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But has it's trolls project that Australia is.

China has unleashed it's propaganda troll dogs because Australia rejects Chinese takeover through Belt and Road Initiative.

China has it's trolls with anti Australian hashtags and saying: "Australia is, mad, undignified and a lacky of America"

That is some talk from a country that is supporting the military coup in Myanmar that is openly shooting unarmed citizens, firing RPGs at them, and throwing grenades into crowds. Torturing civilians. Arresting them, and torturing and killing them in custody and returning bodies to families only when the family pays exorbitant fees for their release, often only to find the corpses often had sutures the entire length of the torso and organs missing.

It is well known that organ trade is prolific in China and the logical reason for this is that the Tatmadaw are organ harvesting and selling them through China.

Amassing a death toll of civilians now approaching towards 1000, China keeps using it's veto power on the UN Security Council to protect the evil Tatmadaw military's egregious human rights abuses.

It sounds very much like China is projecting when it is using the terms "mad and undignified".

At least Victoria is no longer going to be a lacky of China!

WION reports:

A good article summarising the situation in Myanmar.

Part 1/3
Myanmar is on the brink of collapse: The generals are unable to impose their will on the country
April 17th 2021

It would be hours before Hla Hla Win felt any pain, which was just as well. It was the morning of March 27th and more than a thousand people, Ms Hla Hla Win among them, had gathered in Yangon to protest against the army’s coup. When security forces began firing automatic weapons into the crowd, she fled the scene, but not quickly enough to avoid being shot in the hand. Her father, waiting nearby on his motorbike, drove her to the nearest clinic. But as they drew towards it, they saw it was surrounded by armed soldiers.

Ms Hla Hla Win, a 17-year-old student whose name The Economist has changed for her safety, retreated home cradling her hand, which now resembled “a bag closed with a drawstring”. She did not receive treatment until mid-afternoon, at a monastery where doctors loyal to the resistance had set up a mobile clinic. But lacking the proper equipment, they could not set the broken bone. When the pain finally set in, says her mother, she cried and cried. It was four days before she had an operation.

Last November Myanmar held a general election that returned Aung San Suu Kyi, the de facto leader of Myanmar, and her government to power. On February 1st the army seized power in a coup, claiming without evidence that the poll, which its party had lost resoundingly, had been marred by voter fraud. The public disagreed, and hundreds of thousands of Burmese marched through the streets. But after two weeks, with the protests showing no signs of abating, the commander-in-chief, Min Aung Hlaing, put his foot down.

Since then, he has presided over a reign of terror. At night, shouting soldiers enter residential areas, conduct house-to-house searches, indiscriminately fire live rounds into buildings, and beat and arrest people suspected of opposing the coup. Over 3,000 people have been jailed; some have been tortured. By day, security services attack protesters and random passers-by with assault weapons and grenades; many have been shot in the head. No mercy is shown to medical staff and doctors, who have been beaten, arrested and killed. On April 9th the army massacred 82 people in Bago, a town in the centre of the country. Local activists say the Tatmadaw, as the army is known, is charging families 120,000 kyat ($85) to retrieve the bodies. The death toll now exceeds 700.

The junta thinks it can crush the protests using the tactics it deployed against ethnic insurgencies that have simmered in the remote borderlands for decades. To that end it has sent large contingents of battle-hardened troops into the country’s biggest cities, including the divisions allegedly responsible for atrocities in 2017 against the Rohingyas, an ethnic minority.

Since early March the army has set up bases in schools, universities and monasteries. Not only do such places make convenient billets, but occupying them deprives its opponents of places to congregate. Hospitals are especially soft targets. The security forces are arresting wounded protesters who seek medical treatment. Ms Hla Hla Win would have been captured by police at the hospital where she was operated on, if plucky nurses had not wheeled her to safety in the nick of time.

Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3


A girl who used to silent protest solo with just a bike, a flag and a poster on 62nd street of Mandalay had been detained by military junta terrorists yesterday.

If anyone can give more information on this and other Myanmar heroes, fallen or not, to help the world understand this, please tell us at

Reminder: Please exercise caution. Hide your telephone number and other identifying information on telegram and don't reveal things that could lead to spies knowing your real identity.


Provided to us translated from Burmese:
"I want to prove that the people are being killed with these things"

In Sagaing Division In Kalemyo, locals collect artillery shells that did not explode when the terrorist army opened fire on the people.
🛑 RPGs
🛑 40mm bullet shells
🛑 Unidentified artillery shells

"These will be well maintained because we want to prove that the military is killing people with these"

The terrorist army attacked the Tahan garrison in Kalemyo on March 27. In the south from March 29 to April 2; On April 8, 30 locals were killed in a series of artillery shellings at Tahan Fort and Taungphila Fort.

This will also be added to the evidence collection of almost 1/4 million items that the CRPH have against the Tatmadaw proving they are terrorists committing atrocities and egregious #HumanRightsAbuse against the Burmese.

