REST. the prettiest girl, Minji.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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dadah para stroberi kuuu👋👋

satu lagi, buat para admin aku mute dulu ya (tenang aja enggak aku unadm ya)

oh iya, jika ada yang sedang pembersihan, move ch/acc, maupun apapun itu, aku izin nggak mengisi ya

halo stroberi-ku! karena bulan februari jadwal ku lumayan sibuk dan aku takut tidak bisa diving atau tidak bisa memberikan timbal balik yang semestinya, jadi aku memutuskan untuk BERISTIRAHAT atau REST sampai waktu yang belum ditentukan. jika ada yang penting bisa hubungi @estanorrabot maupun @fllutterby, terimakasih banyak, mohon dimengerti ya.

diving personalnya nanti atau besok atau kapan

aku diving nanti lagi ya, [] ada kegiatan lagi. diving personal nya juga nanti ok ok

maaf banget baru bisa diving, maaf juga buat yang boardnya nggak sempat aku isi

hello–bello stroberi! @donediving ya, aku menggunakan [ #mellifluous. ] sebagai tanda pengenal untuk mengisi papan anonim mu, kecuali papan yang dilarang menggunakan tanda pengenal dan papan pesan rahasia. jika ada yang belum aku isi/teruskan, tolong kirim tautan nya ke @estanorrabot, aku takut jika ada yang ketinggalan dan terkesan pilih kasih. terimakasih banyak.

it turns out that after coming home from the park, my family and i went straight home :(((((. at first i thought where to go, but it's okay. they said because i have school tomorrow, so i just go home and can study ehehehe (they really care T___T ).

i took those three photos on my way home around 4 PM, i just sent them now because I fell asleep on the road. I've left the countryside T___T, and returned to the city again.

hopefully next weekend we can go for a trip to the countryside again ehehehehehe, or maybe to a museum? or where i will still enjoy it. thanks for following Norra's holiday story🤍🤍.

after taking a boat and walking around this quite large park, my parents and i stopped at a restaurant in the park for lunch. i ordered ramen, the ramen was really good.

the first photo was taken by my momma while we were waiting for the food to come, and the second photo i took with my cellphone.

after finishing lunch, we are getting ready to go sightseeing again eheheheheh. to be honest, i also don't know where we are going after this T__T, are we going straight home? or stop by somewhere else? we wait later :D.

hellooo! the first photo i'm on the way to a park in a village heheheheheheh. the natural scenery is very beautiful, i really like it.

second photo, that's when we arrived at the park. finally T___T, because from my house to the village is quite far, so it takes about 3 hours to travel. but paid off because the scenery is very beautiful.

third and fourth photo, that's when i walk around the park. i admire the beauty of nature (understandably i live in the city ehehehe). the place is very calming, there are lots of melodious sounds from birds too.

in the fifth photo, when i'm going to get on the boat. i took a boat to go around the river, i want to see its beauty up close. when I'm on the boat, i'm very happy. it's very relaxing, looking at the scenery like a painting, and breathing in the cool air.

helloooooo, good morning everyone! happy sunday. today i'll go on a trip with my family. curious about my story today?

okay, so today i'll going to a famous park in a village. there i will take pictures, and have lunch. i am really looking forward to it.

i got information that there is a river in the park and we can take a boat to around the river, it seems like it will be fun :D.

wait for my story when i'm on the way and when i get there, okay! 🤍

love stroberiiii, love u r

hari ini hari apa? betul, hari Jum'at. ini adalah hari terakhir bersekolah dan akan kembali bersekolah pada Senin mendatang. di hari Jum'at ada mata pelajaran ekonomi, dan pada pagi hari tadi guru mapel tiba-tiba mengirim pesan "anak-anak ku semuanya, hari ini ulangan bab 1 di semester 2 ini ya..." KITA SEMUANYA TERKAGET-KAGET, sangat mendadak Bu ya ampun T___T. tapi kalau cuma kaget nggak keren, jadinya aku buka buku catatan dan belajar dehhh (agar nggak hah hoh). sebenarnya materinya udah masuk dalam otak, tapi karena ya kurang srek jadi ya gitu eheheheheh. foto kedua itu adalah pap belajar ku tadi pagi :D. setelah ulangan aku berfikir gini "ternyata ezzz juga ya" TAPI ADA YG BILANG KALAU SUSAAHH (mungkin dia nggak belajar dan nggak mencatat :D, ini tidak boleh dicontoh ya strob). naaahhh jadi kalian harus semangat belajar yaaaa stroobb, agar tidak hah hoh seperti temanku itu :D.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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