- My dear boy, let's have no illusions about that. If you were going to kill me, you would have done it as soon as you disarmed me, and you wouldn't have stopped just to have a nice chat about ways and possibilities.
- I don't have any choice in the matter! - Malfoy was suddenly as pale as Dumbledore. - I'm going to have to do this! He's going to kill me! He'll kill my whole family!
- My dear boy, let's have no illusions about that. If you were going to kill me, you would have done it as soon as you disarmed me, and you wouldn't have stopped just to have a nice chat about ways and possibilities.
- I don't have any choice in the matter! - Malfoy was suddenly as pale as Dumbledore. - I'm going to have to do this! He's going to kill me! He'll kill my whole family!