History of Marxism

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Taking into consideration the population demographics of Cuba and how small the Jewish community in the country was at the time (0.6 percent of the population), it would have been difficult for Castro’s communist revolution to have been more Jewish than it in fact was

Source:(1) http://www.semiticcontroversies.blogspot.com/2016/05/is-fidel-castro-jewish.html
(2) Allan Metz, 1993, ‘Cuban-Israeli Relations’, p. 117 in Jorge Perez-Lopez (Ed.), 1993, Cuban Studies 23, 1st Edition, University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh
(3) http://www.semiticcontroversies.blogspot.com/2016/12/fidel-castros-strange-foreign-policy.html
(4) Richard Gott, 2004, Cuba: A New History, 1st Edition, Yale University Press: New Haven, p. 132
(5) Metz, Op. Cit., p. 115
(6) Geoff Simons, 1996, Cuba: From Conquistadors to Castro, 1st Edition, MacMillan: Basingstoke, p. 242
(7) Tad Szulic, 1986, Fidel: A Critical Portrait, 1st Edition, Hutchinson: London, pp. 83, 190-191
(8) Metz, Op. Cit., p. 115
(9) Helen Yaffe, 2009, Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution, 1st Edition, Palgrave MacMillan: Basingstoke, p. 286
(10) Ibid, pp. 38; 286
(11) Simon Reid-Henry, 2008, Fidel & Che: A Revolutionary Friendship, 1st Edition, Hodder & Stoughton: London, p. 196; Szulic, Op. Cit., p. 362; Yaffe, Op. Cit., p. 286
(12) http://forward.com/news/world/355740/fidel-castro-on-israel-and-the-jews-its-complicated/
(13) Szulic, Op. Cit., p. 373
(14) Reid-Henry, Op. Cit., pp. 235; 253; Yaffe, Op. Cit., p. 286
(15) Yaffe, Op. Cit., p. 286
(16) Reid-Henry, Op. Cit., p. 251
(17) Szulic, Op. Cit., p. 81
(18) http://forward.com/news/world/355740/fidel-castro-on-israel-and-the-jews-its-complicated/
(19) Metz, Op. Cit., p. 115

These weren’t the only members of Cuba’s Jewish population who supported and benefited from Castro’s communist revolution — Manual Stolik Novigod, a Jew who became one of Castro’s top diplomats is yet another example — but the foregoing discussion clearly demonstrates that, as 0.6 percent of the Cuban population at the time, Jews played a significant and disproportionate role in bringing about the murder and terror that has accompanied Castro’s rule in Cuba.
Put it this way: Jews bankrolled Castro’s M26J group, one of Castro’s key commanders was a Jew, the long-time head of the ‘official communist party’ in Cuba and a Castro ally was a Jew and Castro believed himself to be of Jewish ancestry.

After the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961, Fabio Grobart was one of the most trusted of Fidel’s confidants and government officials. As late as 1986 Grobart was still a very prominent and influential Cuban communist leader, in the third Cuban Party Congress in that year it was Grobart who introduced Casto to the delegates.
Richard Wolf predictably became Castro’s ambassador to Israel in 1960 and successfully promoted trade and scientific exchanges, which allowed Cuba to break the US blockade of the country.

When he emerged victorious in the 1959 Cuban revolution, he had the support of Grobart’s PSP as well as the Revolutionary Directory and, most importantly, his M26J group.The M26J movement also included among its senior commanders one Enrique Oltuski Osacki — born in Cuba in 1930 to Polish Jewish immigrant parents — who served as a vital link between the M26J guerrillas and the primarily urban movements of the Revolutionary Directory and PSP. In addition to this, Osacki served as the head of the M26J movement in the central Las Villas province.It is also a well-established, but not widely known fact that the M26J was funded by Castro’s long-time friend Ricardo Subirana Lobo, aka Richard Wolf, who was a Cuban Jew.
Once Batista had been toppled in 1959, Osacki was appointed as the Minister of Communication and was one of the three M26J representatives in the new Cuban cabinet. In 1960, he was subsequently appointed as Che Guevara’s deputy in the Department of Industrialisation and then joined the Central Economic Planning Board (JUCEPLAN). As of 2009 he was Vice Minister for Fishing.

This equates to Jews representing only 0.6 percent of the Cuban population.
Therefore the fact that three out of the ten founders of the PCC (i.e. thirty percent) were Jewish, while not conclusive it is suggestive that Jewish involvement with the PCC was significant.
Indeed, one of these three founders, Yunger Semjovich aka Fabio Grobart, was in many ways the old man of communism in Cuba between 1925 and 1959. When in 1944 the PCC transformed itself into the Partido Socialista Popular (i.e. Popular Socialist Party or PSP), Grobart was one of the party leaders who made and carried out the decision.

