
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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There's something that lies beyond sadness...
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But um
Owner died recently :D
Till reincarnation, her soul would be glad if you promote this shitty channel haha lol ok bye.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Memories are like stars or stains,
Either bless us with a bliss,
Or curse us with pain.
If you think you can
Wash them off your mind , with a drink,
Then you're wrong,
As memories always leave an imprint
On our souls, for lifelong.

I want to love you,
for better and good;
worst and the bad;
and I want to go home to you,
Roses and lilies in hand,
While you greet me with your words, saying how broken you are
because of your scars.
But I will turn those to art,
creating poems out of your every imperfections,
make them perfect not just in the eyes.
For, darling, what matters most is who you are
not what you are,
Because it is you to whom I want to return at the end of my journey,
every day, every lifetime.

Your words are web,
Your intentions are lake.
I'm stuck or drowned,
I know diving was my mistake.

I know you were playing around
I can figure out your lies,
Yet I pretend to be dumb.
Just to see my fake image in your eyes.

Maybe you think,
That i never figured out.
The things you tried hiding,
The things you never spit out.

I thought of you as a book,
And you turned out to be mere chapter.
Now you're trying to hide pages from me.
Oh maybe that's how u trick the writer.

Shrijeet |•Aкαтsuki •| • 𝗕𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻 • dan repost
A Random Night ...........

It is just a random night, With bright sky and dim light,
I sure have a bad eyesight, But i can see which numbers aren't able to identify,
man it is just a random night, but im full of thoughts and clear mind.

Corruption is eating this country open and wide,
Everything is going to be private how commoners will survive?
can't you see? Despite off having a good vision in your eye,
When it comes to thinking your vision is worse than mine............

today, moon sure shines bright,
in this cloudy night he gives us the light, I guess even he realized....
That this place will ruin over time, this is only a random night,
Which i survived which i survived......
I hates the truth but it is hard to deny,
Oh! my Oh! my,

The daily needs are too costly to buy,
We are at the bottom and the prices are reaching the Skies,
Wake Up guys we won't be able to survive,
We will starve very hard one day and that's how, we will die....

We can save us, And we can break this cage,
Even cancer can be cured in it's first stage,
if we don't make a move we will be lost in this maze,
Look moon is not afraid of this dark and cloudy night,

It shows you the way using it's light,
We can't change anything overnight,
But it is Worth Trying Instead of dying.
Boy It was just a random night, it was just a random night,
Which i survived, Which i survived..

I had those scars,
But I can't show.
I cried, too much...
But can't let them know.

I wiped my tears,
Even if I didn't want to hide.
Stuck in these walls,
Quiet and confide.

Biting my tongue,
Holding my scream
Trying to sleep,
Escaping my dreams.

I wish,
The "old me" could return,
Who was happier and better
Without these scars and burns.

"Here, in the forest, dark and deep.
I offer you, eternal sleep."

Deep quotes channel
Join us:

When do they fall apart ?

Story Starts with a question, So can i have your attention?
When people lose hope when do they die ?
When do they fall apart, When do they say goodbye ?

Do you think people die when bullets hit them so hard ?
even after that they can be saved they can live till the very last
When do they fall apart ? When do they fall apart ?
Question still stands , answer is nowhere to be found
It isn't as easy as it sounds

People die when they lose a reason to live
when they don't know from where to start
It's when they fall apart, It's when they fall apart
Now the question is why they lose that in a first place?
Why they forget what they've to chase?
Answer is simple and it's in front of our eyes ,
They forgets due to the fogs of conspiracy and lies
It happens when you love someone as a part of your heart
and that person pierce it so hard
It's the time when they fall apart, it's when they fall apart

Even if they don't die even if they survive , they got nothing to achieve in their lives.

Tysm @Shrijeet_Rachit 🖋
Make sure t
o share feedbacks
+ U can share your writings too ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

I love you still
And you know,
I always will
Till the end of time
I won't change my mind.

I met a guy.

A guy, who hides a lot behind his smile.
A guy, with strong heart yet fragile.
Who never cared about other's sayings,
And still heard my words once in a while.

People told me he was wrong,
Broken... But strong!
Still I tried listening to that incorrect lyrics,
And eventually, it became my favourite song.

I was into him, "once upon a time"
Loving him felt like, committing a crime.
Because in the end I was arrested,
Despite knowing, that fault wasn't mine.

I swear my skin was innocent
yet I made it pay for my sins,
Coz I considered the wounds in my heart more painful
then these mere injuries on my skin.

These scratches reminds me of days
when I was facing things alone,
I wanted a shoulder for support
But it felt like everything was gone.

I was frustrated enough to shout
I legit wanted to yell,
I don't know if those days passed
Or I became habitual to hell.

I could have told things to anyone,
But I was afraid if they'll understand.
Hence, I started talking to myself,
Accompanied by that blood drop on my hand....

Loving you wasn't easy,
But that makes losing you even hard!

She was a rose,
In hands of those,
Who had no intentions,
To keep her close.

You are the book that I adore!!

I felt peaceful,
When I told you everything.
I hesitated initially,
But felt light till ending.

After I finished my words,
I did not expect any reply.
I told you everything
From my happiest moments, till the things that made me cry.

It was surely the last time,
When I said, Yes. I love you.
I asked you not to answer it,
Else it would be difficult for me too.

In the end it felt like leaving the cage,
Where I was prisoned for so long.
I thought letting you go would be hard
But now I know, I was wrong.

Hurting but peaceful,
That's how I'll describe the ending.
I thought of you as a horror book,
But you were a beautiful story, worth time spending.

You were an interesting book,
So much, that I refused to see the last chapter.
Because i was afraid if it won't be happy ending,
But my curiosity turned the page after.

I swear I'll preserve this book
Even if I buy another,
It'll be always precious to me
Even if I read anything further.

I'll not be stuck to this book
I finished it with a smile.
But I promise that I'll turn it's dusty pages,
Every once in a while

Happy Valentine's Day

Your silence spoke everything,
And mine heard it all

He was never rude, he just found a way to prevent his heart from breaking..that was to pretend he never had one.

To Let Go
Though the decision was stern,
But I wanted to stay,
As you were still affecting me
In every possible way,
But I didn't wanted to mess up things,
So I had to push you away,
Hurting you even more,
But trust me, I am hurt in the same way.

Though I pushed you away,
But what if I still miss you
Every now and then,
You still hangout in my mind,
And moving on from you isn't easy,
Nor has it ever been!

I still miss the way we laughed
And the way we vibed,
You're still stuck on my mind,
No matter how hard I tried!

I miss how you could make me smile
Even by your silly talks
Putting my anxieties to a stop,
You gave me everything
I didn't even know I was in need of!

You knew me for my soul
not solely for the things I do,
I wish I could tell you once
how much I miss you!

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I blamed myself,
Even at your mistake.
How can you even say
That my love towards you was fake!?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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