
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Losing my mind in the fight for common sense

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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хорошая мысля приходит опосля.
вот мне подумалось вдогонку вчерашнему стриму с @kashinguru.
вот кашин говорит, мол, если ты поддерживаешь Путина то ты поддерживаешь полицейский произвол.
потом он тут же соглашается, что путин сам ничего не решает: петрова и боширова науськал не Путин, навального отравил не Путин , границы на выезд закрыл не путин, и так далее. "Путин плавает в бассейне", говорит кашин.
а (по выражению кашина же) "задержанных дубинками насилует", при этом, точно Путин, да?
и поэтому измена Родине - единственный возможный ответ на полицейский произвол, что ли?
для нас, вне России, ее избранный президент = Россия, и точка.
изберут другого, тогда поговорим.

боже, какой бред сивой кобылы! ну и что, что она официальное лицо?! по определению, американские санкции накладываются именно на официальных лиц!!! ни в МИД, ни в Известиях этого не знают?! а ДОР по ходу был к тому же и дипломат в ранге посла. я реально уже сутки об этом ничего не пишу, потому что у меня нет слов. они пустили эту ведьму в Россию в обмен на ЧТО?! Плюс, они не понимают, что Нуланд всегда преследует только свои личные интересы, и даже своему начальству об этом врет?!

Друзья, пока нас всех не закрыли на карантин. Посоветуйте спектакли, фильмы и рестораны куда срочно надо сходить.

А то все и всех закроют. И хорош ещё, если на карантин.

Просьба учитывать, что никаких связей и знакомств у меня нигде нет, билеты я выпрашивать не умею, так что все должно быть более-менее общедоступным.

"хорошо, если на карантин" :-) напомнило советских времен анекдот про клинику венерических заболеваний, где делают анализы на СПИД. пациент выбегает и кричит, "ура, сифилис!" :-)

the party sent out a circular that there will be Spring Forum in Blackpool next year. This is, clearly, for the benefit of the newly crowned cabinet minister for DELUXE and his high-profile new hobby 😂

if they think that Russians stole the formulation for Sputnik V from "the West", then what, pray, is holding up its approval in the said West? same thing, right?

Rest in peace James Brokenshire. I was resentful towards him when he was Immigration Minister, but later came to realise that he was the most professional and the best informed individual to ever hold this post. I was genuinely distressed to learn of his lung cancer a few years ago , in part because it was exactly the same kind that my mother died of, at the same age. I knew how awful it was, and I also knew there was virtually no hope. James will be truly missed by many of us.

One better believe that the envelope that we attempted to send to Basic Element did not look like that originally. Did they literally drag it through the mud, before reluctantly returning it to sender after a werk-long battle? Further, the plaque I spied in the office, does suggest UPS is somehow wedded to the U. S. govt more than one would think.

Sanctions in action!
In a live thriller that is the sequel to What Russians Think, UPS heroically thwarted a malignant actor: me.
As one would, I attempted to send an advance copy of the magnum opus to @olegderipaska, who is, of course, the main protagonist of the sanctions chapter.
I did know that U. S. companies are asked to screen mail for sanctioned recepients, but wait... The package was going from London to Moscow. Deripaska is not under santions in the UK, RSISG has no U. S. presence, and yours truly, at the moment of sending, was not a U. S. person compelled to comply with sanctions (it is complicated, so take my word for it). In other words, the United States had nothing whatsoever to do with the package. No U. S. parties were involved, and the package was not going anywhere near the U. S. Customs value of £1 was declared, but the purpose was to inform, not provide material benefit. I paid to send it, and so UPS, a U. S. company, transacted only with me. Sanctions were not violated, right?
Oh, boy! SEVENTEEN people from UPS offices in Kentucky were on an email thread by which it informed me that UPS will not facilitate my malignant attempt to unlawfully associate myself with a dangerous entity, Basic Element. When I challenged one official, he suggested that I myself was liable to sanctions because I am "facilitating a prohibited transaction". Really, asshole? There is a proverb for that in Russian - заставь дурака богу молиться, он и лоб расшибет. Make and idiot pray, he will bloody his forehead. Last I checked, sanctions prohibited transactions, not communication! What business does anyone in Kentucky have policing relationships between people in Moscow and London?! The halfwits only stopped writing to me about the dangers of associating with Deripaska (whom i have never met), when I informed them that I was myself a lawyer by training, and wrote a book about the very same sanctions.
I had to send books to Moscow with an actual physical person to be given out to VIPs, including Deripaska.
It took a week to get the package back from UPS, and when it was returned, it looked as if it spent a week in a barn and horses were made to jump on it. (see pics in a following post). I am still fighting to get my £27 back.
I gave the surplus book to @kashinguru, since it already said "Dear Oleg!" on it.
The morale is, this shit is insane.

