Тошкент шаҳар “Шароит Плюс” ногиронлар жамоат бирлашмаси 2019-йил 16 март куни Тошкент шаҳрида ва Тошкент вилоятида истиқомат қилувчи бир гуруҳ имконияти чекланганлар билан ”Ўзини англаш, ўзларига боғлиқ ижобий ва салбий муносабатлари, ютуқ камчиликлари" мавзусида давра суҳбати ўтказди. Давра суҳбати жуда қизиқарли фикр мулоҳазаларга бой бўлди. Ўз фикрини билдирмаган иштирокчи бўлмади. Мавзуга шунчалик қизиқиб кетишганидан шу мавзу ҳақида яна давра суҳбатини, тренерлардан ташкил қилишни илтимос қилишди. Давра суҳбати Ёшлар иттифоқининг Имконияти чекланган ёшлар ва болалар марказида бўлиб ўтди. Шу фурсатдан фойдаланиб Жамоат бирлашмаси раҳбари Рахимова Мухаббат, жамоат бирлашмаси аъзолари номидан, давра суҳбатни ўтказишларига яқиндан ёрдам берган ИЧЁваБ маркази директори Раъно Шодиевага ва марказ ходимларига ўз миннатдорчиликларини билдиришади.
На русском можно прочитать на нашем сайте: https://sharoitplus.uz/kruglyj-stol-samosoznanie-pozitivnoe-i-negativnoe-otnoshenie-i-dostizhenija-ljudej-s-invalidnostju/
Round table: Self-awareness, positive and negative attitudes and achievements of people with disabilities
On March 16, 2019, the Public Association of Disabled Persons of the City of Tashkent “Sharoit Plus” together with a group of residents of the capital held a round table on the theme “Self-Consciousness, Positive and Negative Attitudes and Achievements of People with Disabilities”. The round table was full of interesting discussions and there was not a single participant who would not share his opinion. The participants were so passionate about the topic that they asked the coaches to organize such an event again. The round table was held at the Center for Youth and Children with Disabilities at the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan. Taking this opportunity, the chairman of the "Sharoit Plus" Muhabbat Rakhimov thanks the director of the Center Rano Shodieva on behalf of all members of the public association and the staff.
sharoitplus.uz | @sharoitplus | Facebook
На русском можно прочитать на нашем сайте: https://sharoitplus.uz/kruglyj-stol-samosoznanie-pozitivnoe-i-negativnoe-otnoshenie-i-dostizhenija-ljudej-s-invalidnostju/
Round table: Self-awareness, positive and negative attitudes and achievements of people with disabilities
On March 16, 2019, the Public Association of Disabled Persons of the City of Tashkent “Sharoit Plus” together with a group of residents of the capital held a round table on the theme “Self-Consciousness, Positive and Negative Attitudes and Achievements of People with Disabilities”. The round table was full of interesting discussions and there was not a single participant who would not share his opinion. The participants were so passionate about the topic that they asked the coaches to organize such an event again. The round table was held at the Center for Youth and Children with Disabilities at the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan. Taking this opportunity, the chairman of the "Sharoit Plus" Muhabbat Rakhimov thanks the director of the Center Rano Shodieva on behalf of all members of the public association and the staff.
sharoitplus.uz | @sharoitplus | Facebook