Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺

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Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:
Responsible in terms of press law: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

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Anons17 🇩🇪BREAKING NEWS 🇺🇸 dan repost
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🔥Sprecher Mike Johnson sagt, der Kongress werde die Begnadigungen von Joe Bidens Familienmitgliedern prüfen.


BioClandestine dan repost
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Herridge decides that on the day Trump is inaugurated, she is going to be in GITMO, reporting on the status of the upcoming “military trials”.

She says that the Trump administration is “going to have to make some hard choices about the future of this operation”.

How interesting 🤔

Qlobal-Change 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇱🇮 🤝 🇷🇺 dan repost
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Tucker Carlson:
Ned Ryun über den Plan, Trump von innen zu sabotieren, ob DOGE zu ehrgeizig ist, und die Zukunft des FBI

(automatische Untertitel)

Ned Ryun ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von American Majority. Er ist außerdem der Autor von American Leviathan: The Birth of the Administrative State und Progressive Authoritarianism.

0:00 Drei Dinge, die Trump in Ordnung bringen muss, bevor die Linken unser Land zerstören
10:46 Werden Tulsi Gabbard und Bobby Kennedy bestätigt werden?
27:25 Trumps Plan, den Tiefen Staat in eine Million Stücke zu zerschlagen
33:54 Wird DOGE Erfolg haben?
43:22 Die Realität von Watergate
53:41 Die Begnadigung der J6 Angeklagten
55:48 Die Schuldenkrise
59:51 Warum wir Kash Patel als FBI-Direktor brauchen
1:05:09 Kamala Harris' Zukunft

Charlie Kirk dan repost
Meet the people in charge of LA’s fire response.

All of them lesbians named Kristin.

Kristina Crowley - First LGBTQ Fire Chief LAFD.
Salary: $439,722

Kristina Kepner - First Lesbian Assistant Chief LAFD.
Salary: $264,468

Kristine Larson - First black lesbian Equity Bureau Chief LAFD.
Salary: $399,000

Charlie Kirk dan repost
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Mark Zuckerberg on a new episode of Joe Rogan's podcast BLASTS the Biden regime:

"They pushed us super hard to take down things that were true... anything that says vaccines might have side effects you basically need to take down."

The truth is coming out.

Dr John B. dan repost
Will we all soon be indirectly vaccinated by eating meat?
In France, a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine is now being used in the factory farming of ducks.
Helene Banoun (@BanounHelene) has published an important article on the subject:

- "The CEVA vaccine is a self-amplifying mRNA encoding H5 of H5N8 coated in ferric nanoparticles, and contains squalene (suspected of toxicity in humans)."

- "When ducks are vaccinated with CEVA's self-amplifying mRNA product, it must be emphasized that no tests have been carried out on the ability of this gene product to be transmitted to the duck meat consumer."

25k 0 706 861

Update Reiner Füllmich

📖 Statement von Dr. Reiner Füllmich vom 3.1.2025 als Dokument (deutsch)

📖 Statement of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from 3 January 2025 as a document (english)

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Qlobal-Change 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇱🇮 🤝 🇷🇺 dan repost
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Tucker Carlson:
Brigham Buhler: Ermordung des CEO von UnitedHealthcare und die massive Monetarisierung von chronischen Krankheiten

(automatische Untertitel)

Ein ungesundes, übermediziertes Land bedeutet Rekordgewinne für Versicherungsunternehmen. Brigham Buhler erklärt, wie sie versuchen, uns krank zu halten und chronische Krankheiten zu Geld zu machen.

0:00 Die Ermordung des CEO von UnitedHealthcare
13:32 Die Opioid-Krise hätte verhindert werden können
27:32 Die Monetarisierung deiner chronischen Krankheit
32:17 Wie die Krankenkassen dich betrügen
48:01 Die Massenabwanderung von Ärzten
52:55 Wie sie von Krebs profitieren
1:07:11 Trumps Plan, den medizinischen Mittelmann auszuschalten

CONNECT : Toronto dan repost
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Dr. David Martin explains how Peter Hotez has warned that the next pandemic will start for H5N1 around Jan 21, 2025. There are over 3000 patents related to this and injections falsely called "vaccines" going back over a decade. These patents all take about 18-24 months to process. Another criminal conspiracy to disrupt the orderly transition of Trump into office and to harm all those who are tricked into taking the "vaccine". Be aware and be ready. If we get this story out to enough people ahead of time it may disrupt their plans.