Any discussion for this and other evidences is welcome at

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
CNN goes into Myanmar and PROVES The Tatmadaw are LYING TERRORISTS

This is one of the best reports we have seen on Myanmar. CNN have been as honest as possible here.

Clarissa Ward, CNN Chief International Correspondent, does an excellent job in interviewing and calling out the Tatmadaw terrorist spokesman.

Shown incontrovertible evidence of the #CrimesAgainstHumanity by the Tatmadaw terrorists, he is unmoved.

They had minders from the terrorist Tatmadaw that controlled the reporters every move.

Where they went the brave Myanmar citizens still spoke out, KNOWING, that the terrorists would later come after them.

Myanmar citizens are some of the bravest people in the world and an inspiration to us all.



Video Source:


George Orwell 1984 media propaganda control

Myanmar terrorists
(Tatmadar Military) are seen seizing PSI Satellites nationwide.

PSI Sat receives news services telling the people what is really going on. Such as from Mizzima & DVB News.

The totalitarian dictatorship has destroyed the fledgling democracy after the ILD party received overwhelming support from the people in the Nov 2020 elections by introducing martial law, killing protesters to their takeover and banning the Internet, have now taken it a step further towards complete totalitarianism.

A typical tactic of Communist takeover is to give the people only propaganda news.


If you can help with news in Myanmar, please join our chat 🙏🏾


Mandalay Engineers, part of the CDM family against the #terrorist #Tatmadaw showed their disgust at China and Russia for supporting the #terrorists.

The engineers burned both Chinese and Russian flags at the commencement of their brave march.

Both China and Russia are abusing their permanent positions on the Security Council of the UN by blocking any actions by the Council against the terrorist Tatmadaw that are committing genocide against the people of Myanmar.


KNU launches offensive

The Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 5 has launched an offensive against Min Aung Hlaing's Thee Mu Hta's camp. According to a KNU statement, eight people were arrested.

Pictured are arms captured.

If you can help with additions to the or translation to English for Myanmar News or providing content to increase world awareness of the #HumanRightsAbuses that the terrorist Tatmadaw are committing against the people of Myanmar, please join our chat

#SaveMyanmar #GodSaveMyanmar

20 more killed in Saigang and Bago. In London, army expels Burmese ambassador from embassy
AAPP Brings total murders up to 606 official and more unaccounted for!

The Tatmadaw are proving themselves no more than a gang of thugs high on drugs with a lust for torture and killing their own people. They are a true terrorist organisation of the worst kind.

In a demonstration in Kalay, soldiers "fired in all directions" and ambushed demonstrators. Three of the killed were not part of the protest. In Bago two killed in a residential area. In the villages there is forced recruitment of men or young people. Anyone who refuses is arrested. Many villages are abandoned because people flee. Kyaw Zwar Minn, the Burmese ambassador to Britan and former military officer speaks in favour of Aung San Suu Kyi.

Seven other people were killed in Taze, also in the Sagaing region, during a demonstration (photo 1). It was the first time that the military had attacked a mass demonstration in Taze. In the clashes there were a few dozens injured, including a Buddhist monk.

In Bago (80 km northeast of Yangon), armed troops entered a residential area and opened fire, killing two people, 20-year-old Chan Myae and 48-year-old A Nge Lay. Both were shot in the head. The body of the eldest was not found. The military are now being accused of hiding and stealing corpses out of contempt for families and (perhaps) to harvest them for the organ trade.

The Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners (Aapp) confirmed that until last night the total number of civilians killed had reached 606.

A constant problem for the population is constituted by night roundups in residential areas and villages where the military thinks there are activists and members of the National League for Democracy, the party of Aung San Suu Kyi. Soldiers break into houses, kill people even indiscriminately, destroy what is found. Then they arrest militants and non-militants.

In the villages military leaders are also conscripting men to enlist them in combat or only as "pack animals", to carry weapons and materials. In the 70 years of military dictatorship, this style was widely used and condemned by the international community, especially because it involved child soldiers.

Those who refuse are arrested, or flee. Inhabitants of several villages flee into the forest and the villages remain deserted.

The App census says that at present there are at least 3 thousand prisoners, but there are many arrests that are not documented.

Last night the Myanmar conflict spread to London: Burmese ambassador Kyaw Zwar Minn was shut outside the embassy and spent the night in his car (photo 2). According to sources, his deputy, Chit Win, took power on the mandate of the junta, expelling him from the diplomatic seat.

In recent weeks, Kyaw Zwar Minn, a former soldier himself, had spoken out in favor of the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint and had warned the junta of a possible civil war.

So far, Britain has condemned the coup and implemented sanctions on some junta generals, blocking some trade. It is not yet clear what the next move by the London government might be. A Foreign Office spokesman said he was awaiting "clarification on the current status of the Myanmar ambassador to Britain.



It is increasingly urgent that the world hear the cries of the brave Myanmar souls and the well over 500 that have been murdered by the Tatmadaw after it's wrongful coup against the will of the people.

