All the distinctions will be neatly arranged like discrete puzzles, much like a sky that has numerous kinds of starlight and becomes a unified blend. On this day, we decided to seek our missing part. The gates are completely wide for
ZHANGHAO and MATTHEW potrayers. We are looking for individuals who are able to blend in, contribute to group requirements, and aren't clones on an erroneous path, as the common rules highlight. If you fulfill the aforementioned requirements, submit your registration immediately in the following format:
Hello, Lustrous Ennead! I'm (your name), and I'd like to be a part of you. My muse is (your muse) with (your username) as my username. I hope my arrival will be considered by you. Much obliged!
Send this format to
@LunetTheBot. We are looking forward to your arrival. So, register yourself. Have a delightful day!