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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
6 minutes that will change your life on Telegram FOREVER!
We are showing JUST SOME!!! of the features available, which make TELEGRAM THE BEST SOCIAL WORLDWIDE! (even if people still don't understand that 🤦‍♂️ ...)


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Future Windows, Linux, etc. Telegram Stories compatible apps can be found here @InstallersTelegram

You can get future Telegram Stories compatible apps on:

@SoftwareTelegramDmgs = just DMG

@TONTelegramFreaks = DMG + Mac News + Telegram News + Toncoin News

@NewsTelegramFreaks = DMG + Mac News + Telegram News

@MacTelegramFreaks = DMG + Mac News

Telegram Stories is now official fully compatible with MacOS 10.12! Telegram Stable just released

If you write a reply, where does this reply go? Answer: in the normal chat with such person

Can you watch stories without Telegram Premium? The answer is yes, you don't need premium plan.

Can you upload stories using a Mac App?
The answer is no. You need to use a smartphone. Here the answer by Telegram "no any reason to post from desktop"

Telegram stories are MacOS Sierra 10.12 + compatible, like here in the example - Telegram Beta currently is only High Sierra +

Pavel Durov @PavelDurovBackup wrote new things.
Stay calm, no app has been released so no Telegram Stories

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
We already reported on @SearchTelegramChannels that you need to use at least Telegram Stable / Beta and Telegram Desktop to search channels. Is now enough? NOPE! You even need to use multiple Telegram Desktop apps, so you can get different results!

Jump to the first message:

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
How people are not able to use social networks in proper way is nothing new and we already reported that. Now it's time to use a real example from a famous person. Let we check Pavel Durov example with Telegram Stories announcement and the WhatsApp comment

We already reported that 99% of the people on Telegram are using Telegram wrongly, without knowing features, being able to search channels, knowing the difference between all Telegram apps, checking facts etc. reason why we launched @BetterTelegramUsage and many other projects.
When you are telling such things there are two or more type of reactions. One of this is "you are telling bullshit and you are rude / provocative". Ok, now let we pick up an example of a famous people to show you that and make it clear that this is not provocation, but facts (not related to all people). Obviously such facts we told you previously is not just related to all our 2000+ Telegram channels, but even all other channels on Telegram, since we keep track of such things and once we have enough facts, we publish the story.

Here we go with the Pavel Durov example. So again people, scroll previous posts or search previous posts or search previous posts by medias. Just one of 10000 examples.

Obviously such things are not related to Telegram. People are doing that and many other thing on all socials.

In such case they just checked video, without even knowing (25%) which features are available or why Telegram did that (33%).

Now we don't consider 3. channels related to Durov or the 700 mio topic ...

PS: don't come here telling "but you are using Kotatogram ... where the message is not showed" Yes, we do and this was a rational decision to get it more compact, like we are using other 10 Telegram apps at the same time too!

Meanwhile on TikTok ...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
As always newspaper, tv and people are just reporting half of what has been said previously, by fully ignoring the whole message. Here we go again, how news media are ignoring the topic WhatsApp vs Telegram, that Pavel Durov wrote once he released Telegram Stories
🇺🇸 see on this channel

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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