Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akerman1 or Donate USDT (TRC20): TCvZ787qJGFyW8cTvpynXHSh5gbSwNhBHY
02.11.2023 14:17
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akermaan or Donate USDT (TRC20): TCvZ787qJGFyW8cTvpynXHSh5gbSwNhBHY
01.11.2023 20:15
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akema or Donate USDT (TRC20): TCvZ787qJGFyW8cTvpynXHSh5gbSwNhBHY
01.11.2023 17:15
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akeman or Donate USDT (TRC20): TCvZ787qJGFyW8cTvpynXHSh5gbSwNhBHY
01.11.2023 16:15
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akermann or Donate USDT (TRC20): TCvZ787qJGFyW8cTvpynXHSh5gbSwNhBHY
14.05.2023 15:20
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akerman or Donate USDT (TRC20): TCvZ787qJGFyW8cTvpynXHSh5gbSwNhBHY
14.02.2023 02:06
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akerman or Donate USDT (TRC20): TCvZ787qJGFyW8cTvpynXHSh5gbSwNhBHY
02.12.2022 23:08
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akerman or
09.11.2022 20:12
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akerman or e67f7a6d1e61eed57afb
22.07.2022 10:09
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akerman or
12.05.2022 21:26
Telegram's No. 1 media outlet. They are not afraid to tell the truth here and hide it behind a lying curtain. Buy ads: @Oleg_Akerman or