𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗲: On Journey.

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Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

김제니-박채영 ✦ A nineteen-line poem with two rhymes throughout the symphony, consisting of five tercets and a quatrain designed by the resplendent seraphic contessa: Gold-eyed lassie illustrated by two Marigold calyces in her magnanimity. @VilloneseBot.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Let’s celebrate their happy day using this lovely twibbon!

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐍 #FindingChaewon dan repost
Persewon’s Debut Day.MP4
Persewon’s Debut Day.png
The precious embellishment expounds a statement of happiness viz our debut day will be held on: 16 MARCH 2022! A mirth embedded amidst a shovel with bodacious aplomb. The doughty leaflet centered on an omphalos between volatility sans the ponderous dolour of catastrophe. Antediluvian ewer of an accolade cavorts through the apex of a cogent statement: Take the steps of zeal as an invitation to all of you to use this fabulous twibbon as the sign of exultation! Don't forget to use #MeetTheFairies in your display name, contact us through @PersewonBot right away if you have trouble in using our twibbon, we'd gladly to help!

With sincere appreciation, PERSEWON.

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐍 #FindingChaewon dan repost
Betwixt a lakelet of myriad trinkets, bodacious syllables jot a sentence of greetings! As the introductory of the sempiternal silhouette along with pre-eminent leaflet, a stack of myriad portraits scatters an announcement about a bucolic with capricious prophecy in the midst of everlasting felicity. A latent hovel with obsolete jalopy accompanied by a protuberant enigma of the eternal happiness.

Don’t waste any chance as usual!

Himpunan Zerozeone #CariAnggotaBaru dan repost
Hi everyone, we are HimZeone a.k.a Himpunan Zerozeone! We're on a mission, seeking some new members. Make sure you fulfill our rules before.

• Your muse must be born in 2000 and 2001. All genders and types of roleplay are accepted. But sorry, we're not accept twins, so make sure ask your muse first. Multi characters and temporary swap aren't allowed.

• Not on hiatus, rest, changing another muse, or planning to leave this world state for the meantime. and we don't accept if you're a silent reader, spies, or cloning account

• Get an extra point if you're talkative, able to support each other, also keep our secrets well.

If you interest to join us please contact us on our bot here. We're excited to welcome our new friend. See you👋🏻

Aight! we’re closing this session by locking up our board. Thank you for asking and participating. There’s no need to hurry for sending your answers. We’ll be happy to wait for it. Once again, take your chances so well. Enjoy your beautiful evening. 👋🏻

👤 Is it ok if im not really good at english? :(

#Roseanne. Fret not, English isn’t our main language. 😉

👤 I have a question, how do I contact the bot to join? is there a specific format

#Roseanne. We don’t have a specific format. Just come into our bot and show your presence. Don’t forget to use polite language.

For example: Hi, Villonese. I’m here to join you all. So, are there things I have to accomplish, such as the procedure?

Alright! Jadi disini kami ngga menerima kandidat yang punya dua dorm Jennie sama Rosé. Maksudnya dorm gabungan antara Jennie sama Rosé. Kalau kalian ngerasa udah join dorm yang sama kayak punya kami (Gabungan antara Jennie & Rosé). Itu ngga boleh ya, karena kami anggap kalian double dorm.

👤 kalau udah join paguy yg lain, bisa gak join disini? 😬

#Roseanne. Pay attention to this rule “We prioritize anyone who wants to be a part of us and hasn’t contributed to a resemblant dormitory.” That’s our answer.

P.s Resemblant dormitory means Jennie and Rosé. Not other things. Because double dorm is strictly prohibited.

👤 So far udah berapa yang daftar? Targetnya berapa banyak?

#Roseanne. So much until we feel afraid that we can’t handle it, but that’s no big deal. Because with the many interested ones who come to our paguyuban, that means a lot of people have a keen interest in us. About the target, that’s just like our first answer. You can check here.

👤 Are there slot restrictions in the new member registration?
👤 slot buat jennie sama rosé nya berapa?
👤 Buat open gate pertama ini mau ngasih berapa slot di tiap muse?

#Roseanne. Okay, we’ll explain a bit about the system we use. For the opening of our first gate, we use an unlimited system. So, we have no limit to anyone who wants to register themselves to our association. And no special slots for it. The reason why we choose this system is that we want to extend the reach of our association and let anyone makes good use by presenting themselves to us. Hopefully, with this system, some candidates will be able to take their chances. Before it’s too late, let’s sign yourself up through our bot. We’re waiting for your presence. ♥

👤 udah ada berapa member disana? dan udah pada akrab belum

#Roseanne. Surely, we don’t have many members now, just enough to build this paguyuban. And about our familiarity, we’ve known each other for a long time, and yes! We can mingle in so well. 🥰

👤 Kalau mau join harus bisa wording atau edit gitu ngga?

#Roseanne. The answer is NO. That’s because we’re family, home, and sharing place here. We’re not a group that’s going to talk about business purposes, like building a store of wording or set-up. So, everyone can submit themselves by fulfilling the procedure properly to our association without exception.

👤 Kriteria member yang akan di pilih kaya gimana?

#Roseanne. We don’t have specific criteria, we just want to pick someone who’s pure put their interest in our group. And won’t put any bad aim. (You can check our poster for more).

👤 Hello, Villonese. Mau tanya, buat send jawabannya ada semacam deadline ngga? Thank you.

#Roseanne. Hi! We don’t put deadlines in our regulations. So, before the announcement of this registration closes, it’s granted to our candidates to submit their answers. Don’t be late!

#JennieKim. Hello, there is no time limit for submitting an answer but sooner the better. Maybe we will announce on the channel if we want to close the registration and we will definitely let you know the limit for sending answers.

👤 close nya kapan ya kira kira?

#Roseanne. Guess when? We’ll take the right day regarding our recruit. Most importantly, it’s not more than a week. So, send your answer through our bot as best you can. 😉

#JennieKim. We will definitely close the registration if indeed all of our conditions have been met. So what are you waiting for, quickly send your answers before it's too late!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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