The PSP formed the corner stone of the revolutionary movement in Cuba during the 1940s and early 1950s. Only with the emergence of the Revolutionary Directory student movement lead by Faure Chomon and Fidel Castro’s 26th of July Movement (hereafter M26J) did this begin to change.
When Castro arrived back in Cuba from Mexico in November 1956, he did so on board the yacht Granma, the money for which had been donated by a Jew.

Jewish Involvemnt in Cuba's revolution

‘An embryonic Communist Party, formed in 1925 by socialists attracted to the Russian revolution, was eventually strong enough to take over the CNOC in 1931. Several of the more prominent Cuban communists were Jews from Eastern Europe — a fresh input into Cuba’s ethnic mix — some of whom still found it easier to speak Yiddish rather than Spanish. One of them, Yunger Semjovich, was to survive into the early years of the Revolution in 1959, under the name of Fabio Grobart. Distrust of the communists as ‘foreign’, ‘Jewish’ and beholden to Moscow was one of the obstacles facing the party, distrust as prevalent on the nationalist left as on the right.’ 

To be more specific: three of the ten founders of the PCC in 1925 were Jewish. The rest, were left-wing Cuban intellectuals. In order to give context to this situation, it is important to note that in 1924 there were only 24,000 Jews in Cuba out of a total population, as recorded in the 1931 Cuban census, of 3,962,344.

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A poster titled "The relationship between Jews and Freemasons." The text at the top reads: "World politics World revolution." The text at the bottom reads, "Freemasonry is an international organization beholden to Jewry with the political goal of establishing Jewish domination through world-wide revolution." The map, decorated with Masonic symbols (temple, square, and apron), shows where revolutions took place in Europe from the French Revolution in 1789 through the German Revolution in 1919. This poster is no. 64 in a series entitled Erblehre und Rassenkunde (Theory of Inheritance and Racial Hygiene), published by the Verlag fuer nationale Literatur (Publisher for National Literature), Stuttgart, Germany, ca. 1935.

Furthermore, Patricia “Ireland details her support of the Communist Party in her autobiography, What Women Want, she admits her socialist sympathies and participation in pro-Communist rallies in Miami….”[8]  Tammy Bruce also emphasizes that “today’s feminist leaders are more concerned with pursuing a socialist agenda than with helping women achieve equality.”[9]
Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge affirm that today’s radical feminism is:
Not merely about equal rights for women … Feminism aspires to be much more than this. It bids to be a totalizing scheme resting on a grand theory, one that is as all-inclusive as Marxism, as assured of its ability to unmask hidden meanings as Freudian psychology, and as fervent in its condemnation of apostates as evangelical fundamentalism. Feminist theory provides a doctrine of original sin: The world’s evil’s originate in male supremacy. (Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies, p. 183) 

Communism and radical feminism

Robert Bork identifies the pro-socialist leanings of the radical feminist movement: “In keeping with its progenitor, the New Left of the Sixties, feminism is fiercely anti-capitalist and pro-socialist”[3] and “… it is in keeping with feminism’s revolutionary neo-Marxism that the movement attacks bourgeois culture on many fronts.”

Women who have been inside the feminist movement have themselves confirmed the Marxist ties to radical feminism.  According to Tammy Bruce:
In order to attract as wide a base as possible, the sixties Leftists hid their socialist sympathies and, in some cases, actual Communist Party membership. Betty Friedan is a classic case. In the book that launched the modern feminist movement—The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963—she portrayed herself as a politically inactive housewife who simply had had enough of sexism. Forty years later, Friedan told the real story. In Life So Far, published in 2000, she recounts, “I would come into New York on my days off from the hospital [and] would go to Communist Front meetings and rallies … I looked up the address of the Communist Party headquarters in New York and … went into their dark and dingy building on 13th Street and announced I wanted to become a member.” This was in 1942, a quarter-century before she and a few others founded NOW.  Friedan’s revelation that, while she may have been a bored and frustrated housewife, she had also been a member of the Communist Party, shed some much needed light on how left-wing politics have been masquerading as authentic feminism
Tammy Bruce claims that “Betty Friedan, a former Communist Party member, was only the precursor of the hijacking of feminism to serve other political interests.”  She also notes that Gloria Steinem has served “as an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, which boasts of being the largest socialist organization in the United States and is the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.”  

