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"After the" Renewed Pact "with Jehovah, that tribe of slaves, the Jews, who arrive with the Aryans in the Gobi exodus, crossing India to the Middle East, little by little they are altering everything, infiltrating, with the help direct from their God-Demon, Jehovah. In India there are the Beni-Israel Jews, very disguised ("camouflaged"), in Greece they settle in Macedonia, in Monsatir, to this day. Among the blacks of Africa are the Falasha; in America, the Aztecs, with their bloody sacrifices, expelling Quetzalcoatl; among the Arabs, the Daggatum and the Donmeh, as we have already seen. "

Miguel Serrano - Son of the Widower, p.43

Himmler believed they comprise a history—greatly fragmented, but still intelligible—of northern Europe as it once was, before the arrival of Christianity. More importantly, he believed that the Aesir—the old gods of Norse legend, such as Odin, Thor and Loki—were in fact beings of pure, undiluted Nordic essence, the earliest Aryans.”

Dr. Barrowclough - Cambridge Archeologist

"Himmler came to take a literal view of the Eddas and other ancient legends. . . Himmler created a department in the Ahnenerbe called “The Teaching and Research Centre for Folktales, Fairytales and Sagas.” This department was given the task of accumulating as much knowledge as possible on ancient Germanic tales. Regarding this mission Himmler wrote: “Fairytales, sagas and cosmic fables are all varieties of stories that flow from the soul of the German people . . . These folktales are to be understood as they are told, without false glorification, in essence to remain true to their words and sounds.”

Similar Judaic tricks are to be found in every science. Much as the Judaized Darwin is used to hide and distort the truth of the Aryan priest Gregor Mendel in biology, so the plagiarizing Jew Einstein is used in similar fashion against the true Aryan physicist Max Planck in physics. In logic every Jewish sophistry is used to hide and distort the truth revealed by the greatest logician of all time, the Aryan mathematician Kurt Gödel. In psychology the cocaine-addled Jew Freud is used to hide and falsify the true Aryan psychology of Carl Jung and the Phenomenological School founded by the Aryan priest Franz Brentano. In every art and science this same pattern is to be found. Everywhere among them Esoteric Hitlerism is the defender of Aryan Light.

Yes, much of the ancient Truths were utterly destroyed, annihilated by over-zealous, ignorant, greedy egoists under the sign of the Cross (which stems from the Irminsul, Pillar of the Universe). Many were mistranslated, altered, but that which has survived to this day we can get Knowledge from. Predominantly though, what we practice was passed down to us by those who learned from their forefathers who practiced it from their forefathers on down over the Ages who now today are elevated through their Self-Discipline that they have reached extraordinary Evolutionary Higher-conscious abilities (our Wotanist goal).

Augustan Rome. This great empire, with her many and vast satellite kingdoms such as Ireland, Germania, Scythia, Armenia, Persia, India, Arabia, Ethiopia and Mauritania, completed the Aryan dominion over this earthly world. The time had come when nothing remained for the Aryans but to turn within and begin the conquest of spiritual worlds. The Holy War against Jehovah, the Demiurge God of the Jews, then began.

Hitlerism, the age-old religion of Aryan Kristianity, is the Revelation of the God-men, the long-awaited Unveiling of the Sons of Adolf Hitler, the Revelation on earth of the power and glory of the Aryan God. The earliest terrestrial traces of this eternal and world-destroying faith are found in the prehistoric Proto-Nordic Palaeolithic Golden Age of Central and Eastern Europe, which is the true historic reality of the mythic Garden
of Eden so mysteriously hinted at in the mercurial pages of the Book of Genesis. The wisdom or gnosis of this earliest known civilization of the Indo-European White Race is preserved for us in the Runes of Wotan, or Odin, the legendary prehistoric First King of Sweden. Our ancestors tell us that King Odin hung for nine nights on Iggdrasil, the galactic Tree of Terror, and thereby received the ancient wisdom or Runelore of his earliest Aryan forebears. This Runelore won for the Aryans the mastery over this world that was in time to culminate in the Nordic universal world-empire of

Miguel Serrano has defined the new (and incomparably ancient) revelation of Esoteric Hitlerism as the pre-historic religion of Aryan Kristianity. The sources of this faith go back countless millions of years to the extraterrestrial origin of the White Race. The religion of Hitlerism, the one true Kristianity of the White Race, is a return, a resurrection into the pristine purity and innocence of the earliest beginnings of the Aryans. It is not an evolution into what has never before existed, but rather a re-emergence from the roots, from the most primeval origins, although in a radical newness and divine fanaticism unimaginable to past generations. It is the oldest thing in any of the universes of Infinite Eternity, yet revealed with Absolute Individuality and Uniqueness nowhere dreamed by even the most utopian visionaries of any previous age.

Esoteric Hitlerism is the universal scientific alchemy and magick that is both compassionate and true. It is eternal friendship that speaks to the Struggle at the heart of the Kosmos and our human condition. The functional concept of Esoteric Hitlerism is the Aristotelian organic-genetic idea so brilliantly developed by Wolfgang von Goethe. This is the contrary of the Judaic similitude of truth known as evolution that was so shamelessly plagiarized and stolen by Darwin in 1859 from a vile Spanish Jew named Averroes.

to awaken all those who are asleep, and to commence the New Age, which will come after the Deluge. That is the reason why we have started to count the years of this New Age beginning with the birth of Hitler.”

Miguel Serrano
1994 Interview by Kerry Bolton

“Hitler said, ‘Whoever thinks that National Socialism is only a political movement does not understand anything.’ National Socialism was always Hitlerism, and Hitlerism always had an esoteric foundation. At the end of the 1930’s and during the war years it was not possible or convenient that this theme be widely known. However, after the war and its apparent loss, there was no other way for Hitlerism than the esoteric development. For me, Esoteric Hitlerism is being possessed by the Archetype of the collective unconscious, which the Greeks used to call Gods — among them, Apollo, which really is Wotan for the Germans, and Vishnu or Shiva for the Hindus — and its development in the individual and collective souls of the actual Hitlerist warriors. That means a new/old religion, with all its rituals and myths that are necessary to discover, or rediscover. Its central Drama is the apparition on this earth of the Person Adolf Hitler, the last Avatar, who came to produce this enormous storm, or catastrophe, in order

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