ー Kata Rein.

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My mind say, "Hello Friend!" And my heart say;

Rp Nct Dream absen sini dong! Bentar lagi mv nya :(

Ini typo nya banyak banget astaga 😔🙏 Kalo susah dibaca, mohon maaf ya.

Renjun anak baik. Chara gue anak baik. Renjun gabakal aneh-aneh.

Forward from: Huang Renjun
yo guys, report @renjunsukacoli. cukup report, gak perlu subs atau komen

Forward from: unloving you
"I love you" that means I'm not just here for the pretty parts. I'm here when you have a bad day. I'm here when I feel you don't need me anymore. I'm here no matter what.

Udah ah, jadi mellow kieu.

I miss the good old days.

Bukan cuma itu, gue juga kangen diri gue yang lama. GUe kangen gue di akun lama. A stubborn person that loves to goof around people she loves, flirting with everyone, having and getting so much supportive friends and family, getting so much love, not faking any laughter, having friends that always hyped me up.

Jujur, gue takut, trauma, buat kehilangan orang lain. Apalagi yang udah sama gue dari lama.

She doesn't accept my apology, katanya i was such a dissapointmtnt, stubborn. Kata yang paling nyakitin menurut gue, pas buna bilang, "saya nyesel nerima kamu di gc. Gara-gara kamu, semuanya hancur. Gc yang saya bangun dari lama, rumah saya, keluarga, semuanya hilang gara-gara kamu." I was freezing. Gue gatau mau ngomong/ngetik apa. After a couple minutes, gue instantly minta maaf. Gue ngakuin kesalahan gue. But still, she doesn't accept my apology. Because of me being stubborn, gue kehilangan semuanya. Teteh, buna, keluarga, rumah, tempat cerita, and everything. Even my old self.

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