Tennessee Active Club

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Lord WØLFSHIƏLD dan repost

American Strength dan repost
“Whose beach?! Our beach!! Whose beach?! Our beach!!”

Palmetto Active Club dan repost
📍 Travelers Rest, SC

Free Rob Rundo

Rob Rundo, the philosophical father of the Active Club model, is currently held as a political prisoner by the US government without charges.

You can silence a man, but you can't silence an idea. A whole generation of young men are now awake.

And once you are awake, you shall remain awake eternally.

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Tribe & Train!

Alamo Active Club dan repost
When a guy who doesn't read, work out, or drill tells you how we're gonna take the country back by voting harder.

Get to know your local nationalists.

Alamo Active Club
Official Page: https://t.me/AlamoXIV
Censored Page: https://t.me/AACcensored
Contact: alamotxac@proton.me

Texas Nationalist Network
Telegram: https://t.me/TexasNationalistNetwork
Contact: texasnationalist@tutanota.com
X: https://x.com/Texaswhitepride

The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned) dan repost
Our Guys organize and seek to unify in spite of all odds, because we know for a fact that advocating for Our People is the right thing to do. If you are not organizing and attempting to build power in some way, you're wrong and a coward.


The Western Chauvinist(Uncensored) dan repost
White people built the modern world. We are the high watermark for civilization and achievement. We have the human material, the only thing we are missing is organization and unity. Tribe and train, start to resist or cease to exist.


/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global dan repost
🇺🇸 America's Founding Father's were in essence, Nationalists seeking to create a White Nation on the American continent. They were very young Men with extremely controversial views carrying out direct actions against a foreign government that didn't represent colonial Americans, despite taxing them.

🔷️ They were politically isolated, while the majority of their older countrymen wished for peaceful reform. Eventually, three percent of Americans would serve in the Continental Army at peak. Their situation should sound familiar to modern Americans, who are beholden to laws put in place by a foreign country, one which is illegal to question or criticize. Nationalists may at times feel isolated, but their impact can punch well above their weight.

🔷️ Remember, the Founder's sacrificed all to build a Nation. They were killed in battle, imprisoned, tortured and executed. Their families were destroyed, homes razed to the ground, poverty all but assured for battle scarred victors. Every step on the path to liberty shed the blood of freedom seeking men.

🔷️ The Revolution carried on for many years, half Washington's army deserted or were wiped out by disease during the winter at Valley Forge. Many patriots became disillusioned with the cause itself, believing the situation to be hopeless. The odds were typically against them, their prospects were few, but they persevered on the belief for a brighter tomorrow.

🔷️ Lastly, these men held the same views as modern Nationalists today. Just as their statues are torn down, they would be shunned with all contemporary labels. Parallels echoing from time ago of centuries past. The risks of defeat from state repression have returned. Foreign submission and hopelessness are eerily present. Men of today are the new Founding Father's building a new Nation-state.


Paul Waggener Official dan repost
Happy 4th of July. Whatever you think of it, it’s always been a day for me to celebrate with friends and family. It’s a good time to be alive - the darker it is, the more light and strength are needed.

Don’t give up or listen to the hopeless.

It’s still a fine place worth fighting for.

We love PSW. 💙, thank you for all your support!

Support /our businesses/

Wishing all Nationalist a happy independence day!

The Ohio Active Club dan repost
They have made so many strides in media, propaganda, activism and community building. Things are bad here because we let them be.

The Ohio Active Club dan repost
Australia is kicking our ass

Jacob Hersant dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Self-improvement advice from liberals won’t fix the problems making it so difficult to live a decent life in this age

Support WN merch! Get yours today! @ https://t.me/PanzerStreetWear

Tribe and Train ⚡️⚡️

Active Club Norway dan repost
We are all leaders-whether we want to be or not. There is always someone we are influencing-either leading them to good-or away from good. - Leif Erikson.

Joel Davis (censored) dan repost
If we really synthesise vitamin D sonnenrads from sunlight that is so fucking epic

Writhe Strength Cult dan repost
-Find Your Brothers
-Grow Forward

Now Is The Time ⚡️⚡️

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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