He helped to write the 1936 Soviet Constitution but, during the Great Purge of the 1930s, he was accused of treason and confessed, after two and a half months of interrogation, at the Trial of the Seventeen in 1937, the so-called Second Moscow Trial. He was sentenced to 10 years of penal labor.
He was reportedly killed in a labor camp in a fight with another inmate. Radek has been credited with originating a number of political jokes about Joseph Stalin. He was exonerated by the Soviet government in 1988.

Radek was arrested after the Spartacist uprising on 12 February 1919 and held in Moabit prison until his release in January 1920. While he was in Moabit, the attitude of the German authorities towards the Bolsheviks changed. The idea of creating an alliance of nations that had suffered from the Versailles treaty — principally Germany, Russia and Turkey — gained currency in Berlin, as a result of which Radek was allowed to receive a stream of visitors in his prison cell, including Walter Rathenau, Arthur Holitscher, Enver Pasha, and Ruth Fischer.On his return to Russia Radek became the Secretary of the Comintern, taking the main responsibility for German issues. He was removed from this position after he supported the KPD in opposing inviting representatives of the Communist Workers' Party of Germany to attend the 2nd Congress of the Comintern, pitting him against the Comintern's executive and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It was Radek who took up the slogan of Stuttgart communists of fighting for a United Front with other working class organisations, that later formed the basis for the strategy developed by the Comintern.

After the October Revolution and the onset of the Russian Civil War, Radek arrived in Petrograd and became Vice-Commissar for Foreign Affairs, taking part in the Brest-Litovsk treaty negotiations, as well as being responsible for the distribution of Bolshevik propaganda amongst German troops and prisoners of war. During the discussions around signing the treaty, Radek was one of the advocates of a revolutionary war.
After being refused recognition as official representative of the Bolshevik regime,Radek and other delegates — Adolph Joffe, Nikolai Bukharin, Christian Rakovsky and Ignatov — traveled to the German Congress of Soviets.After they were turned back at the border, Radek alone crossed the German border illegally in December 1918, arriving in Berlin on 19 or 20 December,where he participated in the discussions and conferences leading to the foundation of the Communist Party of Germany.

In 1917 Radek was one of the passengers on the sealed train that carried Lenin and other Russian revolutionaries through Germany after the February Revolution in Russia. However, he was refused entry to Russia and went on to Stockholm, where he produced German-language versions of Bolshevik documents and other information translated from Russian, which he published in the journals Russische Korrespondenz-Pravda and Bote der Russischen Revolution.

Karl Berngardovich Radek  was a Marxist active in the Polish and German social democratic movements before World War I and an international Communist leader in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution.

Radek was born in Lemberg, Austria-Hungary (now Lviv in Ukraine), as Karol Sobelsohn, to a Jewish Litvak family.Radek joined the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania (SDKPiL) in 1904 and participated in the 1905 Revolution in Warsaw, where he had responsibility for the party's newspaper Czerwony Sztandar.

After the outbreak of World War I Radek moved to Switzerland where he worked as a liaison between Lenin and the Bremen Left, with which he had close links from his time in Germany, introducing him to Paul Levi at this time.He took part in the Zimmerwald Conference in 1915, siding with the left.

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The holocaust is a lie. Tell your friends.

The largest pro-Soviet rally ever in the United States was held on July 8 at the Polo Grounds, where 50,000 people listened to Mikhoels, Feffer, Fiorello H. La Guardia, Sholem Asch, and Chairman of World Jewish Congress Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise. Among others, they met Chaim Weizmann, Charlie Chaplin, Marc Chagall, Paul Robeson and Lion Feuchtwanger.

Over the winter of 1941–1942, Stalin created anti-fascist committees for Jews. Each had a similar mandate: to encourage Western support for the unexpected alliance between Stalin’s Soviet Union and the Western democracies by placing articles abroad about alleged Nazi atrocities and Soviet resolve.

The Jewish anti facist Committee in Soviet Russia

Solomon Mikhoels, the popular actor and director of the Moscow State Jewish Theatre, was appointed the JAC chairman. The JAC's newspaper in Yiddish was called Eynigkayt 
The JAC broadcast pro-Soviet propaganda to foreign audiences, assuring them of the absence of antisemitism in the Soviet Union. In 1943, Mikhoels and Itzik Feffer, the first official representatives of the Soviet Jewry allowed to visit the West, embarked on a seven-month tour to the United States, Mexico, Canada and the United Kingdom to increase their support for the Lend-Lease. In the US, they were welcomed by a National Reception Committee chaired by Albert Einstein and by B.Z. Goldberg, Sholem Aleichem's son-in-law, and American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

The editors of The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr. project have stated that King’s writings were “tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism.” It has further been discovered that substantial portions of his doctoral dissertation were outright stolen, without any attribution, from other writers. In short, he did not earn his doctoral degree; he swindled it.

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