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cAuCasIaN cOaCHiNg dan repost
As William Luther Pierce said,
“Our purpose is the creators purpose”.

We are a micro organism in the macro organism that is the universe, which could best be described as God.

We are the universe trying to become sentient. Our level of sentience is as primitive to the universe as bacteria or a cells sentience is to us.

Man must strive to become The Coming Man, that is our purpose, our fight, our struggle in this Universe.

Manhood is the acceptance of this struggle, whilst boyhood is to live as if you can never become anything better, and anything that is better than you must be magic, or luck, or gifted.

Boys are born more or less with the same matter, we vary very little. But just as a primate and a human have similar genetic material they do not take on the same form.

Just as the “scientists” will tell you that the races of man are very similar, they are not capable of similar things.

A lump of iron is not a iron axe.

A lump of iron may be the same material and matter as an axe head, but it will not cut down a tree.

Iron and Steel are 1-2% different material but steel vastly outperforms Iron.

Just as Thor beats his hammer, just as Odin creates the storm, so do we the sons of the universe become hardened from the iron lump into the axe.

As Adolf Hitler said - “Everything on the earth can be made into something better”.

This is the words not just of Adolf Hitler but the Almighty creator.

This is the universe’s law.

This is the eternal truth and cosmic order.

Remember this the next time you hear someone say;

“There is nothing you can do about it."

“Just focus on yourself, don’t worry about politics."

“Don’t get involved in anything, it will just destroy your life."

“Bro, these guys are glowing."

You should instead read this for the pacifistic cowardice that it is.

That these messages are not the words of the Gods, or God or the universe but the words of our enemy, the words of a snake, of the devil or a trickster.

Read these parasitical virus statements as follows.

“Give up."

“Run! Save yourself!”

“Retreat, surrender, we can not win, I would rather be a slave."

“Don’t do anything, if you do you are probably the enemy."

Remember this every time you hear it.

Our world, the White world, was not created by cowards who fled the field of battle, who hid in their homes while the men went off to war. That put their material self and material goods above that of the race, above that of the gods, above that of the immaterial concepts of Duty, of Honour and of Manhood.

The White world was created by men who demanded better, who went up against what ever odds, who struggled and fought and never gave in.

This is the Creators purpose, this is Our purpose.

We are fighting for a worthy cause and we will struggle and fight and never give in, until the full nature of our purpose has been fully achieved.

Blood and Honour."

-Thomas Sewell

cAuCasIaN cOaCHiNg dan repost
Superheroes, Ubermensch and “The Coming Man”.

"There is an obsession in a strata of our society by what could only be described as “man-children” with the idea of Superheroes (read as ‘cape-shit’).

What all of these marvel and DC concepts all have in common is predominantly an unearned ability.

Almost all of these characters were “gifted” in one way or another.

They come from a different universe and thats why they have these magical abilities.

Or in the case of Batman they inherited large sums of money which allowed them to purchase all the fancy toys and gadgets they need to fantasise defeating evil forever.

The emasculation of men does not happen in a vacuum, it is not chicken or egg - that which you feed grows.

And in turn the process of emasculation creates not just more emasculation but more culture to create more emasculation.

Like a race to the bottom.

The comic book “superhero” is an escape. It is an escape of duty and manhood.

The soyboy looks up and sees a character, something unrealistic, something that they can never become - unless of course they get bitten by a magic spider or are born with some magic ability or come from another planet.

In the case of the Christopher Nolan trilogy it shows a Batman for what he really is. A boy in a mans world, trying to fight crime like a LARP. He does not have what it takes to solve the problem, only to serve himself and his own pathological need to endure physical pain to mask the pain of his loss.

The Joker and Bane are men that understand the reality of the situation, what must be done and who Batman really is.

They are the only characters beyond good and evil. They have a sense of duty, conviction and destiny. They are men. They represent the main two archetypes of manhood common within the inner circles of 21st century National Socialism.

The Jester/Clown and the Warrior.

And of course the jester exists in what can only be described as “clown world”. The reversal of all values, the turning upside of the eternal order.

And only in clown world could The Joker (either heath ledgers or Joaquin Phoenix’s) be considered “the bad guy”.

When you realise in todays world that down is up, right is wrong, good is evil, lies are truth and everything else, you will then realise why there is such a disconnect between YOU and “society”.

What we represent as a cause is the correction of the cosmic order.

This is why the emasculated men and women will not understand us.

They do not understand that magic does not fall down from the sky, or contain itself in a special serum.

That it must be earned, and paid for.

That duty is more important than material.

That the soul is more valuable than the body.

That the Ubermensch is not a marvel character “SupermanTM” from another universe but the ascension of ourselves.

But of course it is easy to be a defeatist, to be a pacifist, to watch a movie and say - “But that is just a movie, it is not real”, and therefore alleviate all responsibility for ones life.

So what is the Ubermensch, what does it look like and how is it created?

Let me take you back to the last days of April 1945 and the fall of Berlin.

The Ragnarok of our age.

Members of the Hitler Youth, boys aged between 14-17, formed themselves into an SS division and positioned themselves across the city to take out Soviet tanks.

In the last days of the War, Adolf Hitler awarded these boys with Iron Crosses for their work defending Berlin to the death.

Upon receiving the commendations, Adolf Hitler told the boys that their duty in Berlin had been performed, that they must join the parties breaking out of the city.

One of the boys asked Adolf Hitler, “Then who do we fight for now?”.

Adolf Hitler responded, “For The Coming Man.”

The Coming Man is The Next Leap.

Its the next being in the chain of beings. It is the neo-human to the homo sapien as the homo sapien is to the homo erectus, as the primate was to a shrew and the shrew was to an amphibian that crawled out of the ocean millions of years ago.

White Wellness dan repost
We are up against a lot, but we will prevail.

It's OK To Be White dan repost

Internet puke dan repost

Christianity and fascism dan repost
"A racially-pure people who are conscious of their blood can never be overcome by the Jew. In this world, he will only be the master over a bastardized people. That's why he systematically tries to lower the racial quality of a people by a continuous poisoning of the individual."

𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫
Mein Kampf, chapter 11, 1925.


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