If you are not in Myanmar and you don't speak out and urge your governments to take action against the genocides taking place against the Burmese, you should not be surprised if in some future date your own government does the same to it's people...including you and your family.

Speak out for humanity.

4 Tatmadaw terrorists down. Only about 500 000 to go now.

The solution would be Tatmadaw soldiers assassinating the generals.

4 Myanmar Soldiers Killed in Grenade Attack in Sagaing Region

A grenade was hurled into a military truck as local residents fought back after the soldiers had shot at anti-regime protesters erecting road blocks in Sagaing Region’s Tamu.


Not long ago in Yangon a bus driver stopped in the middle of the road forming a road block to protect protesters from the terrorist military, the Tatmadaw that were firing at them.
The Tatmadaw arrested him and he was not seen since.
That is, until today.
Today his deceased body was returned his family by the military.

We do not have pictures of the body but we would not at all be surprised to see large cut marks in his body and organs removed.

There is an ongoing and increasing Internet blackout by the Tatmadaw specifically to prevent evidence of their atrocities being shared to the world.

The expectation of many Burmese is that the military are harvesting the organs from body's that they kill and selling them to China, especially, but not limited to the kidneys.

#MyanmarHeroes | #ImplementR2P | #Apr7Coup |#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar | #SpringRevolutionMyanmar | #SpringRevolution2021
Telegram Myanmar News Sites - See

We present you with some EXCELLENT NEWS for the people of Myanmar!!!
The Tatmadaw Military that have taken over Myanmar have increasingly restricted the Internet.
For weeks they have prevented Internet data on mobiles.
And last Thursday night they blocked the Internet altogether, including for the few shops and businesses with land based Internet.
An appeal was made to Elon Musk on behalf of the people of Myanmar, and pending now approval from the US, it has been successful.

We must preface this however, with a solemn warning. The Tatmadaw is being supported by the Chinese military and that includes them using technology to track communications.
So this good news is not without it's limitations.
It still means that those using the satellite technology will need to be diligent to do so in short bursts from mobile locations being as cautious as possible.
The Tatmadaw is beating, arresting and even killing people that defy them and share news of their atrocities to the world.
With that said, here is the news:

From @SpringRevolutionTwitter :-

We have received a message back from Elon Musk’s team stating they will be willing to use his Starlink satellite to provide internet access in Myanmar if the US government allows.
This is huge as it will enable us to get back into contact with Myanmar and restore the internet access for the people.
We will be starting a Twitter trend using the hashtags
Please use this hashtag when tweeting so we can gain more attention across social media platforms.
Please boost this post and tweet/email the US Government to grant permission for the satellite, which could save the lives of thousands back home.
Tweet multiple times, add photos, Do whatever you need to get their attention.
I’ll leave all relative links down below:

Please tweet to these people :
@JoeBiden @POTUS


Thank you all 🙏

MTA - Myanmar Telegram Archives dan repost
တနေ့မှာ တရုတ်ပြည်ဟာ စူပါပါဝါ ဖြစ်လာပြီး
ကမ္ဘာအရပ်ရပ်က လူတွေကို အနိုင်ကျင့်မယ်၊ ကျူးကျော်မယ်၊ အမြတ်ထုတ်မယ်ဆိုရင်
ကမ္ဘာကြီးက အဲဒါကို ဖော်ထုတ်ပါ၊ ဆန့်ကျင်ပါ၊ ကျရှုံးအောင် လုပ်ပါ။

(၁၀ ဧပြီ ၁၉၇၄၊ UN မှာ ပြောခဲ့သော မိန့်ခွန်းမှ)

Should China one day become a superpower that bullies, invades and exploits people everywhere, then the world should expose it, oppose it and defeat it.

Deng Xiaoping
Former Chinese leader
Speech at the UN. April 10, 1974

Credit - Ashin Rsara

🔱 WW3.INFO Elite News dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🚨BOMBSHELL BREAKING – Chinese troops have invaded into Myanmar territory, today

Chinese forces arrive at KyalKhaung, Muse township.They said they came to protect the gas line in Myanmar but look at the forces. Do they need that much forces to protect gas line ???


This is what we have been most concerned with happening in Myanmar.

This will leave the Burmese opposed to the Military coup, which is about 80% of the country, including the ethnic fighting forces, little choice now other than to destroy the pipeline that supplies much of China's energy.


We are seeking those that can provide valid and honest contributions about the Rohingya claim also.

@AungSunSuuKyi has been criticised for siding with the Tatmadaw in regards to the atrocities against those being called the "Rohingya".

We know there is more to this story especially the disputes of the historicity of the Rohingha as being native to Rakhine State in Myanmar, but also the allegations that they were also committing atrocities against the Burmese prior to the actions of the Tatmadaw.

If anyone can help provide full context and nuance to this it would be very helpful.

We feel it is important that the full truth be known to give understanding to the decisions of ASSK.

If you can help with information and evidences please let us know in Myanmar_News_Chat

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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