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🌺 Dark L versus Light L
🔅 By: Coach Shane

✅ #Pronunciation @QuizMasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

​​♨️Today's idioms :♨️

ℹ️cheer someone up
🌸to make someone happy.

ℹ️ give someone credit
🌸To acknowledge someone's attribution.

ℹ️give credit where credit is due:
🌸To give thanks to a person who deserve it.

ℹto go into business.
🌸To start a business

ℹ️ good thinking:
🌸Good idea

ℹ️Help yourself :
🌸Serve yourself

ℹ️To be in a bad mood:
🌸Be depressed.

ℹ️Just what the doctor

🌸Exactly what was needed

ℹ️Make a bundle :
🌸Make a lot of money

ℹ️To be on the edge:
🌸To be nervous.

ℹ️Out of this world:
🌸Very delicious

ℹ️Pig out :
🌸To eat greedly
✅ #idiom #i78 #SELA
@engmasters @quizmasters

Adjectives pie chart 🥧

✅ #vocabulary @quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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Animals parts
What is this called?

✅ #vocabulary @quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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🗣 This A.I. can recognize your accent.
Just speak, and poof! ✨ The A.I. will score your pronunciation, and show you how you can improve. Feel free to share your results in comments.

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✅ #application @QuizMasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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⭐️ #slang @QuizMasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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How America was founded 2😂😂

✅ #fun @quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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🤑 Countable and uncountable (Part-1)

📚 English grammar in use
✅ #grammar #g69
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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🗣️ Echo words are so fun, you'll say them twice! 😜

✅ #speaking @quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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5️⃣ Tiny pronunciation differences


🔸 Nosy has the same “o” sound as in go, slow, and those. 
🔸 Noisy has the same “oi” sound as in boy, toy, and coin.


🔸 Quite is one syllable. It rhymes with right, white, and fight. 
🔸 The word quiet has two syllables, with the stress on the first one: QUI-et.


🔸 Still rhymes with fill, will, and kill.
🔸 The word steal rhymes with feel, deal, and meal.


🔆 The TH sound and the TR sound are definitely challenging for English learners – but it’s important to differentiate them!

 🔸 Three has a “soft TH” like in the words think and thirsty, and the “soft TH” is followed by an R sound – same as in throw, thread, and thrift.
 🔸 In the word tree, the T has more of a CH sound, so it should be almost like TCHREE. This TR combination is the same as in true, transfer, and trip.


🔸 The “an” in ankle should be like in the words bank and thanks. 
🔸 The “un” in uncle should be like in the words fun and under.


🔸 Care rhymes with air, square, and wear,
🔸 and car rhymes with far, star, and bar.

@QuizMasters #Pronunciation
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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Skin conditions
What is this called?

✅ #vocabulary @quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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💢 Expressions with: Get!

✅ #speaking #s47 @Quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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⚜️ Game Changer!

✅ #word72 #idiom
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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How America was founded 😂😂

✅ #fun @quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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👢 Shoes Vocabulary 👠

✅ #vocabulary @QuizMasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

Fill in the blank with the missing word: (your reaction is your answer)

➡️ His uncle owns four computer companies and lives in a big .............. out in the country.

👍) mansion
❤️) bungalow
👏) apartment
🙏) hut

✅ #quiz #q40 #Vocabulary
@EngMasters @QuizMasters

💢 Five alternatives to Why 🤨

✅ #speaking #s46 @Quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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👮‍♀️ Border Control: Vocabulary and misunderstandings.

✅ #fun @quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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These 6 phrases will make you sound more fluent!

✅ #idiom @quizmasters
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters
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💢 Other Ways To Say: Sad 😕!

✅ #speaking #s45
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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