Reagan Lodge Art

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Sketches, inspiration, tutorials, and comic updates. Current project is the Fantasy-Dieselpunk graphic novel "WYIT".

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Thanks for another great livestream turnout today, everyone.

For those who missed, here’s a screencap of the page we worked on today (a glimpse of Wyit’s hometown). Got the inks done and decent chunk of the coloring.

Making some coffee, livestreaming SOON!

Livestream still going hard for another few hours

Still a ways to go, but I like where it’s at right now. And yes this was hugely influenced by Ralph Bakshi’s anima LoTR and ‘Wizards” (great and WEIRD films you should see). I kinda like how it feels like a psychedelic blacklight poster you’d see in a trashy headshop in the 90s

Here’s where we left off at the last stream. Gonna be a great stream workin on this tomorrow

So far it’s looking good for a livestream tomorrow. Just got some phone calls to handle in the morning, so unless anything weird comes up I should be going for a good 8 hour stream session.

Stream done for the day! Stepping out to see movie with friends, hence the shorter session today. Will be streaming again Wednesday, most likely a long all-day thing.

Also some of you may recall I listen to something called the “Tellurion Soundtrack” in my livestreams. It’s actually a youtube playlist he put together for his story project. Great collection of high-adventure orchestral stuff:
10 - Rocketeer To The Rescue - End Title - James Horner - The Rocketeer

My friend Matt Rhodes has a new drawing process video up and it’s really great. His sense of visual storytelling was such a huge influence on me when I first began drawing:
Tellurion 254
Process video for Tellurion 254. Artstation: Instagram:

Will be livestreaming today! I’ve gotta head into town later this evening (around 5pm PST) but the noon/afternoon before then is looking pretty nice and open to get some work done on Wyit. But while you’re waiting -

Pecking a bit at Page 80’s colors before I go to bed. Laying down the flats right now, I kinda like saving screenshots at this stage in case I get ideas I wanna use later… And also so I remember how I did it.

One thing I’m realizing after working on a book this large is how much ‘autopilot’ kicks in and you actually FORGET how you did a certain page, cuz you did so many others on top of it. Screenshotting stuff helps me retrace my steps mentally later on.

(Also I included the file dimensions in the screencap since people ask often what canvas dimensions I work at).

Long day working deliveries and errands, and dealing with a plumbing problem (still). Finally got a mechanical pipe-snake though, so hopefully it’ll get fixed tomorrow morning when I can borrow a drill. (art next—>)

Wew, good stream today. Thanks for the good turnout, everyone!

Cogsun’s dreadnought is coming along nicely. Still streaming, and will be streaming well into the night!

Will be streaming soon. Meanwhile here’s an important message I received from Blue Elk!
Reagan's important message - Clip of ReaganLodge - Twitch Clips
Clip of ReaganLodge Playing Art - Clipped by Blue_Elk

Good art stream going on by PykaRose, she's got a cool cute character style and has helped me out in the past with learning ClipStudioPaint.

Check it out if you're looking for some late night ambience (or give her a follow if she wraps up by the time you get this)

closeup on the page being worked on in the stream right now. The Colonel's ship is about to PUNISH

GOOD MORNING everyone. I'm up, will be livestreaming SOON, just had to deal with a plumbing issue in my kitchen. Was draining sink & running the garbage disposal which caused TERRIBLE and FOUL /THINGS/ to shoot out from a pipe it was not to shoot out from. Ïa! Ïa!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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