A dazzling day for the occupants of the earth, including us who are blessed by God. This a beautuos and graceful day, may today really be the most beautiful and lot of fortune for us because at the 10 of september 2021 our precious lisa are debuted on her first solo album named “Catch Me If You Can”. in order to celebrate and appreciate all of her hardwork we freeheartedly invite all of you to use our twibbon as your display picture and put the hastag #LalisaDebutDay.
We provide two forms for our twibbon, PNG and Animated. You can use and choose what you like to celebrate and if you have trouble using it you can visit our bot
@PinkPunkRobot and ask for help don't forget to use your manners and be polite in typing. Thank you for reading and for taking your time to come here may we all be blessed with happiness and health.
with all love,