Rasendu Store

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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LAVIEN STORE dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ Untuk semua mutual BA atau siapapun yang melihat pesan ini boleh tolong bantu fw pesan ini ke channel kalian? Terimakasih ! 💗 ]

Hello hello tele—lings ! @Lavienstore hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhanmu. Apakah kamu butuh nokos, upsubs, upview, joki tugas, jasa tulis bahkan account lpm, atau top up diamond untuk game favorit kamu . Eits jangan khawatir lavienstore hadir untuk Anda! Cek yu untuk melihat jenis katalog favorit kalian di bawah sini

✦. Tnc
✦. Verif All-Apk
✦. Upsubs & Upview
✦. Joki Tugas
✦. Jasa Tulis & Jasa Ketik

✦. Account LPM
✦. Top Up Diamond

✦. Format Order

Harga mulai dari 1000 ✦ Segera pilih kebutuhanmu dan jangan lupa isi format terlebih dahulu baca syarat & ketentuan.

☎️ Hubungi @lavienstorebot untuk memesan
🧚‍♂ Toko Resmi: @lavienstore

Penuh Dengan cinta ♡

Dainty Minty. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ for all my BA mutuals, can you please forward this post to your channel? thank you so much moots! ♡(´ε` ) ]

enlo-bello dainty people! finally @DaintyMinty has debuted on 24th June! 🥺 the reason why we’re here is to make your profile looks more prettier!

we provide some shaped icons, and some detailed icons with affordable prices! (range IDR 2.000 - 12.000) and we will open on 27th june at 15.00 WIB. so don’t miss it out guys~! also don’t forget to read our regulations before you send the form, and if you still confused about our regulations don’t be shy to contact our bot, dainties!!

Xoxo, Kiki. ( ♡3♡ )

𝐂RISPI 𝐒TORE ; 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 dan repost
[ To all my dearest Mutual BA or anyone who saw this message, would you please forward this message to your business channel? Much obliged!]

  ໑ @CrispiStore sudah buka! (♡ ˃ ᵕ ˂ ♡) dan memberikan suguhan untuk kalian semua! Harganya mulai dari ( IDR 2.500 ). You got what were selling. Anything We sell? We sell﹔𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙛 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙢, 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙢 𝙧𝙥/𝙧𝙡 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨, 𝙪𝙥𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬𝙨, 𝙪𝙥𝙨𝙪𝙗𝙨 𝙖𝙘𝙘 𝙨𝙛𝙨, 𝙪𝙥𝙨𝙪𝙗𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙘𝙘 & 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙩 𝙚-𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙩/𝙩𝙨𝙚𝙡

What are you waiting for? Please look at @CrispiStore and 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁 to read our TnC first and prepare to send your from to @CrispiStoreBot.
𝑫elighted purchase, all! ৎ୭

MEUCANSA!! ♡︎ TODAY, 9AM. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ For all mutual ba or anyone who saw this, can you please forward this message to your channel? its will mean a lot to me! ]

Hello! On June 26, 2021 to be exact at 9 am Meucansa will open for the first time, Meucansa has also prepared some cute and adorable catalogs! If you want to see & buy the catalog of Meucansa, please read the regulations before 💖


If you have chosen which catalog to buy and have read the regulations, please send your format to @Meucansabot on June 26, 2021 at 9 am! See u cansas

[[ hello ! for mutuals can you share this to your channel? in advance thank you! ]]

di hari yang ceria ini paling enak makan roti coklat sambil mengunjungi rasenduu store ! where here you can get in the form of telegram verification, upsubs, upview, upfoll and upmemb 😋😋, so what are you waiting for? best to relax while eating chocolate bread and snacks at our store, langsung aja di intip yuu 🍫🍫

[ https://t.me/rasenduustore/15 ]

FROMISEOUL ♡ 26 JUNE dan repost
[to my dearest mutuals or anyone who see this. can you help me forward this message? thanks a bunch

June order list! ( @rasenduustore )
O1. Upfoll ig rl a/n J
O2. Verif Telegram 2 a/n F
O3. Verif telegram 1 a/n A
O4. Verif telegram 2 a/n R
O5. Verif telegram 1 a/n J
O6. Upsubs 150 subs a/n O
O7. Verif telegram 1 a/n A

coret = uda selesai
Bold = proses

Haii! Selamat malam. @rasenduustore still open for u! yuk buruan jajan store kami buka 24 jam yaa. Jangan lupa baca tnc && jika berminat order silahkan chat ke bot kami ( @Rasenduustorebot ) dan testi kami ada di @testirasendustore, happy shopping!🤍

