guys! thank you so much for taking your time to educate yourself and share this channel to your friends so we can learn together about content warning, trigger warning, tone tag, and make ourselves be more consider to other people’s feeling and fear. anyways, this channel is open for public without no certain reason. i, èloise and my partner, kae, made this channel so you all can use and share it through your channel or even base. if you do think that you want to put this channel on your base or any other platforms, please do contact us on
@listcwtwbot for
permission. hukumnya wajib buat izin ke bot dulu yaa, kalau mau taruh channel ini ke base milik kalian! kami juga open untuk pertanyaan seputar content warning, trigger warning, dan pronouns kok! walau pronouns enggak ada keterangannya di sini, jangan ragu buat text kita lewat bot kalau mau nanya, yaah. ♥