Writing IELTS

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☺️Who would you like to say 'thank you' to? 🙏 What for?⠀
These five #alternatives will give you more ways to show people they are much appreciated!⠀
☑️ @BLearningEnglish

Are you tired of always using the same #vocabulary?⠀
Here's something to help! Learn 5 #alternatives to 'then'!⠀
☑️ @BLearningEnglish

Sometimes it’s hard to say ‘no’ – here are 5 alternatives.😣⠀
Give them a try and don’t say no!
☑️ @BLearningEnglish
☑️ @EnglishWord

😠What makes you angry?⠀
Rudeness makes Rob see red! 😠⠀
Here are some alternative ways to say you're angry...⠀
☑️ @BLearningEnglish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🆚 'Go on doing' or 'go on to do' - what's the difference?
🔹 @GrammarReview

📘 Best Books that we recommend

🔴 Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics

🌐 Download 👉 link ($28)

🇮🇷 IRAN 👉 link

‘So’ is one of these words we find ourselves using all the time when linking sentences.⠀
Here are some possible alternatives that will help you improve your vocabulary.⠀⠀⠀
There’s lots more great content at
☑️ @BLearningEnglish

‘Because’ is one of these words we find ourselves using all the time when linking sentences.⠀
Here are some alternatives that will help you improve your vocabulary.
📝 @writing_ielts

‘But’ is one of these words we find ourselves using all the time when linking sentences.⠀⠀⠀
Here are some alternatives that will help you improve your vocabulary.
📝 @writing_ielts

🐱 A cat, a dress, a nice person… we are surrounded by cute things and people – so you need to learn some #alternatives to the word ‘cute’. They aren't perfect synonyms, but you get the idea.
📝 @writing_ielts

We are never too #old to learn something new, are we? Here are some #alternatives to ‘old’.⠀
👵 These aren't perfect synonyms - don’t tell your granny she’s ‘ancient’ or she’ll be mad at you!⠀

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