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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

If you have not thought about this before think about it now , if you die now outside family who will miss you

And if you were given a option to survive,for you to call anyone who is not your blood who he or she will be willing to die for you , do you have any

Happy new month

Love is unexpected
Sex is overrated
Life is too expected of

Which of this am I wrong

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How unfair can this life be , let me pen two pictures to you
A vegin got married and looked for a child for 20 years befor she got one in the other hand a purn hubby (if you know what I mean) go married and has a child less then a year into marriage at age 20 the child was already done with school and was working at 22 while the vegins child is just in his primary’s , at 25 he was doing so well that he told his mom to stop working that he will be doing all to take care of his younger once the funny story their is the vegins child just finished his primary 6 how fear can life be

Alway remember is not the dead who feel the pain , but those they left behind

Just believe me when I say love is just a game only the best player wins, as much attention as you show a girl 100 more people are showing her same love if she’s very attractive even if she’s less attractive 50 more people are showing same attention as you are same goes with boys, so play well it’s just a game

If am wrong feel free to dm @just_wordz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

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Our love is timeless, but there’s sometimes I feel it less

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