GOD JESUS SAVIOR super powers
GOD JESUS SAVIOR prepare super armies in heaven for armageddon world war 10 days on december 2029 GOD armies vs zombies satans .
GOD JESUS SAVIOR prepare super christians in world for help other christians survive pass through the great tribulations 7 years of 2023 ~ 2029 .
GOD JESUS SAVIOR give super powers to super armies of GOD in heaven and GOD JESUS SAVIOR give super powers to super christians in world :
* immortal = eternal life , live forever , can not die .
* invisible = can disappear , hide , no one can see .
* fly = can fly like superman with super fast speed .
* teleport = can move to long distance place in 1s .
* transform = change to someone/animals/things .
* multiplication = can make foods drinks unlimited .
* healing = can instantly heal pains sicks diseases .
* and many many many others supers powers etc .
( sources informations secrets )
GOD JESUS SAVIOR prepare super armies in heaven for armageddon world war 10 days on december 2029 GOD armies vs zombies satans .
GOD JESUS SAVIOR prepare super christians in world for help other christians survive pass through the great tribulations 7 years of 2023 ~ 2029 .
GOD JESUS SAVIOR give super powers to super armies of GOD in heaven and GOD JESUS SAVIOR give super powers to super christians in world :
* immortal = eternal life , live forever , can not die .
* invisible = can disappear , hide , no one can see .
* fly = can fly like superman with super fast speed .
* teleport = can move to long distance place in 1s .
* transform = change to someone/animals/things .
* multiplication = can make foods drinks unlimited .
* healing = can instantly heal pains sicks diseases .
* and many many many others supers powers etc .
( sources informations secrets )