of approximately 17%.

However, the acceptance rate for international students applying to the school is lower: around 9% only.

🔻3. Stanford University

's best-known undergraduate school is its School of Engineering, which ranks second on the U.S.

News Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs.

The engineering program has nine academic departments: Aeronautics and Astronautics. Bioengineering.

⁉️Do you ever wanted to study in one of them?

❗️Dunyoning eng yaxshi 3 ta universitetini bilasizmi?

Keling, sizga biz aytamiz!

🔻1. Massachusets texnologiya instituti (MIT)

MIT, ehtimol, muhandislik va fizika fanlaridagi dasturlari bilan mashhur.

Qabul qilish juda raqobatbardoshdir va bakalavr talabalari ko'pincha o'zlarining original tadqiqotlarini olib borishlari mumkin.

🔻2. Oksford universiteti

Oksford universiteti talabchan institut bo'lib, qabul darajasi taxminan 17% ni tashkil qiladi.

Biroq, maktabga hujjat topshirgan xalqaro talabalarni qabul qilish darajasi pastroq: atigi 9% atrofida.

🔻3. Stenford universiteti

Stenfordning eng mashhur bakalavriat maktabi bu uning muhandislik maktabi boʻlib, u AQShda ikkinchi oʻrinda turadi.

Muhandislik dasturida to'qqizta akademik bo'lim mavjud: Aeronavtika va Astronavtika. Biomuhandislik.

⁉️Ulardan birida qachondir o'qishni hohlaganmisiz?

🤔Do you know the difference between Entrepreneur and Wantrepreneur?

Entrepreneur acts immediately after an idea comes to him. Because, if there is no action, there will be no result.

Wantrepreneur is a person, which just wants something and doesn’t do anything to achieve it.

The same goes to you. Decide which one is you and start acting NOW!


🤔Entrepreneur va Wantrepreneur o’rtasidagi farqni bilasizmi?

Entrepreneur (Tadbirkor) - g’oya kelgandan harakatga kirishuvchan odam. Chunki, hech qanday harakatsiz, hech qanday natijaga erishilmaydi.

Wantrepreneur (Xohlovchi) - shunchaki nimadirni istab, u uchun harakat qilmaydigan inson.

Huddi shu narsa sizga ham tegishlidir. Siz ularning qay biri ekanligingizni aniqlang va HOZIROQ harakat qilishni boshlang!

📌Thinking, fast and slow - is one of the best psychology books ever published.

The life work of Nobel-prize winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, it outlines, better than anything else, the ways in which humans fool themselves and err when thinking. 

✅The book makes more thought-provoking points and here are six passages that catch your attention: 

1. The most important things in life are unpredictable.
2. We are gullible.
3. Our minds choose the familiar over the true.
4. Really smart people can fool themselves.
5. We are blind to our own blindness.
6. Studying our own faults is incredibly hard.

You need to add this book to your reading list right now👇


📌Thinking, fast and slow - psixologiya bo'yicha chop etilgan eng yaxshi kitoblardan biri.

Nobel mukofoti sovrindori psixolog Daniel Kahnemanning hayotiy faoliyati, unda odamlar o'zlarini aldashlari va fikrlashda adashishlari hamma narsadan yaxshiroq tasvirlangan.

✅Kitobda ko'proq o'ylantiruvchi fikrlar keltirilgan va bu yerda e'tiboringizni tortadigan oltita parcha bor:

1. Hayotdagi eng muhim narsalar kutilmaganda sodir bo'ladi.
2. Biz ishonuvchanmiz.
3. Bizning ongimiz haqiqatdan ko'ra tanish narsani tanlaydi.
4. Haqiqatdan ham aqlli odamlar o'zlarini alday oladilar.
5. Biz o'zimizning ko'rligimizni sezmaymiz.
6. O'z xatolarimizdan o'rganish nihoyatda qiyin.

Siz bu kitobni o'qish ro'yxatiga kiritishingiz kerak👇


In order to reach some destination, you have to find, search and create a road.

And the only road which leads you to success includes these steps.

Do you agree or disagree?



Maqsadga erishish uchun siz yo'l topishingiz, qidirishingiz va yaratishingiz kerak.

Va sizni muvaffaqiyatga olib boradigan yagona yo'l rasmdagi qadamlarni o'z ichiga oladi.

Siz bu fikrga qo’shilasizmi yoki qo'shilmaysizmi?

💐We wish a very happy International Women’s Day to all girls and women in the world!

Love, study, achieve and be beautiful always!

With Love, Imica!


💐Dunyodagi barcha qizlar va ayollarni Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni bilan chin qalbimizdan tabriklaymiz!

Seving, o'qing, erishing va har doim go'zal bo'ling!

Muhabbat ila, IMICA!

✅The tendency of choosing the work type is changing day by day.

And the students have been dived in 2 groups.

🏡First group believe that working from home is more comfortable way of working. Because of flexible schedule, relaxed atmosphere and so on.

💻But the second group insist on the thought that working from office is the best way of creating a bright future.

Because of the good networking, work atmosphere and socializing.

