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American National News from JerUSAlem 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸

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This is how the "authorities legally steal your children." It's demonic.

Clearview dan repost
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People this is your financial freedom happening now. Not in the future. We are already on a new monetary system. You are only seeing the after affects in terms of banks shutting down and the IRS being defunded. No one can you tell you differently. Why? Because the evidence is right here below. Do not let anyone tell you about how Donald Trump has turned on America and abandoned us. He has things already in motion where if he returned or died tomorrow wouldn’t make any difference as to the path already carved out for a New America. Ariel @Prolotario1

NESARA – National Economic Security and Recovery Act (United States)

GESARA – Global Economic Security and Recovery Act (The world)

👆 The new financial system is part of GESARA law.

The IMF will announce the “global gold-standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced.

All remaining fiat currencies will be cashed in for gold-standard currency.

Paper money will eventually be phased out and all currencies will be digital under the new financial system.

The goal is to make the transition event simple, smooth, and swift. The new financial system has been online for months and is hosted on a protected quantum server that cannot be hacked or accessed without permission.

The Alliance - The Lines are being drawn.

Saudi Arabia delayed crown prince’s London visit before he hosted Putin Russia before UK .....

🚨Meta/FacistBook tells electoral courts it no longer has a video that contained evidence about the rigged voting system in Brazil. In the Video it said that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva had been chosen by the electoral courts, not the people.

The video was put out by BRICS member and the real President of Brazil Bolsonaro 2 days after Deep state paid Militants stormed and vandalized government buildings on January the 8th 2023. Exactly like January 6th.

Thank fuck for SpaceForce!

American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Good morning Patriots. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Where We Go One, We Go All – The Battle Cry of Patriots As The White Hats press forward, their rallying cry echoes through the annals of history: “WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL.” This mantra embodies the unity and collective strength of patriots who refuse to be silenced. In a world teeming with hidden agendas, this battle cry serves as a call to arms for those who dare to challenge the status quo.

Oct 15, 2020 6:22:02 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa946f No. 11091496
Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.
They weren't about to repeat the mistake(s) of 2016.
You are what matters most.
You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.

"Future Proves Past" - We are the future looking into the past (Q post) revealing it was ALL TRUE.

Dec 09, 2017 10:40:41 PM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 4aa050 No. 63644
Please pray tonight.
Good people in harms way.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law[1] that empowers the president of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion. "If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them," Trump said in a short statement in the Rose Garden at the White House.

To do that, the president would need to invoke what's known as the Insurrection Act of 1807. The original text of the act, which has been amended several times since it was first passed, reads as follows:

The truth is coming.

They won’t be able to walk down the street.

Facebook and Instagram content enabled child sexual abuse, trafficking: New Mexico lawsuit

All MUST fall! Mirror.

Japan PM Kishida resigns as ruling party faction head amid funds scandal

The Saudi Royal Court issued a statement today, Thursday, announcing that Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz bin Bandar Al Saud had passed away.

Compiled Sat. 9 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

Border Crisis
Threats of Terrorist Cyber Attacks
Russia and NATO Preparing for War With Each Other

The Fiat US Petro Dollar Has Died
It’s The End Of The Illuminati World Banking System
And Birth Of The Global Sovereign Nation’s Gold/Asset-Backed Currencies

The end of the fiat USD happened on Wed. 6 Dec. when President Putin met with Saudi Arabia UAE.

מחברים את הנקודות - המדריך למתעורר dan repost
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סיפורו של בן שמעוני ז"ל הגיבור מה-07/10 דרך בינה מלאכותית.
סיפור גבורה מצמרר💔👇


David Avocado Wolfe dan repost
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Tucker on X Episode 46: The Alex Jones Interview (1 hour, 31 min, 50 sec)

2:46 Alex Jones predictions
15:07 Deplatforming
21:59 Dividing us on race
25:37 The border
28:09 Austin
32:12 New World Order
42:09 Brian Stelter demon video
50:57 Depopulation
1:07:51 Food
1:13:51 Whiskey
1:16:22 Presidential election

The Reptilian Human has only 1-3

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Reach out your hand and touch it ...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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😎🇺🇸🦅 The Real Estate market is corrupt. It’s bad enough counties put a blank check value on homes and collect an unconstitutional amount of money once a year on every piece of property. But then the Realtors take it up a notch. Artificially inflate prices. Make homes a commodity of supply and demand on a sales model independently of their own and then tack on a commission to keep their business going up. Lawsuits against them more are a coming. Unethical and driving the rest of humanity into the ground. A matrix of their own.

