There is a fake/impostor channel (@WideAwakeMedia), run by a scammer, that uses our name and logo, but has nothing to do with us. The same scammer also runs the @HATSTRUTH channel. Merch:
There is a fake/impostor channel (@WideAwakeMedia), run by a scammer, who just copies and pastes my posts from here (check the timestamps). The same scammer also runs the @HATSTRUTH channel. Follow me on Twitter:
The official Wide Awake Media Telegram channel. There is a fake/impostor channel (@WideAwakeMedia), pretending to be me. The scammer running it just copies and pastes my posts from here, but it has nothing to do with me. Please spread the word!
02.02.2024 14:16
The official Wide Awake Media Telegram channel. There is a fake/impostor channel (@WideAwakeMedia), pretending to be me. The scammer running it just steals and reposts my content, but it has nothing to do with me. Please spread the word!
24.05.2023 15:05
My original channel got hijacked by a criminal scammer and identity thief (who also runs the HATS channel). That channel should now be considered an impostor channel. This is now the official Wide Awake Media channel. Please spread the word!