🤔What about you? To which group you rely to? 👇


Ish turini tanlash tendentsiyasi kundan kunga o'zgarib bormoqda.

Talabalar esa 2 guruhga bo'lingan.

🏡Birinchi guruh uyda ishlash qulayroq ishlash usuli deb hisoblaydi. Moslashuvchan jadval, qulay muhit va boshqalar tufayli.

💻Ikkinchi guruh esa ofisdan turib ishlash porloq kelajak yaratishning eng yaxshi usuli degan fikrda turib olishgan.

Yaxshi netvorking, ish muhiti va muloqot tufayli.

🤔Sizchi? Siz qaysi guruhga tegishlisiz? 👇

🤩The winter has come to its end and we have a whole season to make our plans a reality!

Dear students, if you want to improve your productivity level, start planning your life ahead.

↗️And you will see the progress.

What are your plans for Spring? Comment down below👇


🤩Qish o'z nihoyasiga yetdi va rejalarimizni amalga oshirish uchun bizda butun mavsum bor!

Hurmatli talabalar, agar siz o'z samadorligingizni oshirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, hayotingizni oldindan rejalashtirishni boshlang.

↗️Va taraqqiyotni ko'rasiz.

Bahor uchun qanday rejalaringiz bor? Quyida izoh qoldiring👇

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
😍We are happy to share our student's feedback with you!

🔺We always try to meet your expectations.

This is a great opportunity for those who have difficulty with choosing a university!


😍Talabamizning fikr-mulohazalarini siz bilan baham ko'rishdan xursandmiz!

🔺Biz har doim sizning umidlaringizni oqlashga harakat qilamiz.

Universitet tanlashda qiynalayotganlar uchun esa bu ajoyib imkoniyat!

▪️The labor market is constantly changing, and professions that were in demand 5 years ago may turn out to be unnecessary and low-paid today.

The top 5 professions of the future include:
•Specialist in artificial intelligence;
•Robotics engineer;
•Financial analyst;
•Head of technical project;
•Project manager.

Don't know what current profession to choose? IMICA will help you!


Mehnat bozori doimo o'zgarib turadi va 5 yil oldin talab qilinadigan kasblar bugungi kunda keraksiz va kam maoshli bo'lib chiqishi mumkin.

Kelajakdagi eng yaxshi 5 ta kasbga quyidagilar kiradi:
•Sun'iy intellekt bo'yicha mutaxassis;
•Robototexnika muhandisi;
•Moliyaviy tahlilchi;
•Texnik loyiha rahbari;
•Loyihalar bo'yicha menejer.

Hozir qaysi kasbni tanlashni bilmayapsizmi? IMICA sizga yordam beradi!

University is a train, students are the passengers.

📚These are not just words if you think about them. In fact, the university is one of the most important parts of life.

Studying at a university expands a person's knowledge of the environment, making him think and act more efficiently than an uneducated person.

🤓This enables the human brain to think critically and respond in the best possible way. Moreover, it allows the mind to choose between right and wrong.


Universitet - bu poyezd, talabalar - yo'lovchilar.

📚Agar chuqur o’ylab qarasak, bu shunchaki so'zlar emas. Darhaqiqat, universitet inson hayotida muhim ahamiyatga ega.

Universitetdagi ta'lim insonning atrof-muhit haqidagi bilimini kengaytiradi, uni bilimsiz odamdan ko'ra samaraliroq fikrlashga va harakat qilishga undaydi.

🤓Bu inson miyasiga tanqidiy fikrlashni va eng yaxshi tarzda javob berishni o’rgatadi.
Bundan tashqari, u ongga to'g'ri va yomonni tanlash imkonini beradi.

☺️In the new semester the new subjects are added to your study program:

1️⃣Developing Teams;

People need training and support throughout their careers – both as individuals and as teams – to develop their skills and to continue to work effectively.

2️⃣Managing change;

The purpose of this organizational process is to empower employees to accept and support changes in their current business environment.

3️⃣Business Operations.

Business plans often include a section dedicated to operations so that company founders understand the systems, equipment, people, and processes needed to make the organization function.

❓Which subject do you like the most?

☺️Yangi semestrda siz uchun yangi fanlar qo'shilganini bilasizmi?


1️⃣Developing Teams;

Odamlar o'z malakalarini rivojlantirish va samarali ishlashda davom etishlari uchun ham shaxsiy, ham jamoa sifatida o'z faoliyati davomida o'qitish va qo'llab-quvvatlashga muhtoj.

2️⃣Managing Change;

Ushbu tashkiliy jarayonning maqsadi xodimlarga hozirgi biznes muhitidagi o'zgarishlarni qabul qilish va qo'llab-quvvatlash imkoniyatini berishdir.

3️⃣Business Operations.

Biznes-rejalar ko'pincha operatsiyalarga bag'ishlangan bo'limni o'z ichiga oladi, shuning uchun kompaniya ta'sischilari tizimlar, uskunalar, odamlar va jarayonlarni ta'minlashi kerak bo'lgan narsalarni tushunishlari kerak.

❓Qaysi fan sizga ko'proq yoqdi?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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