๐๐‡๐ˆ๐‹๐Ž๐†๐˜๐๐ˆ๐’๐“: OPEN AT 7 PM.

Kanal geosi va tili: koโ€˜rsatilmagan, koโ€˜rsatilmagan
Toifa: koโ€˜rsatilmagan

Lad killer of heart's coystrill in the pace รฉt loveth. @PhilogynistBot @Philohelper.

ะกะฒัะทะฐะฝะฝั‹ะต ะบะฐะฝะฐะปั‹

Kanal geosi va tili
koโ€˜rsatilmagan, koโ€˜rsatilmagan
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Shout out kepada rekan bisnis kami, kami akan sangat berterimakasih kepada anda yang meneruskan pesan ini ke saluran anda. Terima kasih banyak.

Salam hangat untuk semua orang yang menunggu untuk batch pertama kami. Kabar baik, penantian kalian sudah berakhir! Philogynist akhirnya membuka batch pertama hari ini dengan banyak slot, harga terjangkau dan tentu saja pelayanan yang baik!

Jika anda siap untuk memesan, silakan cek pesan di pinned kami dan kirimkan formulir anda melalui bot kami @philogynistbot untuk mendapatkan harga khusus!

Catatan: Form dapat dikirim dan hanya kami terima ke bot kami di jam 7.


โ™• Shout our to our bussiness buddies, it would be pleasant for you to forward this message to your channel. Thanks a heap.

Bidding the warmest hello for everyone who are waiting for our first batch. Good news, now your wait is over! Philogynist has finally opened the first batch today with lots of slot, affordable price and of course good services! So, If you're ready to order, please kindly check our pinned message and send your form through our bot @philogynistbot to have some special prices!

Notes: The form only could be send to our bot on 7PM.

Don't forget to check the comment section, Philo's!

If you're curious on what's #THEPERKS that you'll have after renting and using our service, here's the list!

1. In one payment (4K) you will get a free additional request which is face claim, typing, and displaying name on bio / not.

2. In addition to couples generally consisting of men and women, we also provide a service for everyone who wants to be Gay/Lesbian couples.

3. We will not only provide an imagine or a hug. We also want to make sure that our customers are feeling safe, warm and loved too. Because everyone deserves to be loved, isn't it?

Capture them #THEFUGITIVE, and $15.000 dollars check are on your way, Civilians. philogynist.carrd.co

Untuk mencoba layanan kami, berikut daftar harga dan hal-hal yang berkaitan:

1. Kami mematok harga 4K IDR untuk Sehari dan berlaku kelipatan. Maksimal sewa 7 hari dan akan mendapat diskon bila kamu sewa lebih dari 3 hari.

2. Bagi kalian yang suka begadang atau plotting, kami mematok tambahan harga 2K IDR untuk Non-Rated dan 3K IDR untuk Rated atau NSFW.

3. Last but not least, Kami menetapkan harga tambahan Rp 3K per-jam untuk ide kencan seperti Film? Spotify, atau kencan bermain game.

To try our services, here's the #PRICELIST and anything related:

1. We have fixed the price to 4K IDR for a Day and multiples is applied per-day. Maximum rental duration is 7 days and you will get a discount when you rent for more than 3 days.

2. For those of you who fancies literate or plotting, we set additional price of 2K IDR for Non-rated and 3K IDR for Rated or NSFW.

3. Last but not least, We set an additional price of 3K IDR per-hour for date ideas like Movie, Spotify, or Game dates.

Berikut Syarat dan Ketentuan kami tentang jasa rental Boyfriend dan Girlfriend kami:

1. Pembayaran hanya tersedia melalui DANA / GOPAY / QRIS.

2. Kami hanya akan mengembalikan 70% pembayaran Anda jika Anda tidak puas dengan layanan kami.

3. Pembayaran dilakukan di awal setelah mengisi formulir untuk menghindari Hit and Run.

4. Tidak melayani hal hal yang berhubungan dengan RL seperti Voice note, OTP, VC dan lain-lain. Kecuali talent kami setuju untuk melakukannya.

5. Apa pun yang terkait antara talent dan pelanggan setelah masa rental selesai, hanya untuk Bisnis saja. Kami akan mentolerir perasaan semua orang tetapi itu di luar tanggung jawab kami.

6. Kami tidak terkait dengan hal yang intim atau NSFW. Anda harus membayar lebih jika Anda mau.

7. Kami berharap setiap pelanggan memberikan kritik dan saran ketika masa rental telah berakhir untuk meningkatkan kualitas talent dan agensi kami.

8. Kami juga menerima kritik dan saran secara pribadi. Jangan ragu untuk memberi tahu Bot atau Akun kami @PhiloHelper. Kami akan dengan senang hati menerimanya.

Here's our #TERMSANDCONDITIONS regarding to our Boyfriend and Girlfriend rental services:

1. We only provide payment via DANA/GOPAY/QRIS.

2. We will return 70% of your payment back, if you aren't satistfied enough with our service.

3. Payment must be made on the beginning after filling in the form to avoid Hit and Run.

4. No RL related requests such as Voice note, OTP, VC and etc. Except our talent agreed to do it.

5. Anything that is happening between our talent and customer after the subscription has finished, are just for Bussiness only. We will tolerate anyone's feelings but It's beyond our responsibility.

6. We aren't likely to do rated or NSFW thingy. You should pay more if you want such services.

7. We hope that every customer is willing to give their criticism and suggestions when the rent period has ended to improve the quality of our talents and agency.

8. We also accept criticism and suggestions personally. Feel free to tell our Bot or Account @Philohelper. We will happily accept it.

The sounds of laughs filled with mellifluous sounds, Like a ๐ŸŽถ melody echoing throughout the odeum. They run away from the police hundreds of times. All eyes are looking for them, They are ๐๐‡๐ˆ๐‹๐Ž๐†๐˜๐๐ˆ๐’๐“, the sobbing shriek from a joyous tone that makes every heart bursting off their golden charms, the unfathomable heart stealer from a sybilline parallax who has loan a hand and invites you to triumph over their world.

A lad killer, indeed. No guidance for them to stalk the block, no elusive ways to not recognizing nor beloving them. They are such as ๐†๐จ๐'๐ฌ ๐ ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐ง grace to some youth. Thus instead of monstrosity, they created fellas out of fellows to the hearts of unknown, seeking for a true love when they steal each of them. Regardless for what might betide, Would you like to take aย perilousย journey with them?


17 ta oxirgi post koโ€˜rsatilgan.


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