( ... ) "Oh, marmee. What
should I do to remain my
sanity when I am ensnared
in this trapeze with nook?"
With this fondest greetings I ever convey to anyone—to demolish all void that has surrounds me for centuries, I ask for all mankind's (which has implicit means that includes you, who may happen to read this message) eagerness to be my companions, or atleast be my business mutual. I unlatch my gateway, light my inglenook for only those who has a profile needs and/or writing commission business only, and uses their foremost account to entwine with me and my metier approach. You shall do the same with me, while I perch behind the loom, call upon my dwelling and hand me those apple pie, and there you go. Another late afternoon tea buddy.
( ... ) "Oh, marmee. What
should I do to remain my
sanity when I am ensnared
in this trapeze with nook?"
With this fondest greetings I ever convey to anyone—to demolish all void that has surrounds me for centuries, I ask for all mankind's (which has implicit means that includes you, who may happen to read this message) eagerness to be my companions, or atleast be my business mutual. I unlatch my gateway, light my inglenook for only those who has a profile needs and/or writing commission business only, and uses their foremost account to entwine with me and my metier approach. You shall do the same with me, while I perch behind the loom, call upon my dwelling and hand me those apple pie, and there you go. Another late afternoon tea buddy.