✦ 𝐕erif 𝐍omor 𝐓elegram

Via E - Wallet :
3k / verif

Via Pulsa ( No Rate )
5k / verif

✦ 𝐕erif 𝐍omor 𝐀ll 𝐀pk

All apk selain telegram : 1k/verif

Format :
name + usn :
Verif apk :
jumlah verif :
Payment :

Payment : all e wallet , qris , vipul

📩 : @Rasenduustorebot

testi ? @testirasendustore

✦ 𝐔pfoll

Akun folls O-3k

300f : 5k
600f : 10k
900f : 15k
1kf : 2Ok

Akun folls 3-5k folls
25Of : 5k
500f : 10k
750f : 15k
1kf : 2Ok

Format Order Upfolls
username akun ig :
username buyyer :
foll awal :
foll yang dipesan :
pembayaran :

Payment : all e wallet , qris , vipul

📩 : @Rasenduustorebot

testi ? @testirasendustore

✦ 𝐔pmemb

O - 1k member

150 memb = 5k
240 memb = 10k
350 memb = 15k
420 memb = 20k

1k + member
130 memb = 5k
220 memb = 10k
310 memb = 15k
400 memb = 20k

format :
usn :
jumlah order :
usn grup / lpm :
memb awal :
memb akhir :
payment :

Payment : all e wallet , qris , vipul

📩 : @Rasenduustorebot

testi ? @testirasendustore

✦ 𝐔pview

1.500 views = 5.000
2.500 views = 10.000
3.500 views = 15.000
berlaku kelipatan

Nama + usn :
Jumlah order upview :
Link bbc :
Payment :

Payment : all e wallet , qris , vipul

📩 : @Rasenduustorebot

testi ? @testirasendustore

✦ 𝐔psubs

⊹ ♡̷̷ Channel 0 - 1k subs

150 subs = 5k
250 = 10k
350 = 15k
450 = 20k
550 = 25k

⊹ ♡̷̷ channel 1k - 5k subs

75 subs = 5k
100 subs = 7k
200 subs = 10k
300 subs 15k
400 subs 20k
500 subs 25k

n. Berlaku kelipatan

format order
usn pembeli :
usn ch :
subs awal :
subs akhir :
payment :

Payment : all e wallet , qris , vipul

📩 : @Rasenduustorebot

testi ? @testirasendustore

⠀⠀ ✶ Terms and Condition ˖ ࣪ ‹

I. Sebelum memesan di sini, jangan lupa untuk subscribe @rasenduustore terlebih dahulu.

II. Mengisi format order = fix order. Jika ingin membatalkan pesanan, tolong hubungi kami sesegera mungkin.

III. Pembayaran harus dilakukan di awal untuk menghindari adanya HIT AND RUN. Kami hanya menerima pembayaran melalui DANA, GOPAY, OVO, SPAY, QRIS DAN VIPUL.

IV. Diharap mengisi format dengan benar dan sabar, orderan akan diproses sesuai antrian. Proses order akan dilakukan selama 7 hari paling lama yaa. Tenang, jika ada kendala pihak kami akan segera memberi kabar kepada para customer.

V. Untuk up subscriber, up views, up members, dilarang keras untuk melakukan proses tersebut secara mandiri atau dari toko lain, menghindari kebingungan dalam menghitung jumlah target. Dilarang juga untuk mengganti username channel atau lpm, jikalau mengganti, bisa hubungi bot kami ya.

VI. Untuk verifikasi nomor, kami hanya menyediakan jenis nomor untuk telegram , all apk Dan setelah proses verif berhasil, kami akan segera log out dari device.

VII. Jika ada device lain di salah satu nomor yang kami jual, maka customer bisa terminate device tersebut. Segala sesuatu yang terjadi pada nomor yang kami jual setelah berpindah tangan ke customer bukanlah kesalahan kami.

VIII. Kami hanya menerima orderan di jam kerja yaitu O7.OO - 23.OO Dan hanya menerima pemesanan melalui @rasenduustorebot atau @rasenduuuu. Selain kontak yang disebutkan tadi, maka tidak ada hubungannya dengan rasenduustore.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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