22 Mar 2025 Global 🌎
▫️Albania, Operation Orkidea: Prostitution ring busted in Tirana: 8 arrested, 44 foreign women rescuedA prostitution network in the capital was dismantled this Friday by the Tirana police.
As a result of several months of investigations, 11 security measures were executed, with 8 individuals arrested, including organizers and collaborators in this criminal activity. Three other individuals, among them the network’s leader, have been declared wanted. As part of the operation, 44 foreign women from Latin America were also prosecuted, suspected of being exploited for prostitution.
According to investigations, the activity was led by 47-year-old G. R., who operated from Colombia and collaborated with 39-year-old E. S., responsible for ensuring the conditions in Albania for the illegal activity. They had created an organized structure with the help of several other individuals, including a police officer identified by the initials A. B.
▫️Exploitation and human trafficking, police arrest six people between Italy and IcelandThrough the investigations, the illicit activities of the criminal association, of mafia type, called Maphite, made up of Nigerian subjects and present in Italy and in several European states, were reconstructed.
Human trafficking, mafia association, aiding and abetting illegal immigration. Exploitation of prostitution, kidnapping, extortion and procuring abortion. The operation was carried out simultaneously in Rome, Brescia and on Icelandic territory.
The criminal group is dedicated to human trafficking, facilitating clandestine entry into Italian territory, exploiting prostitution, extortion and money laundering. During the investigations, further victims were identified, including minors, who, unaware of their future, and in the company of a “boga”, faced a long journey, full of physical, psychological and sexual violence, crossing Nigeria, Niger and Libya.
https://www.agenzianova.com/en/news/exploitation-and-human-trafficking-police-arrest-six-people-between-italy-and-iceland/ (VIDEO)
Prominent Chilean Trans Activist Received Support From Pro-NAMBLA “Homosexual Liberation” Org Head Despite Being Exposed As Child RapistReduxx has learned that a prominent Chilean trans activist recently revealed as having raped a boy had been promoted and supported by one of the nation’s leading LGBT groups – and that it’s founder had previously defended the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).
Rolando Jiménez, founder of MOVILH (El Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual), which has received government funding, provided financial support to pedophile María López Barrera, formerly known as Rodrigo Alejandro López Barrera, for his trans activism. MOVILH is one of Chile’s leading LGBT activist organizations and has received over 279 million pesos from the government since 2001.
▫️NetSmartz is NCMEC's online safety education programIt provides age-appropriate videos and activities to help teach children be safer online with the goal of helping children to become more aware of potential online risks and empowering them to help prevent victimization by making safer choices on- and offline.
https://www.missingkids.org/NetSmartz/home- - - - - - - - N-E-E-D- -H-E-L-P-?- - - - -🌍 - - - - - -
Europol tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 |
https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crimeUS-NCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
https://www.interpol.int/What-you-can-do/If-you-need-helpHuman Trafficking Help and Resources:
https://trafficking.help/us/#countries- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -