Police frequency dan repost
When you're looking for a new patrol rifle, it's best to be fully informed and know what you're getting rather than simply buying what the next agency over bought. Since roughly the year 2000 there’s been a growing movement to make rifles available to officers and deputies as part of their patrol equipment. Why? Because the reality of longer distance engagements against potentially better armed subjects/bad actors is being recognized. The reasoning behind such a push is sound and we’ve seen agencies across the nation either add patrol rifles to the shotguns locked in mounts in patrol vehicles, or we’ve seen rifles replace those shotguns in some agencies. We’ve learned along the way what is most desirable as far as design and function characteristics for the selected patrol rifle. The FN 15 SRP G2, from FN America, incorporates virtually every one of those favored design characteristics. Let’s take a look... (Read more.)