Mäckle macht gute Laune dan repost
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‼️Der neue Direktor des FBI, Kash Patel, deckt auf, dass die CIA hinter der Vertuschung von COVID-19 steckte und mit Anthony Fauci zusammenarbeitete

☀️🍷🍿 Lust auf Gute Laune?

♟️🐇📕 Lust auf Wissen?

Qlobal-Change 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇱🇮 🤝 🇷🇺 dan repost
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Tucker Carlson Films: Thank You, Dr. Fauci (2024)
(automatische Untertitel)

Der preisgekrönte Dokumentarfilmer Jenner Furst sucht Antworten von Dr. Fauci über die Ursprünge von COVID-19, ein Bio-Wettrüsten mit China und die möglicherweise größte Vertuschung der modernen Geschichte. In Erwartung von Faucis Antwort, stürzt Furst in einen Kaninchenbau und entschlüsselt Hunderttausende von Seiten an Dokumenten mit prominenten Wissenschaftlern, Geheimdienstanalysten, ehemaligen Regierungsbeamten und Whistleblowern. Er riskiert seine Karriere und seinen Ruf und entpolitisiert eine der umstrittensten Geschichten unserer Zeit in einem wissenschaftlichen Doku-Thriller, der Oppenheimer mit Outbreak verbindet.


We for Humanity Campaigns dan repost
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Good things are happening, and we are part of it.

“Fear sells” – a viable maxim that has been used to keep humanity in line for thousands of years. Even now, when we should know better, this bestseller still finds buyers and sellers. Currently, Trump and Kennedy are the source of euphoria for many. And already, voices are emerging that dampen hope. Whether the hope or the gloomy forecasts will prove true, we do not know today. But hope and confidence give us strength, while hopelessness paralyzes us.

I spoke with the admirable Mary Holland, who is working with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Bobby), both as executive director of Bobby's Children's Health Defense and during his election campaign. She answered my critical questions objectively and honestly. She is confident, and so am I.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. still needs to be confirmed by the Senate. There is massive lobbying effort to prevent the confirmation. You will recognize from the conversation with Mary why. Now it is important to inform as many people as possible by sharing, so that corrupt politicians feel watched. The conversation is available in seven languages.

The first Senate hearing will take place as early as January 1st. We have three days to let them know that we know that we are there for each other.

Nobody can see what will happen. In the end, “by their fruits you shall know them” - Matthew 7:16. Everyone deserves a chance - AfD, FPÖ, Trump, Kennedy - and everyone needs hope. Because good things happen, and we are part of them. If we act.

If people have realized that they have to be afraid of telling the truth, they must realize that it will be even worse if they don't”,
Mike Yeadon once wrote to me.


Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy dan repost
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🥼 Dr sherri tenpenny: "If a child gets all of the vaccines in the entire schedule, they get almost 13,000 micrograms of aluminum, and they get almost 600 micrograms of mercury, plus over 200 different chemicals...."

Join: Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy Something BIG is coming

23k 0 619 731

Qlobal-Change 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇱🇮 🤝 🇷🇺 dan repost
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Tucker Carlson: Die New York Times behauptet, der böse Bobby Kennedy wolle die Polio-Impfung verbieten und Kinder lähmen. Das ist eine absurde Lüge, erklärt sein Anwalt Aaron Siri.
(automatische Untertitel)

0:00 Der Versuch des Establishments, Bobby Kennedy Jr. zu diskreditieren.
8:18 Die Religion des Impfstoffs
18:57 Hat jemand gegen die Polioimpfung protestiert?
21:04 Wie die Regierung die Impfstoffentwickler schützt
30:51 Die New York Times gegen Bobby Kennedy Jr.
50:31 Warum betreibt niemand Lobbyarbeit dagegen?
55:03 Wie profitabel ist die Impfstoffindustrie?
1:06:22 Die Perversion der Wissenschaft
1:10:47 Siri riskiert alles, um sich zu äußern
1:25:57 Die dunkle Verbindung zwischen Abtreibung und der Impfstoffindustrie
1:43:39 Wird Bobby Kennedy Jr. bestätigt werden?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.