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Here's proof Americans don't speak English

✅ #grammar #fun
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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Grammatical mistakes to avoid
⛄️ Feel free to ask why

🍳 #grammar #intermediate
🌈 @EngMasters @QUIZMASTERS

​​🔰 Vocabulary class
🌀 Strong feelings and reactions Part 2 Part 1

4️⃣ devastated /ˈdevəsteɪtɪd/ adjective
📖 feeling extremely shocked and sad
📌 SYN heartbroken
🏷 She was left feeling totally devastated.
🏷 The whole town was devastated by the tragedy, in which fourteen schoolchildren died.

5️⃣ lose your temper/cool/rag ↔️ hit the roof/ceiling
📖 to be very angry
🏷 I should not have lost my temper and behaved in that manner.
🏷 Ranieri returned, saw the mess, and hit the roof.

6️⃣ gutted /ˈɡʌtɪd/ adjective [British English] (informal) [not before noun]
📖 extremely disappointed, especially because you were unsuccessful
🏷 I was gutted when I lost my job
🏷 I know how gutted the players must feel

#vocabulary #v225
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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⚜️ Has a nice ring to it.

✅ #idiom #intermediate
@QuizMasters @EngMasters

💢Other ways to say:
Very Sad😔

#speaking #s60
👉 @EngMasters 👈
👉 @QuizMasters 👈

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A day at the clothing store 👗👚
Take 🆚 reach

✅ #vocabulary #intermediate
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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●‍‍‍ GRAMMAR ➧[forget + infinitive vs + ing]
The meaning of forget [+ infinitive & ing]

■ Some words, like forget, have different meanings when they're followed by infinitive and gerund (ing)
• To forget to do sth (= not to remember to do sth you should do)
• To forget doing sth (= to no longer remember sth (experience) you've experienced)
Watch the video to see more
☆ #GRAMMAR #intermediate
@QuizMasters @EngMasters

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Choose the correct option: (your reaction is your answer)

➡️ What do you hear?

👍) A glass crown and his sikh ends me
❤️) A class clown and it sickens me
👏) A grass clone and and it thickens me

✅ #quiz #listening
@EngMasters  @QuizMasters

⭐️ The (Part-4)

📚 English grammar in use
✅ #grammar #g76
@EngMasters @quizMasters

📓 Needle in a haystack

📑 Something extremely difficult to find, especially because the area you have to search is too large

📝 John and Samantha have lost their daughter in London on vacation; Gosh! Finding her might be like looking for a needle in a haystack!

#idiom #intermediate
👉 @EngMasters
👉 @QuizMasters

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The things you do to your friend
Learn how to express some playful moves in English😁🤪

3k 1 28 3 18

​​​​🎉🎊 Happy Nowruz & Iranian New Year 🎉🎊

🎏 Happy Nowruz to people all over the world specially Iran, Afghanistan, China, India, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Albania, Iraq, Syria,Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Turkmenistan,... and wherever people celebrate this day as the begining of spring 🎉♥️🎉

🤲 Wish this year and new day (Nowruz) brings the warmth of love and illuminates your path of life towards a positive direction.

✅ #dayevent #celebration
@EngMasters @QuizMasters

●‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Pronunciation➧ [audio+script]
The American short vowel sounds

■ English has short and long vowel sounds, they're essential to mastering your pronunciation
This podcast is all about short vowel sounds (æ, ɛ, ɪ, ɑ, ʌ)
Listen and improve your pronunciation.
☞ Download The PDF File

@EngMasters @QuizMasters

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4️⃣ Very common idioms 👍

✅ #Idiom #intermediate
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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Common Mistakes in English
Use Of The Wrong Tense

🗂using may instead of might in a subordinate clause.

❌ Don’t say: Last Sunday Alisa told me that she may come .
✅ Say: Last Sunday Alisa told me that she might come.

💡May changes to might in subordinate clause, when the verb in the main clause is in the past simple tense.

📨Note; The conjunction “That ”is never preceded by a comma.

#Misused_Forms #MF_40
@engmasters @QuizMasters

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👩‍🎓 Wish VS Hope

✅#BBC_Learning_English #grammar
@EngMasters @QuizMasters

Fill in the blank with the missing word: (your reaction is your answer)

➡️ In the village where I grew up, everyone survived by helping ................. through the hard times.

👍) one other 
❤️) one or other 
👏) one another

✅ #quiz #q41 #Vocabulary
@EngMasters @QuizMasters

💢 Other ways to say: More than

✅ #speaking #s59
👉 @EngMasters ⬅️
👉 @QuizMasters ⬅️

4k 1 16 2 13

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Trying to have a juice 🥤
Spill/drop/tip. Do you know the difference? 🧐

✅ #‌vocabulary #common_mistakes
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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🍽 Adjectives ending in -ble

✅ #vocabulary #intermediate
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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