White Eagle Art

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Europa is and will be white. They will not replace us.

We do not want you in our lands, you do not belong here. Go home.

A big thanks to the troops defending the border from the hordes send by old commie scum Lupashenko in this so called "Hybrid attack" on both Poland and Lithuania.

Close the border and deport all the so called "legal" non-white migrants too.

On the 11.11.1918 Poland regained it's independence from the occupation of the 3 empires.

Since 2006 Polish nationalists organised marches in Warsaw to celebrate this day but also to raise a voice against the system.

Come and join the Nationalist block on the independence march in Warsaw!

kolumna nacjonalistyczna na Marszu Niepodległości!


Another version of the previous design

White Power Lifting Club

Every day a chance to improve yourself. Don't waste time. Get out there and train!

Strength is our path to victory!

Here's a playlist of heavy tracks for heavy training sessions:

HD remake of a artwork I found ages ago.

See you in Valhalla brother!

White Eagle Art dan repost
Пьяные рожи ревут о "победе", Считая себя непобедимым медведем, За год один раз быть победителем надо, Ведь дешёвая водка "героям" награда!

"A kto chce być sługą niechaj sobie żyje,
Niechaj sobie powróz ukręci na szyję
Niechaj swoją wolę na wieki okiełza,
Pan jest niedaleko niech do niego pełza

Niechaj jak pies wierny czołga się bez końca,
Za żydowskim biczem który go potrąca
I najpierw głaskany a potem wzgardzony,
Niechaj bolszewikom wybija pokłony

A kto chce być wolnym i prawe ma serce,
Niech walczy, niech cierpi choćby w poniewierce
Niech ducha pokrzepi myślą o przyszłości,
Niech czoła nie zniży w podłej służalczości

A kto chce być sługą niechaj sobie żyje,
Niechaj sobie powróz ukręci na szyję
A kto chce być wolny i prawe ma serce,
Niech cierpi, niech walczy choćby w poniewierce

A kto chce być wolnym,
A kto chce być sługą." 🎶

8th of May... "VE Day" / "Victory in Europe Day" ... But for whom?

Western Europe started to decay into degeneracy being occupied by the capitalist scum and eastern Europe got occupied by the backward Bolshevik horde...

And Today Europe is only decaying more and more with economical capitalism creating a generation of careless individualistic sadists and destructive cultural Marxism degenerating minds and souls with anti-European/anti-white rhetoric...

As the wise words go

"If these men have seen Europe today, they would of fought together and not against each other!"

So I came across this design, unfortunately I don't know who made it so I can't credit the artist.

Invictus translates to “unconquerable” or “undefeated” in Latin.

I really like the concept of this as it reminds of an old poster that many of you probably seen with that exact same quote.

And since this is low quality I though I'd try making my own version.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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