Lost in my mind

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you
This is for all of ya'll out there going through depression. Ur not alone u never were and never will be. Lets stay strong together✊✊
Love ya'll
Till my bot becomes functional @rediet_14

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Don't let it win
Face it,
Fight it,
Defeat it ,
Its just what we think🧠 not the reality!

Im in loooooove with this music

Life is full of mistakes. Dont dwell on them. I personally say fuck it and move on. Learn from it but move on. I was thinking about one i did. Wont get in the gory details but let's just say i dont regret it anymore. I felt like a fool at the time but not anymore u know. When u level up u forget and forgive. Im honestly like fuck it. Who cares. I know i dont.
Negative thoughts harsh vibes. Give birth to depression and much more. Remove that negative energy from ur life. Dont dwell.
- R

U can now contact me @rediet_14. Till my bot becomes fully functional.

I've stopped asking what "optimal" is; in thia depression i am not seeking the happier version of me. I cant remember the last time i reached out for my child self i once was, the kid that loved sunshine and rain all at the same time. I started to see darkness around the lights instead of the other way around, and soon there were no more colors in my world. They say there is a rope ladder out of depression, one you can use to climb out of it, the problem is that i just cant find the will to reach out for the first rung, let alone try.
- R

I wrote this 3 years ago. Was scrumaging around in my pc and there it was. Hope this brings strength and solace to those who are still immersed in that state of mind. Stay strong✊🏼 Im right there with y'all

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