一 Due to
@Telegram's new privacy policy, I declare that I'm not the real Aether/Sora/Kong/Gong/Traveler from Genshin Impact! This Channel and account are for roleplaying purposes and has nothing to do with MiHoYo
二 All of the media and videos that i use are not mine, The media that i use are possibly from Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest and of course from MiHoYo itself. I will make sure to leave a proper credit if it's a fanart and ask for the artist permission to use it
三 The languange that i use are English, Bahasa Indonesia and Chinese but mostly i use bahasa if you're having a conversation with me! if there's grammatical error when I'm using Chinese and English, correct me
四 This channel may contain harshwords and NSFW that maybe will make you feel uncomfortable. if you're uncomfortable please leave from my channel and make sure you remove me from your channel as well
五 i would use (⎙ᝰ) as my bracket if I'm Out Of Character here