oh yes, and the PM's obsession with rewilding is cute. That policy writes itself! firstly, it is already pretty wild in huge parts of the country. just you wait. Second, of course, once we are completely out of petrol, we can just say we are going back to basics and living in harmony with nature.

The Prime Minister just pledged to make sure truck drivers do not urinate in the bushes. Oh well, he must really have his finger on the pulse of the HGV and supply crisis, esp. seeing as this is all he said about it. That and yesterday, when he told reporters it wasn't government's job to solve all problems. which follows the government emailing all German nationals, many of them elderly and most of whom never drove an HGV, nor drove anything for a living, inviting them to hit the road. Not the government's job at all, it's all on those shirking German Cambridge professors and the few remaining drivers' urination habits. Boris then went on to say unicorns were dispersed throughout the UK. this will look nice taken out of context! Yet, of course, he did find the time to lament the European Superleague, almost as if he has ever been to a game. Forgot to mention nationalisation somehow, this time.
This brings me to a point.
I always fancied Gove for PM, but I also always liked Boris. He is cute and fuzzy. However, the pandemic did melt this man's brain, and we must act. It is not the time to breed like rabbits at 10 Downing street, lament improper urination, chase unicorns or expect German professors to sort our fuel shortage. The man looks baffled at the sound of his own speech. Enough!

"don't post your badge on social media, - they said. well, surely, without the numbers....? i had an interesting first day at the tory conference, abruptly cut in half by malignant efforts of Cheshire police to pg9 my poor car, recently brushed by a hay combine on a country road. having left this morning all preppy and energised to be there by 11 am, i arrived instead at 3 pm, mad and disheveled and making no sense. i am now back home, and, can i just say, when the road turned dark, hard shoulder disappeared and the sign "welcome to northamptonshire" , lovably faded and overrun with vegetation, came into view, i shed a tear. home, sweet home, land of who gives a ****. although hoping to return Tuesday night. by train. i really hope the train doesnt go through cheshire

i am surprised how primitive Shelter's thinking is. it is not about quantity. it is about location and people's expectations. policy makers would be shocked to find out how selective social housing waiting list applicants are. sometimes it is whim, sometimes disability or lack of access to transportation or unpreparedness to exist ourside of familiar social networks. on top of that, many cannot be housed in available properties because they have small children who cannot be put in properties entirely located on 1st floor and higher. certain size families can only be accomodated in 3+ bedrooms, and those are in short supply. in my personal observation, 1 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms have long waiting lists, and 1st floor two bedroom flats often go vacant in beds and northants, housing associations have been forced to put social properties on rightmove on more than one occasion recently, because waiting list tenants either did not want them, or did not qualify for the size, or simply failed to show up for move-in.

Instead of the long awaited promo carton of my books, which was supposed to have 16, I got 15 of mine and 1 of Malcolm Gladwell. Funny, but no thanks, Ingram - I can't stand the guy:-)

No more yellow stars for us! I think they could have bothered to put SOMETHING on there instead though

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This is how loud the birds are out here

The best housewarming gift ever: following her superb job on the cover of What Russians Think, Darya painted a giraffe wall (two walls) in the living room of my new flat!

A very typical creeping Russophobic piece. Ostensibly, it is about wildfires. Human tragedy, right? Something we can all relate to? Wrong. The angle of the piece is, Russian wildfires are polluting the world. Are they? Clean burning woods? I never read an article about pollution effects from California burning. This is like a notion that Russia is toxic, expressed literally.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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