😎🇺🇸🦅 Besides the Stock Market crash. For you Realtor associates protecting your ‘current’ career at all costs. The rest of America is going to thoroughly enjoy the coming Housing Market Crash and it’s destruction down to the levels of 1955. Enjoy. ⚡️

😎🇺🇸🦅 The Real Estate Industry is another Mafia created business in America. Big banks are involved as well as local governments. This will STOP. Carry on

😎🇺🇸⚡️ Pretty interesting to think we have been funding our own slavery and our own demise since #1871.

American Patriot 🇺🇸

Anyone who believes in God should know that everything that is happening now is God's work.
The world was always under the full control of God, he made sure to expose the biggest criminals in the world and bring them to justice.
We are currently in special days when it is time to reveal the true face of the number one enemy of humanity, which is the establishment media.
The white hats currently manage everything and control is complete in terms of everything, signs that can be seen is that the media workers make pyramid signs during broadcasts in front of a screen, this is how they show their true face to the public.
The great majority of them no longer exist on the planet, most of them were not human at all, and they were executed outright, without even a trial.
Israel's governments for generations have always been controlled by the Zionist elite, the Rothschild/Rockefeller/Soros crime families
They were established by them and were obliged to serve them endlessly, anyone who tried to deviate from the path was eliminated and replaced.
Israel was everything, the media, the pharma, the money (money laundering), the arms trade, first place in the world in the trade of children and organs under the auspices of the Zionist elite and the branches they established in the world, for their cruel purposes.
The Khazarian Zionist elite made sure to carry out wars and instigated attacks according to dates they chose that serve their king Lucifer.
What is happening right now in Israel is a massive cleanup of all the technologies of the Mossad that made sure to track each and every Irish person with the technologies they created.
The Israeli army has always been subject to the considerations of a system called the Wexner Foundation, the main financier of the senior command in the Ministry of Defense, that's how they were able to buy senior commanders and go in and do whatever they wanted, killing soldiers, kidnapping soldiers, initiated attacks, full cooperation with criminal organizations like Hamas , the Islamic Jihad, ISIS, and more in Iraq, Iran, Yemen.
The Zionist Israeli government is built from the remains of senior Nazis who served the Khazars in the Holocaust, this is how they managed to get into senior positions in the government and pull the strings and pass anti-Semitic laws according to what they wanted.
God gave the world a beautiful and safe world and the criminals took advantage of it for profit and enrichment.
All the top traitors no longer exist on the planet, so what remains are the pedophile political puppets, most of whom are not even alive, so what remains are the thieving corporations that terrorized the citizens of the world with companies such as the income tax, enforcement, social security, corporate banks, and more... stop paying They have sponsorship fees.
The time has come to realize that what is left at the moment is to bring the truth out and there is nothing to be afraid of, publish everything you want, tell in any media and in any option what is on your heart,
They always made sure to murder you in every possible way, food, vaccines, technology, medicine, it's time to take them down once and for all. Because that's the only way we'll be able to rebuild everything for our benefit and for the benefit of our child's future.
Remember that we cannot stop what is coming, we are in the last line and what is certain is that we have already won in a big way. they lost



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ASAP 🙏🏻🌎👽🛸

British Nursing Alliance, The People’s Nurses dan repost
The most deadly vaccine that was ever created before the Covid shots. There was no placebo and many children worldwide were killed and maimed. Some took their own lives because they couldn’t deal with the state that they were in. In the UK, we give this to both boys and girls. Joan Shenton did an incredible documentary that I would encourage everyone to watch;

There is no evidence whatsoever that any virus causes cervical cancer.

The nurses who are injecting this have little or no knowledge about what they are injecting. Just following orders. So… paid assassins? It’s time to stop. The government leaflets do not even tell the children that they could die immediately or shortly afterwards and could be left with long-term serious debilitating disabilities and infertility. Welcome to the national homicide service 🌈

Truth Here dan repost
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The most profoundly truthful scene in any movie. This is from the early 80s. Just in time for 1984.


RevealedEye dan repost
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U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973%

Join: @RevealedEye

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